"One, smashed Wasteland Star with one punch?"

"Fucking, Dad Qianye is in such a big mess!"

"6666, in my life waiting for the salted fish, I can only look up at the back of Qianye's father!"

In the last scene of Jiao Yuan entering a different-dimensional world, it shows the scene of him punching the wasteland star for a moment.

Although it was only a few blinks, it was enough for the player to look up.

At this time, the barrage in the live broadcast room exploded in popularity.

However, Jiao Yuan himself did not pay attention to these for the time being. After turning off the live broadcast option of the first perspective, the system has a new movement——

[System consciousness: You have smashed a star! 】

[As a foreigner, you have left a rich and colorful legend in Universe 130, and you will be rewarded with 10 points of cosmic legend! 】

After carefully reading the two lines of prompts in the system, Jiao Yuan's eyes lit up!

"There are actually ten cosmic legends? Not bad!"

Now his cosmic fable is 14 points in total. Although it is far from the 100 points required by the [Race Sublimation] mission, can you see how long it has been since Jiao Yuan has earned 10 points?

And this time fighting against Transcendent A Grade martial artist Haysius, let him benefit a lot.

He has changed his mind now!

Although the idea of ​​trading with Amethyst Civilization has been cut off, he is not ready to leave.

At present, the best way to improve combat effectiveness with the power you control is to fight against many A-level and Transcendent A-levels in the 130 star domain, so as to trigger missions to acquire the opponent's abilities.

Of course, the universe is so big that there must be other ways of prompting, but since Jiao Yuan has already encountered it, he is ready to stay here for a while.

After all, the power of the "Broken Star" class surprised him!


The place where Jiao Yuan came out of the secondary dimension world was the place where he had just arrived in the 130th star field, right next to the wormhole in the universe.

At present, the affairs of Amethyst civilization have come to an end, but not only to improve strength, Jiao Yuan also wants to continue to search for information about 112 good stars or how to contact the curse in this star field, so he plans to find another force to do it. trade.

As for the items to be traded, it is natural to use [Remy's Assistance].

Having settled his attention, Jiao Yuan was going to wander around for a few days to see if he could encounter any opportunities.

However, when he was preparing to set off, he encountered an embarrassing problem-he could not drive a warship!

"The three skill books I got from Luke's private treasure at the beginning were all about starships, and I only knew a little about battleships."

Jiao Yuan sighed silently.

The difference between battleship and starship is--

Warships are mainly used in wars. They are simple in size, with excellent defense, firepower, and agility and speed.

Starships are basically used to transport goods unless they are products of advanced technology and civilization. The operating systems of the two are very different.

In fact, Jiao Yuan has never figured out why Luke made a starship in the first place?

Do you still want to bring the newly-acquired brothers from the Arad continent back to Hyperion?

I really don't know what Luke this old man thinks!

No way, since he couldn't drive the warship, Jiao Yuan had to drag the heavy starship out of the secondary dimension world again and flew away.

After getting everything done, Jiao Yuan started wandering aimlessly.

However, because he still had a task chain on the Dracula Star Thieves organization, he flew to the coordinates [130.144.856] left by Pigir.

There, it is said that there is a long-distance teleportation formation organized by Dracula.


Soaring in the vast universe is a very boring thing, especially when you are alone, there are no accidents along the way to play for fun.

The coordinates of 130.144.856 were far away from Amethyst Civilization, and it took Jiao Yuan three days to reach this location.

It has been a long time since Pigir’s agreed time, and Jiao Yuan actually did not hold much hope that he would meet the No. 001 Predator Squad organized by Dracula.

However, reality gave him a big surprise!

Although I didn't meet the No. 001 Predator Squad, I met the vanguard led by Pigill!

Pijiel and other star thief are a group of cannon fodder. Jiao Yuan originally thought they were dead after being captured by the Amethyst Civilization, but he did not expect to meet again here.

"what's the situation?"

Jiao Yuan put away the starship and stepped onto Pigir's spacecraft, and asked curiously: "Aren't you caught by the Amethyst Civilization? How come there is nothing at all?"

Pigill smiled triumphantly, "Qianye Pavilion...Daddy, can I call you that way?"

Jiao Yuan's mouth twitched.

He was immune to too many children, but at this time he was actually recognized as a father by a Pippi Shrimp? I feel offended!

But he also asked curiously: "Why do you call me like that?" There was never before!

As soon as the voice fell, Pigill suddenly got excited, and explained the sibling dance:

"Dad Qianye, you are too good, your battle with Amethyst Civilization Transcendent A Grade Hysius has been exposed! Now the entire star field is circulating your message!"

"Everyone said that you are a mysterious alien visitor, with the ability to make magical medicines, and your combat effectiveness is comparable to that of a Super A Grade boss. What's more, it is said that you have the Super A Grade terror ability to replicate the battle!"

"Amethyst Civilization has issued a huge reward for you, and the rest of the civilization appears to support it, but our boss said that everyone wants to cooperate with you, and I don't know if it is true or not."

After thinking about it, Pigill added another sentence: "By the way, I am here because the boss ordered it, Dad Qianye, do you think our transaction continues?"

After listening to this explanation, Jiao Yuan was really confused.

"No, is his Amethyst civilization brain-dead? Why should it be exposed? Isn't it good for them?"

Exposing their own existence seems to make the NPCs of Star Territory 130 support the reward of Amethyst Civilization, but what is the actual effect?

When they left, they already showed their ability to escape. They didn't understand that the number of people was meaningless to them, right?

The reason why I took the initiative to step into the trap of Amethyst Civilization at the beginning was that I had no fear!

As soon as this information is exposed, Amethyst Civilization will become a background board, but it has achieved its own reputation. Maybe the super A Grade with the head, find yourself to challenge it.

In that case, it would be too great for yourself!

Pigill curled his lips, "The Amethyst civilization doesn't want to be exposed, but how could it be possible to hide such a huge movement of the Wasteland Star? Besides, the purple potato spirits who went to the Wasteland Star at the beginning, but many of them were from other civilizations. Spy, you can't hide it!"

"...Well, I overestimate them!" Jiao Yuan nodded.

This matter is good for me, so I won't be held accountable.

And Pigill seemed to finally think of the doubts raised by Jiao Yuan at the beginning, and explained triumphantly:

"Daddy Qianye, why did I escape smoothly? Of course, there was too much noise when you smashed the Wasteland Star. The supervision of Amethyst Civilization is not good!"

Jiao Yuan: "..."

Good guy, it turned out to be my credit.

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