Online Games: Starting From Killing The Ultimate Boss

Chapter 314 The contact with the curse failed, and the information about the star of Hyperion.

Because of the idea of ​​letting the players of Seablue Star have a long experience, Jiao Yuan has closed the first-view live broadcast interface, but the live broadcast room has not been closed, so everyone can know his dynamics.

However, since Jiao Yuan's itinerary has been rather dull since the passing of the Star Breaking Wasteland, the number of viewers in the live broadcast room has been much smaller.

Now I met a new Super A Grade boss, so the live broadcast room started to boil again!

"I'm going, Transcendent A Grade Magister? Is Dad Qianye getting new abilities again? I look forward to it!"

"When I first came, I asked why I still didn't fight? I can't wait to witness the real combat power of this Transcendent A Grade Magister!"

"Is there a sand sculpture upstairs? Didn't you see the two sides are trading? What are you playing?!"

"Indeed, at least the transaction must be completed before discussing the follow-up. I believe that Dad Qianye will not let go of this opportunity."

The previous incident where Jiao Yuan extracted the two abilities of Haysius through missions is still vivid. The audience is very much looking forward to Jiao Yuan's new "Star Breaking" skill, and they are also curious about the true nature of Transcendent A Grade in the 130 star field under full power. What is the extent of Weili's achievement!

It's a pity that Super A Grade bosses are rare in the 130 star domain.

After finally meeting one, you still have to put down the matter at hand and come to observe?

As a result, under the word of mouth, the number of viewers in the live broadcast room began to climb sharply.

And under the popular science of the old audience, everyone also understands that at this time Jiao Yuan is trading with this Jenos magister, and the content of the transaction is to lift the curse.

Regarding this point, Jiao Yuan did not hide it from everyone before.

The audience understands that the reason why he can't wait to break into the starry sky is not only because he wants to see more shining civilizations of cosmic creatures, but also because he wants to find the star of Hyperion and eliminate the curse debuff effect in his body.

At this time, everyone is looking forward to whether this Transcendent A magister named Jenos can give Jiao Yuan a lot of time?

Soon, everyone got the answer-no!

On Black Rock Star, Jenos releases all kinds of magic from Jiaoyuan.

[Combat information: Lv431 Super A Magister Jenos, deal with you and release "Mind Purification". 】

[Combat information: Lv431 Super A Magister Jenos, deal with you and release "Soul Purification". 】

[Combat information: Lv431 Super A Magister Jenos, against you, release "Dark Energy Port Search". 】


The battle information is refreshed one after another.

Jiao Yuan felt countless energies washing his body, it was cool for a while, and a slight tingling for a while.

After experimenting for five minutes, Jenos released dozens of purification magics, but Jiao Yuan never got any hints related to the [Curse of Hybolen Star Revenant].

After a while, Jenos shook his head, "Sorry, the power of this curse is too complicated, I can't touch it at the moment!"

As an expert on soul, Jenos understands that there is a curse in Jiao Yuan's body.

And because of the decision of the senior civilization, he didn't have any reservations, and wanted to eliminate this curse and obtain two magical cures.

Unfortunately, after using all the purification skills, he still failed to do it.

"Is there no way Master Jenos can do it?" Billy's eyes widened, his face full of surprise.

There is nothing shameful in admitting that he failed, and Janos acquiesced.

In Jiao Yuan's somewhat disappointed gaze, he suddenly said: "Just give me a hundred, fifty years, you will definitely find a solution to the curse!"

Jiao Yuan: "...I thank you, but don't need it!"

How can there be fifty years? After thirty years, the curse will erupt completely, and he will become a waste of 0 attributes.

Jenos said the same as Bai said.

"Hey, there is no hope for you, I'd better go and look for Hai Bolun star honestly!" Jiao Yuan sighed.

On the side, Janos frowned, feeling a little puzzled.

General Transcendent A-level professionals use the "millennium" as a unit to calculate their lifespan. The top Transcendent A-level can live to tens of thousands of years before they die. What is a mere fifty years?

However, considering that the other party had different perceptions from his own, he did not express his doubts.

Upon seeing this, Billy on the other side quickly changed the subject:

"For Master Jenos who can't lift your curse now, we are sorry for the Blue Star Civilization."

"This condition is revealed, let's start the next round of trading!"

"There is information about...Hybolun Star!"


Jiao Yuan's eyes lit up.

"Great, speak up!"

Finding Haiboxing is equivalent to finding the civilization that wiped out all the creatures on Haibolun, and it is also equivalent to finding [Haibolun’s star core]. This is the orthodox solution to the curse given by the mission.

Can't help but feel unhappy.

As a qualified representative, Billy did not immediately inform Jiao Yuan's answer, but made a request.

"Your Excellency Qianye, once you say things like information, there is no value in the second transaction, so let's talk about the terms first!"

Jiao Yuan was taken aback for a moment, then smiled, "Yes, you can make a request!"

Just waiting for your words!

Billy's eyes flickered, and the lion opened his mouth wide: "If you tell you all the information about Hybolen, you will need to pay two kinds of potions for a total of 1,000!"

As soon as the voice fell, Jiao Yuan accepted without hesitation, "No problem, tell me first before paying!"

Did you agree so readily?

Billy was a little confused, he was still going to bargain with the other party, but his brain reacted quickly after thinking, and said: "No, pay first!"

"How do I know, how much value do you want to say about the information?" Jiao Yuan's expression became cold.

"Then we are not sure, after you get the information, whether you will fulfill your promise!" Billy also quickly retorted.

Jiao Yuan took a deep breath. A thousand pieces of [Remy’s Aid] and [Magic Water] were not in his eyes, and they were not distressed at all for exchanging information about Hybolon, but this kind of thing is exquisite. It is the conscience of both parties. What if the other party conceals something if the payment is made in advance?

Can you tell all the details?

However, stalemate is not a solution here, it is a waste of time!

When Jiao Yuan thought about it, he had an idea: "I will pay half of the potion as a deposit. After this round of transaction is completed, I will pay the other half!"

"Your Excellency Qianye, this seems to be something..."

Billy still wants more security deposit, but Jiao Yuan doesn't want to ink with him anymore.

"Achievement is achieved, but not achieved, give me a word!"


Billy's mouth twitched, and he was surprised by Jiao Yuan's decisiveness.

Then I thought that even five hundred potions could give the boss a satisfactory explanation, and I was a little excited.

At the same time, he took the deposit handed over by Jiao Yuan.

After finishing the count, he handed Jiao Yuan a few pages of information with a serious face.

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