Online Games: Starting From Killing The Ultimate Boss

Chapter 320 One week, thoughts and rejections! (Seven more)

Jenos felt a bit complicated at this time.

First, let Liang put on a posture of wealth and wealth, saying that he could make up for himself, then the topic changed, and he said that he would not give it away for nothing, which made his mind cold.

However, only a few seconds later, it explained that there was indeed a place to use it, and he was sincerely willing to give the magic medicine.

It was just the other party's condition that made Jenos hesitate.

By constantly helping each other to find Transcendent A Grade actors, the final result, I am afraid that he will reach the ultimate boss who scorns all Transcendent A Grade levels, right?

If there is really an ultimate boss whose individual strength exceeds all Transcendent A Grade, then it will have a great impact on the existing pattern in the star field!

Even if the Blue Star has a good trading record with him, and Goujian has a friendly relationship, there is a high probability that he will become a beneficiary, but he still needs to consider it carefully.

In the end, as soon as the opponent's bargaining chips were released, the effect of [Fighting God's Roar Secret Medicine] made Jenos very excited!

"Yes, I answer..."

Halfway through, Jenos suddenly reacted. Even if it was him, he couldn't make a decision on his own. He needed to discuss it with the high-level civilization, even the big guys in the Transcendent A Grade circle.

After all, once this matter is executed, there is no way to hide it from other people.

Jenos is not invincible, but he doesn't think he will end up concealing it.

Therefore, he forced himself to calm down and gave Jiao Yuan's answer——

"I am definitely willing to do this, but I need to discuss it with others, and I will talk about it later!"

Jiao Yuan also understood that after seeing his uniqueness, this matter was not trivial to Genos, so he could understand it.

"Recently, I stayed in this star field and didn't leave."

"I hope you will give me a clear answer within a week!"

It is worth mentioning that Jiao Yuan urgently asked Jenos to help find Transcendent A Grade actors, not only for skill, but also for the 20 minutes of acting, so that he also gained 10 points of cosmic legend.

100 points from the [Racial Sublimation] task requirement, and 1/10 of the distance forward again.

At this moment, Janos took a deep look at Jiao Yuan and nodded.

Then there was nothing else, Janos canceled the projection.


Jiao Yuan lived plainly on a small planet of the civilization attached to the Blue Star under the arrangement of Jenos.

Before I knew it, a week passed.

In the past week, the four miraculous medicines that Jiao Yuan has traded have attracted a warm welcome from the Blue Star and Dracula organization. His status has risen and he has become a pivotal figure.

And while waiting for Jenos' reply, Jiao Yuan didn't do anything at all.

He wants to find the location of Dracula’s lair through Pigir and other Star Thieves, and wants to complete a series of missions about Star Thieves.

Unfortunately, Edmund was too cautious!

Even if the transaction has been completed previously and the two sides have a good relationship foundation, he is reluctant to reveal the position of his lair.

However, Jiao Yuan felt that as long as he persisted, this day would not be too far away.

As for the eradication of the Dracula organization, the secret blue star behind him might be unhappy?

Hehe, who is Jiao Yuan?

No matter how powerful he is, fundamentally speaking, he is a game player!

Isn’t it normal for players to have the characteristics of immortality and do whatever they want?

Jiao Yuan felt that he was pretty good, at least he didn't do some things that feared the world would not be chaotic like some peculiar players.

But even so, he would not consider the attitude of the Blue Star!

And I believe that after proving his value, the Blue Star will not turn his face against himself because of the destruction of a small star thief organization!

Jiao Yuan's plan is very good, but unfortunately, this week, Edmund will not be fooled!

And a week later, now is the time for Janos to give himself a reply!

At this time, the audience in the live broadcast room was also discussing whether Jenos would pull people as Jiao Yuan thought.

"I think it should be okay. After all, the look in this guy's eyes watching Dad Qianye take out the magic medicine is incredibly hot!"

"I also think he will agree with a high probability. Who can refuse this life-saving medicine?"

"Hehe, I'm here to talk, as long as Jenos is not stupid, he will agree!

"This kind of win-win thing, the other party should have no reason to refuse, I think he has contacted many Transcendent A Grade bosses in this week!"

"What you said is very reasonable, but I don't think Janos will agree to it so simply..."

The audience in the live broadcast room expressed their opinions.

Most of them think that Jenos should agree to Jiao Yuan's proposal, but there are also a small group who think they will probably reject it.

Jiao Yuan glanced, agreeing with the latter's remarks.

To be honest, this week’s time is actually the deadline he gave to Janos, but doesn’t it have to be the last time to give a reply?

Therefore, the other party must have deliberated carefully and believe that this matter should not be facilitated.

Over time, the likelihood of rejection increases.

Jiao Yuan was not in a hurry, anyway, it was now a seller's market. He had magical medicine. Even if the Blue Star represented by Jenos rejected his proposal, other civilizations would accept it in the future.

This was only a short-term situation. As long as he was given enough time, he wouldn't be able to make friends with other Transcendent A Grade bosses without taking the path of Janos.

At that time, nothing will happen to Janos!

Of course, if Jenos can agree now, because there is a lot of time and energy left, Jiao Yuan is indeed ready to give the other party a big surprise!

"My rise is unstoppable, I hope he can make the right decision!"

Jiao Yuan muttered to himself.

Before long, the projection of Janos appeared in front of Jiao Yuan's eyes again.

"Sorry, Lord Qianye." Jenos sighed lightly, "After a long period of discussion among the senior civilized leaders, we temporarily refuse to introduce you to other Transcendent A Grade professionals."

Jiao Yuan didn't say anything yet, the audience in the live broadcast room exploded!

"Is this all a silly criticism? You can refuse this kind of win-win thing?"

"Yeah, how did this Secret Blue Star Civilization become one of the three major civilizations in the 130th star field? Could it be that other civilizations grew up eating shit?"

"Fuck, Garbage Blue Star Civilization, Garbage Jenos, go to death!"

When away from home, Jiao Yuan is the representative of the full server players in the universe.

Everyone has a lot of respect for this kind of representative, let alone Jiao Yuan is recognized as the number one player in the whole server?

The players felt that Jenos rejected Jiao Yuan, just insulting his own camp, and suddenly scolded his mother in anger.

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