Online Games: Starting From Killing The Ultimate Boss

Chapter 302 Beaten for five minutes, a shot of 1.1 billion!

Thomas curled his lips, it was about his life-saving hole card relationship. He didn't care about Irene's face, he still complained:

"Originally, we and Your Excellency Qianye should have completed the transaction smoothly. I really don't know how you thought about it. We must provoke him!"

"It's alright now. After seeing Lord Qianye's real combat power, I started to panic, right?"

"I'm telling you, it's too late to tell General Hybolun to stop, don't make a mistake!"

After being repeatedly questioned by her subordinates, Irene's face was terribly ugly, and she looked at Thomas angrily, "The senior management naturally has the decision of the senior management. You only need to do your job well, don't speak. No one treats you as dumb!"

"Also, who said I was panicking? Don't be afraid to tell you, the veteran of civilization, Lord Haysius, is already on the way over!"

Originally, Thomas was planning to top the first sentence, but as soon as the word "Hasius" came out, he was silent for an instant.

Jiao Yuan, a foreigner, doesn't know, but he knows the horror of Haysius!

The veteran of the civilization, one of the two current guardians of the Amethyst clan, the super-A-class legendary magician who is famous for the entire star field!

With him going out in person, no problem will be a problem anymore!

Ai Liner saw that Thomas, who was a stalker, finally shut up, and she was relieved, her eyes flickering when she looked at the battlefield.

"Huh, a foreigner, even if you are strong, you will definitely have no power to fight back in front of Lord Hysius!"

"We are the slaves of the Amethyst clan, you are determined!"

Thomas heard Irene's fierce talking to herself, and he could only silently pray that Jiao Yuan's position in civilization would be better in the future.

After all these days of contact, he understands that Jiao Yuan's easygoing is a very comfortable outsider.

He didn't want to see him fall into a miserable slave state.


The eyes of the players and NPCs outside the battlefield flickered, and everyone has their own ideas.

The two sides on the battlefield are much simpler.

As the fighting time passed, General Hybolun's mood turned anxious.

"Damn it, why can't I do my best but I can't help him? Isn't he a mere B-level pinnacle professional? Why is his strength so terrifying?"

Heibolun felt like a fleas leaping in front of the tiger. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't make the tiger take it seriously.

This kind of aggrieved mood almost made him explode!

Super A Grade bosses in the Star Territory rarely shoot. Since entering the A Grade professional, he has never been so aggrieved!

Damn it!

Damn it!

Damn it!

Heibolun became more and more irritable, and even lost his sense of measure during the battle.

He is only focusing on attacks now, using every trace of his body's strength in his moves, completely giving up defense.

In fact, it didn't matter to do so, because of the task, Jiao Yuan was not prepared to attack him within five minutes.

Unknowingly, another minute passed, and it was close to 4 minutes and 40 seconds since the start of the battle.

Heibolun still attacked in vain, but the offensive action gradually slowed down.

Because he deeply understands that no matter how hard he tries, he can never win this battle!

Thinking of the fierce declaration at the beginning, Hai Bolun's mentality was about to collapse at this time!

"Damn fellow, why don't you attack and look down on me?" He suddenly stopped his offensive action, and said viciously: "As a general of Amethyst civilization, I don't need the pitiful enemy. I want to kill and follow you. Poop!"

How many ways are there to find death?

Jiao Yuan glanced at him strangely, Gu Jing's voice was silent, "Don't think too much, the time is not up!"

"The time has not come? Are you fooling me? What time do you need to kill? You have to be more careful to find excuses, bastard!" Heibolun was furious, "Or, you have the attributes of the Virgin and never kill?"

"Haha~ My Mother? Who gave you the illusion?"

Jiao Yuan looked weird. In Seablue Star, the player killed by him was connected to the NPC corpse, fearing that he could circle the planet.

But Hebrun has his own reasons: "Since it's not the Virgin, why didn't you kill me, or why didn't you kill those dirty star thief in the first place?"

"Oh, that's it!" Jiao Yuan nodded.

Throughout the time he came to Star Territory 130, he had killed any creature because it was unnecessary.

It turned out that this gave the other party the illusion...Wait!

Jiao Yuan suddenly thought of a question. The reason why the senior officials of Amethyst Civilization planned this trap against him today was because he thought he was really the Virgin, right?

This misunderstanding is too big!

People are good at being deceived!

Jiao Yuan twitched the corner of his mouth, and decided to use the NPC in front of him who was bright with Hebron star to stun the Amethyst civilization with iron and blood!

Heibolun, who didn't know the countdown to his life, was still beeping.

"I heard that creatures on some planets are as fierce as tigers, but have docile characters like rabbits. Is that also true for you?"

"This character is really bad!"

"If it is true, you should obediently submit to our Amethyst Civilization, and you will be guaranteed to have a bite!"

"How about it, isn't it a good opinion? Think about it?"

Jiao Yuan smiled without saying a word, and looked at the task time.

Eight seconds...five seconds...three second!

"I tell you, our Amethyst..."

Heibolun suddenly became addicted to Beep, and wanted to say something.

But Jiao Yuan saw that five minutes had passed since the time had elapsed, and as a list of reminders appeared, he immediately lost his patience.

"Hehe, my virgin? Take it to death!"

At this time, Jiao Yuan was already the professional appearance of Wings of Heaven (Spear God), raising his hand was a [headshot]!

Lv45 skills have a base attack power bonus of 8165.3%!

After a long battle, Jiao Yuan's passive BUFF was already full, and the lower limit of physical attack had exceeded 6 billion at this time!

Although 2300% of the critical strike damage hits the head of an NPC that exceeds his Lv93 level and has been reduced, there is still at least a tenfold increase in blast damage!

-1.1 billion!

A big, blood-red number suddenly rose from the top of Heibolun's head.

He didn't even leave a last word, and instantly lost all his life!


As quiet as death!

All witnesses, including the audience and NPC, all had their eyes suspicious!

It was a long time before the barrage of Jiao Yuan's live broadcast room appeared like a snowflake!

"My god, 1.1 billion output per shot?"

"Dad Qianye really dropped an Lv293 BOSS in an instant?"

"Horror, too scary!"


"Look, the purple sweet potato essences are also shocked!"

"Just now I couldn't help but suspect that there was a problem with Heibolun's brain, and kept provoking my father Qianye, now regret it? It's too late!"

"Purple Sweet Potatoes must have never thought of this answer!"

One hundred and one billion shots were beaten for five minutes.

After the players witnessed this scene with their own eyes, it was all boiling!

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