During the PK competition, the single-round elimination system is implemented.

Each player who signs up for the competition will be matched with an opponent under the random allocation of the system and enter the PK field duel.

The winner will advance to the next round, and the loser will be eliminated!

In the first round, 500,000 contestants were directly eliminated!

The second round, the third round, the fourth round... until the top 10,000 are eliminated, all are single-round elimination rules!

Such a mechanism does test players’ luck. If a player with a strong skill matches another with the same skill and is eliminated from the previous rounds, it would be very miserable.

However, there are too many players participating, and this is no way.

In the unlikely event that he had the strength to enter the top ten thousand, but was eliminated halfway through the unfortunate encounter with a stronger opponent, he could only admit that he was unlucky.

After the top 10,000 players, it became a BO3 mode with two wins in three rounds, and the opponents were still randomly assigned.

This means that every player, as long as they have two victories in three battles, will be able to advance!

In this round of BO3, another 3300 people were selected in an instant.

Then continue to the next round of BO3, until the top one thousand are ranked.

Ranked 101st~1000th, implement the points competition system, win a round to get 3 points, draw each side get 1 point, and lose 3 points.

After each player has played ten rounds, the top 100 players will be automatically promoted.

Then use the points mechanism to exclude the top ten.

The top ten are drawn from their opponents, and the three winners of five rounds enter the next round to compete for the top three.

In the same way, until the first place appears, this PK contest is over!


Since the limited time of each PK is only 3 minutes, the first few rounds will soon be over.

Members ranked 10,000 are elected!

In order for these people to have enough time to digest the combat experience, so the next day, they started to continue to compete for the top 1,000 rankings!

But this does not affect the excitement of these players.

"Uuuuu~ great, I am in the top ten thousand!"

"Ten gold coins, so comfortable!"

"Loved love, from now on, I will never leave the dungeon again!"

"Envy and jealousy have separated me, I want to participate too..."

"I really hope that this kind of event will follow up again, it's so cool!"

The top 10,000 rewards only have a reward of 10 gold coins.

But this is already very rare.

You know, if an ordinary player wants to save 10 gold coins, he has to save at least ten days. Even in the dungeon, the explosion rate of each instance will be much higher than the outside world, but it will take at least a week. .

Now a few rounds of PK are only an hour's time, which can save a week of effort.

This reward can give players a taste of the sweetness!

At the same time, with the end of the first day of the PK game, many outside players also talked about it.

The topic of PK competition rewards on the forum is endless.

Soon, the next day came.

On this day, after several rounds of knockouts again, 1,000 players advanced!

After getting the ranking rewards, this time the players boiled a lot more than yesterday.

"I'm going, is this rare equipment? Fragrant, so special!"

"Rare equipment can be comparable to ordinary gold-quality equipment from the outside world. Isn't it amazing?"

"Two [Resurrection Coins] are available, and there are additional gold coins and equipment rewards, so refreshing!"

[Tianwang PK Tournament] In the mission, the top 1,000 players will be rewarded with 20 gold coins, 2 resurrection coins, and a rare piece of purple quality equipment that suits the players themselves given by Jiao Yuan.

Just watching the task rewards, everyone is not very excited.

Now that the reward is in hand, almost all of them can't help but dance!

Players who can only watch the game from the outside world have said that they are too jealous!

On the third day, the points match mechanism appeared. Two hours later, the top 100 players finally decided!

"There are 3 resurrection coins and 20 gold coins again, there are 50 gold coins and 5 resurrection coins in total! It's so comfortable, I'm just ranked in the top five hundred!"

"I'm in the top one hundred, gold coins and resurrection coins are twice yours, and there are artifact quality equipment!"

"Upstairs, I missed a high-fashion voucher!"

"Hahaha, earn a lot of money!"

The top 500 players will be rewarded with 20 gold coins and 3 resurrection coins; the first 100, 5 resurrection coins, 1 high-end fashion voucher, plus an extra piece of pink artifact quality equipment from Jiao Yuan!

Pink artifact quality equipment, such as [Split Soul Blade], is not inferior to the legendary quality equipment of the outside world in terms of attributes alone!

Jiao Yuan's inventory of equipment of this quality is also limited, and can only be randomly distributed according to occupation, and others can't choose freely.

But even so, no players are dissatisfied!

After all, this is the equipment of legendary quality!

Ordinary players like them, if it weren't for this PK competition held by Jiao Yuan, or the year of the monkey, could they have a chance to get it!

And outside players, their jealous eyes are red.

On the fourth day, the top ten were selected from the top 100!

After two and a half hours of fierce fighting, the top ten members are confirmed!

They are: Rain in June (Lv41 Paladin), Shuang Aoxue (Lv41 Swordsman), Brother Gang (Lv41 Asura), Feng Qingwu (L42 Elementalist), Eternal Big Tits (Lv40 Exorcist) ), Brother T (Lv41 Elf Knight), A Kou (Lv41 Roaming Gunner), Qiu Xisheng (Lv40 Demon Scholar), Yongdi (Lv40 Blue Fist Saint Envoy), Lao Hu (Sword Soul).

Many of Jiao Yuan's little brothers, except for the June Flower and Little Fairy, all others are in the top ten!

This is a bit beyond Jiao Yuan's expectations!

Because in the top ten, three players are new faces!

Jiao Yuan deliberately checked the information of the three and found that Qiu Xisheng and Yongdi belonged to their own guild, while Lao Hu was an ordinary member of the Fengming Guild branch.

"This is really not a good thing. It's a blockbuster. I didn't expect that there are still these three talents!"

Jiao Yuan whispered in surprise.

He had paid attention to the PK of these three newcomers, but found that their skills were not inferior to those of Shuang Aoxue and others, but because of the scarcity of skills, he fell behind and should have missed the top three.

However, this has been regarded as a talent excavated by accident, and Jiao Yuan is very satisfied.


The fifth day comes, which is the last day.

Among the ten members, they must compete for the top three and even the first place through a mutual PK model!

The battle on this day, the attention has completely exceeded all the previous games.

Whether it is the players in the dungeon or the players in the outer area, almost the vast majority of people are patiently waiting for the results to appear!

While waiting for the ranking competition to start, they couldn't help but talk about each other.

Yesterday’s top ten awards, but I just looked at them all!

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