Online Games: Starting From Killing The Ultimate Boss

Chapter 197 Full server focus, PK competition begins

"You have the most magnificent skills in the entire server, the most top equipment, and the combat experience with BOSS and players, and it is the richest in the entire server."

"If you can't take the top ten in this way, you should reflect on whether you should work harder!"

Jiao Yuan's two words brightened everyone's eyes.


They seem to underestimate themselves!

With their skills, they were carefully cultivated by Jiao Yuan, and it can be said that they top 99.99% of the players in the entire server.

The level of familiarity with the new vocational skills also belongs to the top handful.

The previous experience of fighting with hundreds of thousands of players outside the Xuanwu City guild made them familiar with the timing of battles, the timing of their own skills, and so on.

Isn't it just a fair model, can't it be crushed by equipment?

Relying on PK technology to climb to the top does not seem to be difficult!

Thinking of this, everyone couldn't help but feel refreshed.

"Don't worry, Master, I will definitely have a place in the top ten this time!" Brother Gang said vowedly.

"Yes, I can definitely get a top ten position!" The little fairy shouted unwillingly.

"And I!"

"And us!"

Each member rushed to say.

They had thought a lot before, but now after Jiao Yuan's analysis, in their opinion, it would be too shameful if they couldn't get the top ten.

So they are full of fighting spirit, ready to show off in the PK competition!

"That's right!" Jiao Yuan nodded in satisfaction, "Come on, you are the best!"

Everyone said with excitement that they would never let Jiao Yuan down.

Only Shuang Aoxue whispered, "What? It feels like my father is encouraging a child..."

Although the voice was small, an unnatural look flashed across the faces of several people around, especially the female players such as June Yu.

They shouldn't be a generation younger than Jiao Yuan for no reason!

After that, how can you speak embarrassedly and pursue him?


There were only nine people in Shuang Aoxue's party, and Jiao Yuan would definitely not participate in this PK.

In other words, even if the most ideal result is that these nine people are all in the top ten, they will still vacate a position for other players to occupy.

You know that the top ten awards are quite expensive.

Jiao Yuan also carefully considered before, whether to lower the standard of the top ten awards, but after thinking about it, he gave up.

He now controls the underground city warehouses and shopping malls, and has countless wealth.

In the eyes of the players, the rewards are very generous, but in front of Jiao Yuan, it is just drizzle.

In other words, he is now equivalent to a super local tyrant with the highest wealth. Picking out some worthless things from the nails will shock 99.99% of the players.

Summary: rich and capricious!

That's why Jiao Yuan didn't lower the reward standard.

On the other hand, the PK event Jiao Yuan gave players two days of preparation time, and after two days, it began.

With the expansion of the dungeon territory, 600,000 new players can join.

Nowadays, looking at the players of the whole human camp, there are few who don't yearn to enter the dungeon, so it will soon be full.

At this point, there are nearly 1.2 million players in the entire area, except for those who specialize in sub-professionals and hate combat, almost all have signed up for this event!

Two days later, as of the moment before the start of PK, the number of registered players exceeded one million!

When seeing this number, all players on the server were shocked!

"Fuck, so many people?"

"Niubi Niubi! Only one out of a hundred players can enter the top 10,000? These people are too hard!"

"Nonsense, the reward is so generous, can you not work hard for you?"

"Of course I have to fight! This is not a chance!"

"Fuck, I regret that I didn't line up early, which resulted in the 600,000 quota after the expansion of Qianye Dad's site, but it didn't make it!"

"Me too, otherwise, with my skills, I might be able to mix in the top 100!"

Two days' time is enough for the player PK contest information held in the dungeon to spread to every corner of the whole server.

Unparalleled scale, terrifying rewards with deadly appeal, and a fair model where everyone has a chance!


With the continuous completion of Jiao Yuan’s [Recruiting Adventurers] series of missions, players in almost all areas of the dungeon have basically been transferred to super rare professions. The strength of the profession and the quality of the dungeon equipment deserve all. Serve the top batch.

Under this background, if you can get a better ranking, you will definitely be famous.

If you rank in the top, you might be favored by the Great Demon King Chiba and become a younger brother like Gangzi, Eternal Big Tits and others!

Fame, status, and future!

As long as you have outstanding performance in this PK contest, you will definitely gain a lot!

Therefore, the eyes of all players on the server are focused on this PK event!

The players in the dungeon are gearing up and preparing to do a big job, while the hundreds of millions of players outside can only drool over the rewards while quietly waiting for the start of the PK activity.

Countless players, while participating in the competition, started the live broadcast, sharing the exciting competition of this PK contest!

Under the eyes of millions of people, the PK competition has finally begun!


"Wonima, is this the Wandering Gunner? Really handsome!"

"Not only is handsome, but the skills are also terrifying. It is indeed a career that my father Qianye often maintains!"

"The blue fist on the other side is also very handsome, and the speed is as fast as that!"

"Fuck Fuck, have you seen this exorcist? The skills are really domineering, all in a hegemonic state!"

"Niu Pian, this PK contest is really a long experience!"

Many live broadcast rooms and forums began to discuss this PK-related content overwhelmingly.

At present, because there are too many people, they are still in the knockout round of the first round of sea elections, so there is no way to predict the ranking for the time being.

Many players are discussing the professional charm of the contestants in this PK!

The sharp swordsmanship of the sword soul, the gorgeous skills of the roaming gunner, the invincible rain cover of the qigong master, the elegance of the blue fist, the baby army of the summoner...

One by one career, they showed their best in this PK contest!

As mentioned before, Jiao Yuan had already demonstrated the awakening skills of various professions when facing the Lv180 mythical BOSS Lord of the Abyss, but many small skills were not used at all.

This PK competition can be said to have deepened the impression of all players on the server.

The yearning for all the professions in the dungeon has increased again!

Keeping this mood, the first round of the knockout round is over after just five minutes!

One million players were swiped down in an instant!

Next, they had a ten-minute break, and the winner went on to participate in the second round!

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