Online Games: Starting From Killing The Ultimate Boss

Chapter 313 When the transaction is in progress, lift the curse?

Three-party transaction, what happens when one party is absent?

Although the transaction with Amethyst Civilization is the same, Jiao Yuan still wants to complete the task chain of Dracula's organization and take the opportunity to touch their nest.

If Edmund doesn't come, how can he accomplish this task?

"Don't worry, Dad Qianye, Edmund said, let me trade on behalf of the organization!" Pigill said suddenly.

"Let you represent?" Jiao Yuan frowned. "According to what I have discussed with your boss before, you have to give top battleships and related knowledge. Didn't you see any top battleships?"

While on the way, Jiao Yuan stayed on Pigir's spacecraft.

He knew very well that Pigir could not provide top warships.

At this time, the Blue Star Civilization stood up, and the one who spoke was an A-level superpower named Billy.

"Your Excellency Qianye, we have reached a consensus with Edmund, and we will provide the items they trade!"


Jiao Yuan was really taken aback for a while, and it took a long time to react.

According to his previous guess, the Dracula organization is backed by the Blue Star, so this operation seems quite reasonable.

But if Edmund didn't come, he was still a little unhappy in his heart.

Anxiously turned his eyes, he looked far away at Pigir, "I wanted to make friends with Edmund, but he didn't even come to the transaction personally. Is he looking down on me?"

The first half of Jiao Yuan's words made Pigir happy.

He is well aware of Jiao Yuan's abilities. It is obvious that his organization can establish friendly relations with each other, and obviously there will be many benefits in the future.

But after hearing the second half of the sentence, he couldn't help but pale.

"Your Excellency Qianye misunderstood." Pigill waved his hand in a panic, "How could our boss look down on you, he, he is just too busy to come in person."

This rhetoric was actually what Edmund had told Pigill long ago.

In fact, although everyone understands that Jiao Yuan can provide magic medicine, it is just a deal.

No one can say whether he will have great malice towards the Star Pirates organization.

The Dracula organization can exist in the 130 star domain for many years. Not only is it because of the support of a strong civilization behind it, but Edmund himself also follows the principle of caution, and he cannot personally receive the goal of the organization without a clear attitude.

What's more, although the opponent is on the surface of the B-level pinnacle, but the combat power is comparable to the super A-level boss.

The Dracula organization does not have a Super A Grade boss in charge, and can't afford to provoke each other.

So Edmund decided to let Pigill act on his behalf.

The reason is naturally not explained clearly, so the details have been worked out with the Azure Star in advance.

Seeing Jiao Yuan's unhappy expression at this time, not only did Pigill give an explanation in a panic, but Billy, the representative of the Blue Star, also quickly changed the subject.

"Your Excellency Qianye, I promised with my life that Edmund definitely didn't look down on you, and he even admired you very much!"

"But please don't pursue these unimportant things, let's start trading!"

Looking at the surrounding NPCs to persuade him to expose this topic, Jiao Yuan sighed secretly, knowing that it was troublesome for him to find the Lair of the Star Thieves organization.

But he did not give up, and decided to wait for the transaction to be completed before trying another wave.

Jiao Yuan settled, and Billy said "" "All right, then let's start trading!"

Next, the two conveniences start trading.

First of all, in the first round, Billy ordered his men to drive up a battleship and give relevant knowledge.

[System prompt: You have learned advanced battleship driving skills! 】

[System reminder: You have learned advanced warship assembly technology! 】

[System reminder: You have learned advanced battleship research and development technology! 】

Jiao Yuan was very satisfied with the three techniques, and then looked at the battleship provided by Azuremyst Star——

[Item: Silver Dragon Battleship]

【Armor: 20000/20000】

【Firepower: 18000】

【Energy: 20000/20000】

【Speed: 15000m/s】

[Special skills: overclocking status (armor value -20%, movement speed +20%, can last up to 60 minutes)]

[Manufacturer: Secret Blue Star No. 1 Research Institute]

[Detailed description: This is a top warship in the 130th star field! 】

Very strong attribute!

Compared with the starship obtained from Luke's private treasure, the firepower, armor, and speed are too much, and the energy is still sufficient!

And in the last column of the panel [Remarks], it also shows that the Azure Star did not deceive itself, and the Silver Dragon is indeed the top technology battleship in the 130 good star domain.

The silver warship is about ten meters high and thirty meters long, and its simple appearance reveals domineering.

Jiao Yuan liked it more and more, so he happily paid 100 [Remy's Aid], and then put the Yinlong battleship into the secondary dimension world.

His refreshment made the next transaction smoother.

"I heard that you proposed to Amethyst Civilization that as long as there is a way to solve the curse, other transactions will not matter, right?" At this moment, Billy asked suddenly.

"Yes, I said this to the senior officials of Amethyst Civilization!" Jiao Yuan nodded, his eyes lit up, and asked, "Have you found a way?"

If the curse Debuff of [Haibolun's Soul] can be solved, do I still need to find the 112 Star Territory?

Wouldn't it be a good idea to wave around in this star field and then wander around?

It would be great if the curse could be resolved now.

In Jiao Yuan's expectant gaze, Billy smiled mysteriously, commanding everyone behind him to make a way, and an NPC like a magician appeared.

"This is one of the guardians of our Amethyst civilization, Transcendent A Grade Magister Genos!" Billy introduced with a proud face, "Master Genos' research on the soul is disdainful of the entire star field. And the ordinary curse acts on the soul, there must be no curse that an adult can't solve!"

Super A Grade Magician?

Jiao Yuan said in his heart, he said why after he understood his combat power, the Blue Star sent a group of miscellaneous fish, it turned out to be the escort of Transcendent A Grade boss!

Jiao Yuan's eyes cast aside the others, and he quickly threw out a reconnaissance technique, and found that there was no second Transcendent A Grade, and he was a little disappointed.

After all, he can expect to extract abilities from Transcendent A Grade, the more people, the better.

At this time, a flash of light flashed in Jiao Yuan's head-since the other party is greedy for my consumables, why don't they ask for a battle with Transcendent A Grade at the expense of consumables?

In the same way, the Super A Grade bosses of other civilizations can also be lured into Liga!

The more he thought about it, the more his heart moved, Jiao Yuan seemed to see countless "broken star" level terror abilities being embraced by him.

The gaze looking at Jenos was also full of heat, making the latter uncomfortable.

But now is not the time to talk about these things, Jiao Yuan feels that at least the transaction is completed first.

Solving the curse of [Haibolun's Death] is the most important matter, and everything else will be considered later!

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