Online Games: Starting From Killing The Ultimate Boss

Chapter 318 The experiment and everyone's shock! (Five more)

The task has been completed, Jiao Yuan no longer has to act with Jenos.

So suddenly stopped the action.

"Huh? Don't you fight?" Janos asked suspiciously.

Jiao Yuan smiled and nodded: "Well, thank you!"

After speaking, according to the agreement, take out 50 pieces of [Vitality Potion] and [God’s Blessing], and hand them to each other.

Jenos lifted his spirits, and after receiving the potion, he quickly placed it in the space under his control, and then asked Xiang Jiao Yuan curiously.

"What abilities did you gain?"

Before the old days have been exposed, Jiao Yuan simply did not hide it, and said with a smile: "I have gained a few abilities, and I am about to try them. You are the original master of these abilities. By the way, I have a grasp. How's it going!"

Jenos' eyes flickered, and he agreed.

At the same time, the NPCs present and the audience in the live broadcast room are all looking forward to Jiao Yuan's experimental skills.

"You said, how many skills did Qianye Dad acquire?"

"Have you forgotten the task triggered by Dad Qianye last time? Twenty minutes passed, it must be five!"

"Four random, and one out of five? So envious!"

"Let's take a look, maybe the four random ones are all garbage specialties, the Great Devil Qianye can't always go against the sky, right?"

Naturally, the experimental skills should clear the surrounding NPCs to avoid accidental injury.

Soon, the venue was emptied.

When only Xia Jiao Yuan and Jenos remained on Black Rock Star.

In the eyes of everyone, Jiao Yuan took a deep breath and watched his state return to full, then decisively used [Magic Broken Galaxy]!

In an instant, a azure blue magic power gathered from his fingertips, and in just a second, it reached a huge compression ball of 10X10 meters!


Jiao Yuan slammed against the surface of the planet, and the magic suddenly exploded!

The rock shattered into powder, a mushroom cloud appeared in the sky, and the terrifying shock wave started from the center of the explosion and quickly rolled around!

I don't know how long it took, when all the dust settled, a huge pit appeared on the planet, endless!

Jiao Yuan flew the Silver Dragon battleship to an altitude of one thousand meters in an instant, only to see the edge of the big pit!

"Fuck, this, is this something that humans can do?"

"Niu, niu niu, niu approved, my father Qianye!"

"One skill destroys the size of two main cities? Hiss... incredible!"

"No, I think there are five major cities the size of!"

On the barrage of the live broadcast room, there was an exclamation!

The [Magic Broken Galaxy] used by Jiao Yuan is the biggest strategy, which means that the attack coverage is 10WX10W square kilometers.

In theory, the audience should not be so shocked after seeing the scene of "Broken Star".

But after all, the last time he punched Wasteland Star, because Jiao Yuan hid in the secondary dimension world, the audience only saw it for a moment.

How can there be such a shock that comes from the deep pit that you have watched with your own eyes and for a long time?

Compared with this skill, the skills of ordinary players like them are almost as shameful as playing a house.

Jenos on the other side looked at Jiao Yuan's eyes, full of complex expressions.

Even if the Amethyst civilization was exposed before, Jiao Yuan has the special ability to copy the opponent's ability from the battle, but it is always a video screen, and it is more shocking if you don't see it with your own eyes!

At this time, Jenos' head was filled with incredible detectives!

It turns out that everything is true!

Does this kind of miracle race actually exist in the universe?

Do everyone in the other's hometown possess this ability to replicate?

Terrible race!

The more I think about Genos, the more shocked he is, and the danger of Jiao Yuan is raised to the top!

He even regretted that he coveted [Vitality Potion] and [God's Blessing] to answer the party's request for battle~!

And Jiao Yuan?

I was a little disappointed about this.

"It turns out that [Magic Broken Galaxy] has such a domineering skill, can you only hit this range at most? Rubbish, let's throw it in the corner later!"

Jenos on the side was shocked when he heard Jiao Yuan's complaints, and faintly shivered (angrily)!

Crooked, have you forgotten where this skill came from?

Just secretly learned my ability, and then will show a disgusting expression?

Did I give you a face?

Jenos was anxious, just about to speak, but was interrupted by Jiao Yuan.

"Forget it, fortunately I am mentally prepared for this!"

Janos was taken aback, eh? You really learned several abilities secretly, isn't it an exaggeration?

Realizing this, Janos suddenly felt a little scared.

He had never seen a man with such an enchanting talent as Jiao Yuan!

After Jiao Yuan complained, he took a big step, driving the Yinlong into the sky continuously!

After leaving the atmosphere and reaching the universe, Jiao Yuan stopped.

Just when the big guy was a little confused, Jiao Yuan's figure flashed and appeared outside the battleship!

"So I can survive in space?"

Jiao Yuan scratched his head, surprised for a moment, and released his skills according to the plan!

[Forbidden Curse·Dharma God Coming! 】

His eyes condensed, and he used this trick instantly.

All MPs are used up, and the power is maximized!

Behind Jiao Yuan, a mysterious human-shaped phantom suddenly appeared, holding a wand of the same height as it, like a divine residence in a fairy tale!

With the disappearance of MP, the phantom gradually expanded, and finally reached the level of the same size as Heiyanxing!

Cover the sky!

At this moment, the players in the live broadcast room opened their mouths and took a breath!

"Fuck, what's this?"

"A planet-sized phantom? Damn it!"

"Did Qianye's father just acquired the skill? This is too domineering, right?"

"I can guarantee that this skill will definitely reach the level of'Broken Star', so stay tuned!"

"Hmph, I can guarantee it too!"

At the scene, Jenos, who also appeared outside the battleship, looked at Jiao Yuan's eyes full of sluggishness!

"This guy... unexpectedly learned one of my strongest hole cards?"

"And looking at the scale of this phantom, it's one point better than what I used myself?"

Before Jenos returned to his senses, he saw the phantom behind Jiao Yuan instantly waved his staff and pointed at Heiyan Star far away!


There seemed to be the sound of space breaking around!

next moment!

I saw that as the top of the magic wand in Void's hand began, there were cracks in the void, as if the space could not bear it!

The black cracks visible to the naked eye extend towards the direction of Black Rock Star, gradually covering the entire Black Rock Star within ten seconds, until the other side of the planet continues for a long distance, the crack finally disappears!

Then, the phantom that resembled a mansion gradually faded until it was no longer visible!

However, everyone has no time to pay attention to this matter at this time, because Black Rock Star, like a broken mirror, suddenly shattered into countless huge meteorites!

one strike!

With just one skill, under the witness of countless audiences, it was broken by Jiao Yuan! ! !

I saw it with my own eyes this time! ! !

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