Online Games: Starting From Killing The Ultimate Boss

Chapter 319 Mind and New Plan (six more)

"I, I'll take it, it's really broken stars!!!"

"Horror, Dad Qianye, it's so scary!"

The expected thing happened, and the audience was stunned.

An extremely huge star was shattered into pieces right in front of your eyes, and this car lane is also magnificent!

Simply incredible!

The thoughtful players are even more faintly frightened!

Because they thought that if Jiao Yuan could break the stars with a single skill, he could also destroy the Seablue Star instantly!

This kind of incomprehensible personal mighty power, once mad, is simply a nightmare for all server players!

Up to now, they can only pray silently, Jiao Yuanneng has always shown great kindness to the players as before.

On the other side, Billy, Pigill, Genos and others, while driving the battleship to dodge the impact of the meteorite after the Black Rock Star exploded, they couldn't help being shocked.

The general NPC is okay, it's just shocking, but Jenos was shocked, and suddenly there was a feeling of "proud" in his heart!

[Forbidden Curse·Dharma God Coming] Although it is one of his signature abilities, Jiao Yuan used it at this time, and its destructive power was a bit higher than that of his own use!

"I've already said that [Forbidden Curse · Dharma God Coming] definitely has the ability of'Smashing Star' level, old friends still don't believe it!"

"Now this scene, I have to let them watch the video too!"

The Advent of the Magical God is actually the theory of the Transcendent A Grade magician of Jenos and other old partners, but no one has used it better than him until now.

It's a pity that even if he uses Genos, it will be slightly inferior to ordinary curse-level magic, but he feels that the coming of the magic god has a deep potential to tap.

At this time, seeing Jiao Yuan's use of power, he suddenly felt an urge to "show off" to his old friends.

But at the same time, Jenos felt a little bit sour in his heart.

With a thought, he summoned a phantom to appear in the battleship at Jiao Yuan.

"What kind of professional are you guys? Why can you not only learn the martial arts abilities, but also control magical abilities across borders?"

According to Jenos's impression, since the beginning of the history of Star Territory 130, there have been countless earth-shattering personalities, but there has never been one who can master two or more professional abilities!

The previous promise to act with Jiao Yuan was actually prompted by this reason.

He doesn't believe that the other party can really constantly break his own cognition!

However, it turns out that only he can't think of it, nothing the other party can't do!

Not only that, but "stealing" one's own abilities is even better than using one's own!

At this moment, Janos admitted that he was sad!

He said angrily: "No, you have learned the Dharma God when you come, and you must compensate me!"

The deep meaning is-to add money!

Jiao Yuan himself was also very satisfied with the destructive power of [Forbidden Curse·Dharma God Coming], and understood that this was definitely one of Jenos's cards. At this time, he smiled: "You can add more money!"

Jenos was only joking, and the ridicule meant more, but seeing Jiao Yuan agreed, his spirit came instantly!

"[Vitality Potion] and [God's Blessing], give one hundred each!"

With these two magical medicines, he would definitely not be sour.

It is a pity that Jiao Yuan is indeed prepared to compensate him, but he is not simply a gift!

"Yes, I don't care about this amount of potions!"

"It doesn't matter to me just to put out more!"

Jenos' eyes lit up, and he rubbed his hands and said: "Then you can give more, don't worry, I will not dislike the large number!"

"Hahaha, do you want me to give it to you for nothing? Do you want to eat it again?" Jiao Yuan looked contemptuous!

Janos: "..."

At this moment, he almost blurted out a sentence MMP in his heart!

I've said compensation, you don't give it to me for nothing, but what is it?

Thinking of this, Jenos's expression gradually became colder, "Huh, it's fun to tease me? Goodbye!"

After that, he gave Jiao Yuan a cold look, and the projection was about to disappear.

But at this time, Jiao Yuan spoke again.

"I said, why are you in a hurry, I haven't finished speaking yet?"

Um? Have a show?

Janos' eyes brightened, but this time he didn't rush to speak, as if "I'm waiting for you to explain".

Jiao Yuan smiled mysteriously and said:

"Not only the four magical medicines I have taken out so far, I also have more magical medicines with richer functions, which are not less precious than these four, do you want it?"

One exit is King Fried!

[Remy's Aid], [Magic Water], [Vitality Potion], [God’s Blessing] These four potions, he is extremely sure that these are important cards for life.

Are there other magical drugs that are not weaker than these?

Okay, great!

When the other party speaks actively, it shows that there is a willingness to give it out!

Jenos's heart suddenly became hot, but he still suppressed his eagerness and didn't say a word.

According to his observations during this period, he found that the other party had some evil tastes, and at the same time, it was impossible to give it to himself without seeing rabbits or hawks.

There must be something the other party needs!

Sure enough, Jiao Yuan’s next paragraph made Janos’s heart cool--

"Actually, the way to make me willing to pay these magical medicines is very simple!"

"You have already seen the benefits of our acting battle just now. Compared to you, it is also very clear that I have the special ability to gain the opponent's abilities in this way!"

"My request is very simple, that is, you help me find other Transcendent A Grade opponents, and every time I find one who is willing, I will give you a commission!"

This is the follow-up link in Jiao Yuan's plan!

At present, his personal panel attributes are a bit better than other Transcendent A-level professionals, and there will be continuous improvements in the underground city, so there is no need to spend much effort to upgrade the panel.

At present, the most important thing is to find a way to have skills comparable to this panel.

This performance with Jenos proved a stable source of skills. When he thought that there were countless "Smashing Star" skills in the 130 star domain waiting for him to dig, Jiao Yuan was extremely eager!

If it were not for each Transcendent A Grade to be able to trigger related missions only for the first time, he would even be willing to spend a lot of money again and let Jenos act again!

Unfortunately, it is precisely because of this that he has to look for other Transcendent A Grade new opponents.

And I have no friends and no way in the 130 star domain, the fastest way is through the introduction of Janos.

He feels that he has more than half the possibility of using magic medicine at the expense of the other party, and he will not refuse!

Seeing Jenos' eyes flashing at this time, Jiao Yuan added another bargaining chip!

He took out a new potion from his backpack and introduced:

"This is [Fight God's Roar] secret medicine. After taking it, it can increase your destructive power by 20% within half an hour!"

"How's it, have you moved?"

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