Online Games: Starting From Killing The Ultimate Boss

Chapter 323 Jenos with a sluggish look, the emptiness of the universe


"Didn't you just enter the wormhole of the universe? Why did you suddenly reappear?"

In shock, Jenos even forgot to maintain the face of the Super A Grade boss, exploding foul language.

No way, this is too far beyond his cognition!

Just now when Jiao Yuan stepped into the wormhole alone, he saw it with his own eyes. It is absolutely impossible to be dazzled!

According to the historical records of countless civilizations in the star field, no one can reappear at the entrance in just a few blinks after stepping into the wormhole of the universe.

The danger and unpredictability of the cosmic wormhole has long been recognized by all intelligent creatures in the star field.

But what is the situation now?

The guy who stepped into the wormhole reappeared in just a few blinks?

Had it not been for Jenos' rich experience and strong receptive ability, he would definitely suspect that there was a problem with his memory, thinking that the other party had stayed in place forever!

But it was precisely because of this that Jenos felt the shock beyond comparison.

After finally waiting for the mood to calm down, Janos took a deep breath and asked again: "How did you reappear here?"

Jiao Yuan scratched his head, "...accidentally."

Regardless of the [Resurrection Coin] or the secondary dimension world, Jiao Yuan could not disclose it to Genos, so he had to perfunctory.

Jenos heard this and took a deep look at Jiao Yuan, as if he had anticipated his concealment, but did not say much, and instead said:

"Being able to come back once is the great luck. I believe that after this shuttle, you also know the danger of the wormhole in the universe?!"

"Uh, is it dangerous?" Jiao Yuan looked weird, "I don't think so!"

Janos: "..."


Hastily! Forget that this guy cannot be measured by common sense!

In other words, how much does he know about cosmic wormholes!

Janos took a deep breath again, thinking of the high-levels' importance to the other party, and said: "Stop talking about this, are you still going to continue traveling through the wormhole in the universe? Don't risk meaningless risks?"

How do you say that?

Only if you lose it, you know to cherish it? !

[Remy’s Aid], [Magic Water]...

Jiao Yuan’s value to all civilizations in the star field is immeasurable, but the Secret Blue Star executives still have a faint sense of superiority. After all, in their perception, the other party is only one person, who belongs to the homeless lone ranger. .

Therefore, the reason that prompted them to refuse to introduce Super A-class actors to Jiao Yuan, there are also such factors.

However, I never expected that I and the others thought that they had the initiative, but the other party just lifted the table and didn't want to play, and prepared to leave this star field through the wormhole of the universe!

At this time, the top management of the Blue Star was anxious, and the head of state contacted Genos directly and personally, expressing his willingness to introduce Transcendent A Grade actors to Jiao Yuan.

At this time, Jenos was ready to use this as a condition to stop the dangerous behavior of passing through the wormhole of the universe.

It's a pity that Jenos is too inked. Before finishing talking, Jiao Yuan waved his hand.

"Next time I have a chance to talk, I will continue!"

As soon as the voice fell, Jiao Yuan quickly entered the wormhole of the universe, leaving Janos with a dull face!

who am I? where am I? What am i doing?

Jenos didn't slow down for a long time!

But after a while, Jiao Yuan reappeared in front of him!

Because, this time through the wormhole of the universe, Jiao Yuan is out of luck and encounters a 1/3 chance of death again, so he can only choose to resurrect in the 130th star field.

"Hey, another accident happened!"

Looking at Jenos, whose eyes were dull, Jiao Yuan scratched his head, and after leaving a word, he entered the wormhole of the universe for the third time!

Janos: "..."

Me, I haven't spoken yet, Damn it!


"It doesn't make sense, why did you die twice again?"

Jiao Yuan felt that perhaps it was the first time he successfully traversed the cosmic wormhole a month ago and ran out of his luck, so now he has only failed six times in a row.

Every time, I reluctantly chose to resurrect in the 130th star field, and by the way, I also admired Jenos's expression time and time again.

At this time, Jiao Yuan, who had been resurrected six times, looked at the dazed Jenos, who seemed to be hit hard, with a sense of guilt rising in his heart.

This guy, I'm afraid that he was frightened by the fact that he was playing with the wormhole in the universe at will?

At this time, Jenos' expression can only be described by the words "totally bewildered"!

Not only a smile appeared at the corner of Jiao Yuan's mouth, but the audience in the live broadcast room was also very happy!

"Hahaha, look at Jenos's expression and start to doubt life, right?"

"Interesting, so interesting!"

"After the cognition is constantly broken, has the mood swings changed from our players to NPC groups? I really like to see them!"

"I was a little bit down about Dad Qianye's bad luck, but after seeing Janos's expression, I instantly wanted to laugh!"

The audience is undoubtedly the group that knows Jiao Yuan best.

Since the launch of "Original", Jiao Yuan has been constantly breaking their cognitive limit!

First pass the abyss difficulty lair, one person dominates the rankings of the whole server, and a brand-new profession that is incredibly powerful...This time after time, every player has become the most memorable memory of every player.

At this time, seeing the NPC Jenos was also shocked by Jiao Yuan's behavior beyond common sense, and everyone felt very interesting.

"Hehe, luck is too bad!"

Jiao Yuan smiled dryly at Janos.

Jenos came back to his senses and gave him a blank look without refuting anything.

Fortunately, this time Jiao Yuan felt that he should wait for a while, adjust his luck, and convey to Genos the latest decision of the top management of the Blue Star.

After listening, Jiao Yuan's expression was wrong.

"Huh? How long is this? Why did you agree again? The Blue Star Head is used to changing orders?"

"...What are you talking about!" Jenos's face turned dark, "I promised to help you find a Super A Grade actor, still not satisfied?"

"That's not true." Jiao Yuan smiled, "Actually, I am very satisfied with which one of your latest thoughts, but..."

"But what?"

Jenos suddenly had a bad feeling, and the next moment, this feeling was confirmed!

"However, I am not the one who makes changes every day!" Jiao Yuan smiled faintly, "I still decide to go to Hai Bolun Star first, and I will cooperate when I have the opportunity in the future!"

"...Think about it again, okay!" Jeno said hesitantly.

Undoubtedly, he wanted Jiao Yuan to stay in the star field more than the recent changes made by the secret blue star high-level executives.

It's a pity that someone like Jiao Yuan is determined to do whatever he wants?

"A decision is a decision, I won't change it lightly!"

After Jiao Yuan finished speaking, Jenos once again passed through the wormhole alone in the eyes of Jenos hesitating to speak.

This time, he finally did not die during the shuttle.

But the result is actually not much better!

Because, before his eyes, there is no planet, but nothingness!

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