An A-level expert was shot by Jiao Yuan in an instant. The audience was naturally happy to see this, but the Amethyst civilization side was extremely angry about it.

"General Hai Bolun... was killed in a second?!"

"How could it...damn it!"

"Isn't this guy only a mere B-level peak? Why can he do such a thing?"

All the purple sweet potato spirits had their eyes widened, and their faces were full of horror and anger.

No matter how much they overestimated Jiao Yuan, they would never think that he could actually be an A-level professional Hai Bolun in seconds.

You know, General Hai Bolun is not an ordinary A-level pinnacle professional, looking at all civilizations in the entire star field, his strength also belongs to a small group of people at the top of Transcendent A-level.

It is impossible for anyone to be able to do it in a flash, except for the super A Grade boss!

Is the information reported by Thomas true? This foreign visitor is really a Super A Grade powerhouse?

At this moment, the Amethyst Civilized NPCs present were all panicked.

But at the same time, an immense anger suddenly rose in his heart.

For Amethyst Civilization, General Hybolun is not only the top combat power, but also has the potential to sprint to Transcendent A Grade. Most senior leaders of the civilization believe that if there is no accident, there must be Transcendent A Grade in the future star field. He has a place!

But now, he was killed by a foreign visitor!

How can this keep them from feeling angry?

"Damn it, Amethyst Civilization will never let you go!" Irene scolded angrily.

Jiao Yuan glanced at her, but did not respond.

Because after killing Hybolon, the rewards of the task were settled as promised——

[You have completed the task "Persevere to the End", and the rewards are being settled... After the rewards are settled, you will randomly get one of the opponent's specialties "Vietnam and more bravery"! 】

[Vietnam and more courage: When fighting with the target, the HP of the target drops below 50%, and the output of the target is +10% (valid for single target, invalid for targets above Lv300!)]

Although there are limitations, in general, it can be regarded as a very good ability, which allows Jiao Yuan to increase a certain win rate when facing the enemy!

Not only that, but there are additional surprises——

[You have killed A-level professionals (natural disaster level), complete the "Racial Ascension" task condition 1! 】

"It turns out that an A-level professional is a natural disaster level? Not bad!"

Jiao Yuan nodded happily.

[Racial Sublimation] The task is very important as to whether he can continue to improve his level.

Now that one condition has been completed, there is only a second condition left-100 points of cosmic legend.

One step closer to breaking through the level limit!

On the other side, Irene is still constantly mad.

"Damn it's foreign visitor, dare to kill the general of our amethyst civilization, you have a big deal!"

"Wait, wait for our civilized elder Haisius to come, it will be your end!"

"Don't worry, we won't kill you. After all, you still have a high value. We will let you do nothing for Amethyst Civilization for a lifetime. This is how you will kill General Haibolun!"

The veteran Hays?

Looking at the other person's expression that he is in control, he should be a Transcendent A Grade professional, right?

Jiao Yuan looked thoughtful.

Immediately afterwards, I also had some expectations in my heart.

At present, his own panel is not enough to understand the strength in the 130th star field, only the level of the combat target can be used to refer to what position he is in.

The gap between Hai Bolun's offense and defense was too big for him, and he had already proved that he was not one of his own tricks to control the enemy.

Next, if you can fight with Transcendent A Grade professionals, you may be able to get an accurate measurement result.

And Jiao Yuan is also a little curious. According to the information he has inquired from Lieutenant General Thomas these days, Transcendent A Grade is not only the strongest in the 130th star field, but also has the ability of "Smashing Stars".

Jiao Yuan doesn't know whether this information is true or false. A-level professionals can only cause greater damage to the earth, but Transcendent A-level can break stars alone. Isn't this span too big?

Is it touted?

This doubt can only be understood by fighting in person.

But before the battle, Jiao Yuan did not give up his original plan!

"From the time you framed the effect of [Remy's Potion], we are enemies! Of course I will not be soft on the enemy. Do you still expect me to click until the end, let go of this Shilao Haibolun?"

Jiao Yuan sneered and continued without waiting for Irene to say anything, and continued: "This topic is exposed, I don't want to hear you beep again, now I have proven my strength and tell me whether the transaction will continue!"

After killing our civilization potential stocks, still want to resume trading?

At this moment, Irene had forgotten that the original cause of this incident was that she had developed greed in her civilization, and shouted angrily: "You want to be beautiful!"

Jiao Yuan shook his head disappointedly, and said with emotion: "I was going to be a good person, but you have to force me to be a butcher, why bother?"

While talking, he slowly approached Irene.

Now that one has been killed, it doesn't even care about the others.

Perhaps it is only the lesson of blood that these superior civilizations know how to get along with each other on an equal footing.

"What do you want to do?"

Ai Lin'er watched Jiao Yuan gradually approach, and couldn't help showing a look of horror.

The situation where Hai Bolun was shot by the opponent in a second is still vivid.

She is a C-level civilian, how could she not be afraid!

"What do you mean?"

Jiao Yuan tilted his head, with a joke on his face, "Anyway, you have torn your face, and even now you are still rejecting the deal I sent out. If you are not too stupid in your mind, you should understand what I am going to do?"

Irene: "..."

She sat down on the ground, her pupils suddenly shrinking.

She knows it, thinking in another way, the other party sees that the transaction is completely impossible, and she is ready to kill!

It is precisely because of this that she is so frightened!

"No, I... I don't want to die!"

Irene kept crawling back, and at this moment, a prompt came from her ear, and then she showed a surviving expression.

"Hahaha, the veteran Haysius has arrived, I see how arrogant you are!"

That's right, what was passed to her earphones at this time was the information from the high level of civilization reporting Haisius.

Hearing this, Jiao Yuan frowned.

At this time, an extremely tyrannical pressure came, making Jiao Yuan's heart tense, temporarily giving up the idea of ​​killing Irene before it came—

[Combat information: Lv316-level Super A martial artist "Hasius" releases the domain skill "Super A Coming", your movement speed and attack speed are reduced by 30%, and you fall into 10 seconds of imprisonment! 】

【Due to your superb endurance, the control time is shortened to 3 seconds! 】‘’

[Due to the trigger of the battle, you get the opponent's panel information. 】

【Hasius (Lv316)】

[Occupation: Super A Grade Budo Master]

[Race: Amethyst]

[HP: 21 billion]

[Attack: 2.11 billion]

[Defense: 3.06 billion]

【Skill:? ? ? 】

[Specialty:? ? ? 】

[Note: One of the top NPCs in the 130 star domain! 】

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