Online Games: Starting From Killing The Ultimate Boss

Chapter 312 Finalize the target, three-way transaction.

So according to what Pigill said, his reputation has spread in the 130th star field?

Jiao Yuan shook his head indifferently, no longer thinking about these messy things, and said sternly: "Just now you said that your boss wants to continue trading with me? It's a coincidence, I think so too!"

"That's great!" Pigill looked surprised.

Jiao Yuan reminded: "Do you know what I need?"


"Well, I won't repeat the first three conditions. Now I want to add one more, which is about the creation, construction, and driving skills of battleships and spaceships!"

The battleship snatched from the hands of Amethyst Civilization can see if it can be opened, which can make Jiao Yuan depressed and broken.

At this time, the transaction with the Dracula organization continued, just taking the opportunity to add this one, and even Jiao Yuan greedily wanted to master all the knowledge, so as not to go to other star regions in the future, the battleship was damaged, but he was helpless.

With regard to the newly attached conditions, Pigill has nothing to do with it.

Anyway, after going through the series with Amethyst Civilization, everyone understands that Jiao Yuan has a lot of magic medicine, and his family will not suffer.

"I'm going to ask the boss!"

Pigill fiddled with the communication device a few times, and soon a projection appeared in front of the two of them.

"Hello, Lord Qianye!"

Boss Dracula made a full gesture, first greeted him and then briefly introduced himself: "I am the leader of the Dracula Star Pirates organization, you can call me Edmund!"

"Hello, Edmund!"

Jiao Yuan looked at the opponent carefully.

From the appearance, the opponent is obviously also a red mud tribe, the same race as the Pigill team, and because it is a phantom, there is no way to throw a reconnaissance technique on him.

Edmund first complimented Jiaoyuan, expressing his admiration for his battle on Wasteland, and then opened an invitation.

"Your Excellency Qianye, although our Dracula organization is not comparable to advanced civilization, it also has its own unique advantages. Can you join us?"

"Don't worry, once you join, then I will abdicate and let the virtuous, you are the new boss!"

Dracula's sincerity can not be said to be insufficient, as soon as he opens his mouth, he directly surrenders the position of the incumbent.

But how could Jiao Yuan accept his solicitation?

He also has a task chain that comes from the Dracula organization, and it's almost the same as destroying them.

But now is not the time to turn his face, Jiao Yuan smiled faintly, "Don't mention this matter in the future, let's talk about the transaction, first determine the time and place."

Seeing Jiao Yuan's refusal, Edmund sighed with regret, but didn't continue to say anything, his mind turned to the specific transaction.

The two parties confirmed the specific content of the transaction in a short time-

Jiao Yuan took out 100 [Remy’s Aid], Edmund handed over a top-of-the-art warship in the 130 star domain, along with relevant knowledge.

In addition, regarding the three conditions of the 112th star field, the planet Hyperion, and the method to eliminate the curse, he couldn't help it.

Fortunately, Jiao Yuan was not disappointed without waiting for the final result, because Edmund proposed another trading goal.

"Your Excellency Qianye, I have just contacted the top management of Blue Star. They are very interested in this transaction and want to get a share of the pie. Do you think it is okay?" Edmund asked respectfully.

Secret Blue Star Civilization?

Jiao Yuan was taken aback.

This is the hegemonic civilization, one of the three ruler civilizations in Star Territory 130!

How did you get in touch with the notorious Star Thieves organization?

Is it difficult for the moral Kura organization to have the support of the Blue Star civilization behind it?

Jiao Yuan glanced at Edmund thoughtfully, but it had nothing to do with him.

The secret blue star civilization is called the oldest civilization in the 130 star field. It has existed for hundreds of thousands of years in the ephemeris records, and the background is not bottoming.

Of course it would be better to be able to trade with them!

"Of course it can." Jiao Yuan first replied to Edmund's urging, and then hurriedly asked: "What do they want from me?"

As long as you know any of the last three conditions, you are one step closer to solving the [Curse of the Hebron Star Revenant]. If the Azuremyst Civilization can really provide what you need, Jiao Yuan doesn’t mind giving them more. benefit.

On the other side, Edmund seemed to be communicating with the top management of Azuremyst Star.

Jiao Yuan is not in a hurry.

Soon, Edmund gave the answer.

"The executives of Azuremyst Star said that they want a lot of [Remy's Aid], as well as the magical medicine for continuous recovery that Lord Qianye used in the battle against Hysius!"

Jiao Yuan recalled for a moment and realized that they were talking about [Magic Water] potion.

[Magic Water]: After use, HP will continue to be restored within ten seconds, and a total of 30% of the total HP will be restored!

"Yes, have a foresight!"

"This potion is called [Magic Water], and the effect is no worse than [Remy's Aid], and even under certain circumstances, it has a better effect."

"The specific number of transactions, wait until I get what I need, let's talk about it!"

Jiao Yuan nodded, and decisively agreed.

Anyway, these two potions are not valuable to him, and there is an unlimited supply in the underground city consumables mall.

And compared to other consumables, [Remy's Aid] and [Magic Water] are not top-notch, and Jiao Yuan also has a better effect of [Shiny Remy Aid] and so on.

In short, it doesn't hurt at all to trade out.

After getting a positive reply, Edmund was obviously also a little happy.

While quietly communicating with the high-level civilization of Azuremyst Star, he gave the answer in a short time.

"Your Excellency Qianye, the Blue Star, ask for a face-to-face deal with Black Rock Star in a day's time. What do you think?"

Face-to-face transactions?

Jiao Yuan thought that the other party would tell him directly in the communication channel, but he didn't expect it to be so troublesome.

But why is this trading model so familiar?

By the way, isn't this the set of traps set by Amethyst Civilization?

Did the Blue Star Civilization also learn this trick?

Jiao Yuan was not surprised but rejoiced.

You know, he took out the "Smashing Star" level skills from Haysius.

The screen of the battle with Hysius was exposed. If the enemy in the 130th star domain wants to deal with him, he will inevitably invite super A Grade powerhouses. If he fights against them again, wouldn't he be able to extract the opponent's abilities through missions?

Who would dislike the "Broken Star" level skills?

Jiao Yuan has no reason to refuse such a good thing!

"Yes, that's it!" Jiao Yuan agreed with a smile.

"Then, I hope our transaction goes smoothly!" Edmund also smiled and nodded.


After finalizing a new round of trade, Pigill flew towards Black Rock Star with Jiao Yuan.

A day later, all three personnel arrived at the surface of Black Rock Star.

The Blue Star Civilization sent more than a dozen blue human-shaped NPCs, and Jiao Yuan casually threw out a reconnaissance technique and discovered that this was a race named [Blue Devils].

What makes Jiao Yuan a little strange is that the Dracula organization has a newcomer.

"Where is Edmond?" Jiao Yuan asked curiously.

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