At the same time, through the focal point of view, the audience in the live broadcast room also saw the panel of Haysius.

In an instant, everyone was boiling!

"I'm going, I thought it was too much, that's it?"

"I have been listening to these purple sweet potato essences, Super A Grade has many cattle batches and many cattle batches, so it turns out that it is just so offensive and defensive!"

"Hahaha, although this panel is countless times higher than our average player, it can't be compared with my Qianye Dad at all!"

"It's similar to the previous Apostle Flame Devourer Antoun? It turns out to be this kind of rubbish, my Qianye Dad can easily suppress him!"

"Although it was unexpected, it is true!"

That's right, the reason this panel made the audience boil was not because of fear, but because of letting go of their worries.

You must know that the NPCs of Amethyst Civilization kept saying that Transcendent A Grade Niubi, possessing the ability of "Smashing Star" grade, plus this is an unknown cosmic civilization, let the audience try their best to guess Trans A Grade professionals Think high.

I heard that the Super A Grade boss has come before, and everyone is still very worried.

But after seeing this panel, they all laughed.

That's it?

Isn't it about the same as the apostle Anthun?

Two months ago, my Qianye father was able to kill Antoun. Two months have passed. Isn't it crushing you to kill you?

At this moment, the worries in the players' hearts disappeared, and everyone began to look forward to waiting for the face of Amethyst Civilization.

That must be interesting!

But Jiao Yuan doesn't think so!

Because, although Haysius' panel attributes are lower than his own, the legend of "Broken Star" is not groundless. Such a strong man must have his own uniqueness.

Otherwise, why can't oneself achieve the level of "broken star", but the other party can do it?

"Perhaps, this is because the power operation skills are many times higher than mine!" Jiao Yuan thought secretly.

Attributes don't mean everything.

Jiao Yuan's feelings of this truth have been getting deeper and deeper recently.

He felt like a sluggish giant with a body of power, but no corresponding way to release his power.

Although there are many skills throughout the whole body, all of them give him a feeling of restraint.

He is looking for ways to change recently, and it may be a good opportunity to play against Transcendent A Grade.

Jiao Yuan waited secretly.

At this moment, the panel has a new response——

[You trigger the task: Perseverance and unyielding! 】

[Task content: Facing the aggressiveness of the Amethyst civilization and the advent of Transcendent A Grade martial artist, can you withstand the pressure and leave a legend in this star field? 】

[Task Condition: Try to fight with Transcendent A Grade and stay undefeated for longer! 】

[Task Reward (divided into three stages): Basic 60E experience; persist for one minute, and randomly reward the opponent with an extra skill; persist for five minutes, you can choose one of the opponent's specialties from the five choices; persist for 20 minutes, You can choose three of the opponent's specialties or skills at will! 】


new task!

Different rewards in three stages!

Jiao Yuan took a deep breath and his eyes lit up!

Not to mention the 60E experience, the additional rewards made him very excited.

Hold on for a minute, can you get a random feat?

Specialty is equivalent to the title effect that can be worn additionally, or it can be regarded as a passive skill, and the bonus to combat power is very significant.

Can you choose one of five if you insist on five minutes? Or take the initiative to choose what you need most?

Persist in not losing for 20 minutes, can you even take the initiative to choose three?

Jiao Yuan was extremely excited.

This task came in time!

Just now I had some worries about how to improve my skills, so it took the initiative to send it to the door?

As for the possibility of not completing the task?


No matter how strong the opponent's skills are, and his attributes are here, it is not a problem to get hit.

And the task requirement is to keep oneself undefeated. Isn't it simple?

Isn't it enough to keep taking drugs?

Even, the advanced profession that actively transforms into the priesthood-the thinker, frantically brushing milk is over!

As soon as his mind moved, Jiao Yuan immediately turned into a thinker!

After thinking about so much, in fact, the real time is only a few seconds past.

At this time, an old man with a white beard and purple potato spirit wearing a yellow cloak also arrived in front of Jiao Yuan.

"Young man, you can kill General Haibolun, your strength is very good!"

"But in front of me, you have no chance of winning, surrender!"

"Decisively surrender, then, maybe I will propose to the high level of civilization to make your life better for the rest of your life, at least not to be squeezed too hard!"

This old man of purple sweet potato essence is just the veteran of the amethyst civilization—Hasius, a super A grade martial artist!

Before the battle started, he proudly persuaded Jiao Yuan to surrender!

And Jiao Yuan gave a return to this.

Not to mention how he could be a lifelong slave, he couldn't surrender with the task just triggered!

Besides, if you are a player, even if you lose in the end, you will die once, and then after the resurrection, will you be a hero again?

I just don’t know where I will be resurrected if I die in the 130th star field!

A strange thought came to Jiao Yuan's mind, and then he was relieved.

No matter where he is resurrected, there is a secondary dimension world anyway. When he just passed the wormhole, he also left a coordinate in this star field.

When the time comes, it will be transmitted through the secondary dimension world!

Therefore, Jiao Yuan dismissed Haisius' arrogance!

"Old man, I heard that you are a Transcendent A Grade professional, you can fight well, right?"

"It just so happens, I am also very confident in my own strength, I think you should be more serious, don't be killed by me accidentally!"

Jiao Yuan releases the unique attack skills of the thinker, knocks it with a hammer, and kindly persuades as he releases it: "Remember to squeeze when you are about to die, otherwise I won't stop!"

It is true that he conveyed the words that General Hybolen had given him back to Haisius intact!

He did this for a purpose, not only to irritate the opponent, and not to stop actively because of fear of himself after the fight, but also to look at the opponent's skills through long battles, and choose what kind of rewards after the mission is over.

Sure enough, after hearing these words, Haysius seemed to be laughing angrily.

He shook his head: "Young man, I really don't know that the sky is great!"

Facing the big hammer that was thrown out from the focus, he actually had the confidence to avoid it, but it seemed that to show his detached strength, he raised his hand and prepared to take the attack!

Because of the [Professional Mastery I] authority gained after being promoted to the Senior Lord, Jiao Yuan's hammer is more than ten times stronger than before.

I saw a huge golden phantom that was almost 100 meters high quickly falling down, right on top of Haysius's head!


A loud noise!

In the next moment, a huge number of "36.11 million" appeared on the top of Haysius' head!

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