Online Games: Starting From Killing The Ultimate Boss

Chapter 322 The shock of the secret blue star civilization, Jiao Yuan travels through the wormhole o

What is a cosmic wormhole?

This answer, all civilizations that have stepped into the interstellar level, can give consistent results!

This is a cosmic wonder that can randomly span countless distances with a small probability and reach any corner of the universe!

Note that there are two keywords here-small probability, random!

The first one means that unless someone is lucky, most of those who travel through will die in the process of crossing the wormhole!

The second one means that even if luck succeeds in passing through the cosmic wormhole, do you know whether it is in a vast space, a dead place, or a nest of creatures stronger than you?

And even if you pass through the wormhole of the universe, people are safe, but can you find a way back?

These two words have caused countless civilizations in the 130th star field to abandon the way to find other cosmic civilizations from the wormhole path of the universe!

Because this is simply impossible!

But now, Jiao Yuan has personally told Genos that he can pass through the cosmic wormhole and reach Hebron's star accurately?

Where did your confidence come from?

Jernoston said dumbfoundedly: "Perhaps you still don't understand the danger of going through the wormhole of the universe..."

In Jenos's opinion, Jiao Yuan's words are simply whimsical!

Indeed, everyone now knows that you, a stranger, came to our star field through a wormhole in the universe!

But has this fluke swelled you up?

Jenos is ready to share with the little brother in front of him about the danger of cosmic wormholes, and let the other party understand that crossing the cosmic wormholes is not a joke.

There are too many records in the history of Azuremyst Star in this regard, and Genos can cite countless practical examples casually.

But Jiao Yuan doesn't want to listen to his nonsense!

"Don't say it, I can say this sentence, naturally sure!"

"Could it be that you really think that I am an'indigenous' who just broke away from the surface civilization and don't know anything about the dangers of the universe?"

These two sentences made Jenos stunned, and hurriedly persuaded: "Because of this, you should also understand the danger of a cosmic wormhole! How can you use it as a tool for driving? Nonsense!"

"...I clearly said that I am sure of myself. Didn't you hear?" Jiao Yuan frowned, "It seems that you still don't understand. My appearance is constantly breaking your cognition!"

Janos: "..."

What is going on with this feeling of being despised?

I was clearly advising him to cherish his life, how could he be despised?

At this moment, Jenos is also Buddhist.

"Forget it, you are looking for death by yourself, then I have no reason to stop you. Finally, I want to ask you again, is there anything we need to help civilization do?"

"...Although your words make me a little unhappy, but for the sake of caring about me, forgive you!" Jiao Yuan frowned and said, "As for my needs for you? I hope that when you come back next time, you can Help me bring in other Super A Grade actors!"

"OK!" Jenos agreed, and asked again: "Will you go now? I'm going to the wormhole to see you off? I happen to be nearby!"

There is only one cosmic wormhole in the 130 star field, and that is the initial location where Jiao Yuan once reached this star field.

Jiao Yuan didn't care whether he would come or not for Janos's request to see him off.

Anyway, I have finished speaking to him, and I have left behind.

Immediately after that, he drove the battleship through the secondary dimensional time in the body, and instantly reached the wormhole of the universe!

At this time, the audience in the live broadcast room finally reacted.

"Daddy Qianye, do you really want to go through this cosmic wormhole? It sounds dangerous!"

"Yes, yes, what Jenos said scared me out of nowhere, shall we not wear it?"

"The previous time was a fluke. How many times can you get lucky with Qianye Dad? And even if you pass it, it's random. The chance of reaching the star domain where Hybolon is located is almost zero!"

"Yes, let's consider other ways!"

Jenos's words have a great impact on the audience. Everyone is worried that Jiao Yuan will die in the wormhole through the universe, or lose his way.

Although death is a part of daily life for players.

But since Jiao Yuan appeared in everyone's eyes, how many times has he died?

It seems to be only once, right? !

That time, it was still a sneak attack by a demon clan fish player who used the same guilt all skills!

And the consequences, but let the players understand the existence of [Resurrection Coins]!

At this time, because they have entered the cosmic level, the players don't understand whether the [Resurrection Coin] has an effect, so they are very worried that Jiao Yuan will die.

It is even more dangerous if you lose your way after successfully crossing the past!

This means that Jiao Yuan will enter an extremely lonely time, no one can tell how long this time is!

Maybe, for a lifetime!

Jiao Yuan looked at the prompt on the barrage, and the corners of his mouth cocked.

He doesn't worry about himself at all, he is not sure, can he boast that kind of sea mouth in front of Janos?

If you can't do it, isn't the image broken?

"Okay, don't worry about it anymore, everyone, you will know what the facts are!"

Jiao Yuan didn't waste time explaining, using facts to prove that it is more powerful than saying anything!

It doesn’t take long to go through the previous few times, the audience still don’t understand?

As soon as the voice fell, before the players could react, Jiao Yuan put away the battleship-this was the decision after he realized that he could cross the starry sky physically and worried that the battleship would be damaged by the wormhole when he destroyed Black Rock Star last time.

Soon after, plunged into the wormhole of the universe!


This trip through the cosmic wormhole was as short as the previous experience. Jiao Yuan just reappeared from the wormhole with a flower in front of him.

However, what is different this time from last time is that he was trapped at the entrance of the wormhole, and the person has died!

[System prompt: You have failed to traverse the wormhole of the universe, your body has been shattered by the turbulence of time and space, and you have been killed! 】

[System prompt: Do you use "Resurrection Coins" to resurrect? (Note: Since you are resurrected in a special scene, the number of "Resurrection Coins" you need to use is X10, and after the resurrection, it will appear in the secondary dimension world!)]


Resurrection coins are effective!

It's one thing to guess, but another thing happens when the facts happen!

At this time, Jiao Yuan's eyes lit up, and his heart was extremely excited!

Because his guess is correct-he can continue to pass through the wormhole in the universe to find the 112 star field where Hybolon star is located!

As for which number of resurrection can be changed to ten after the special scene?

The lord of his dungeon, in the consumables mall, who has countless [Resurrection Coins], will he feel distressed?

The answer is obvious!

Therefore, Jiao Yuan did not hesitate to use the resurrection coin!

Immediately afterwards, he appeared in the secondary dimension world, and transmitted the coordinates left by the 130th star field!

The next moment, in front of Jiao Yuan, Jenos' eyes were extremely shocked!

(PS: Basically, I wrote it all night. This is the ninth update for my brothers and the last update for the National Day and Mid-Autumn Festival. My chapters are basically more than 2,000 words, plus there are 20,000 words. I wish everyone a happy holiday again, and I wish the motherland mother a prosperous and prosperous.)

(Nine watch is sent, Xiao Xian'er will also have a rest to spend the holidays with her family, thank you readers for your great support. Nine watch, on this Mid-Autumn Festival, ask for a small moon cake gift, hehehe, I hope everyone will continue to support this Book, Xiaoxian will continue to work hard.)

(Finally, ask for moon cakes, ask for five-star praise, this chapter says, and I hope everyone can speak a lot, so that the data will not be too cold, in short, ask for it, ask for everything!)

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