Online Games: Starting From Killing The Ultimate Boss

Chapter 236 Mission Progress, Exploring Nothingness, Strange Blood Eye

"My God, so many wild beasts!"

"The body shape, none of them is weaker than the one that Qianye's father met before!"

Nearly two hundred huge objects with a height of 100 meters rushed forward. The scene was so spectacular that the audience couldn't help screaming.

"With so many wild beasts, even if Dad Qianye handles it, it will feel tricky, right?"

"No, you are wrong. Dad Qianye is invincible. You can destroy them easily!"

"Indeed, judging from the condition of the fierce elephant just now, the two hundred barren beasts are actually just trash fish!"

"I agree with this point. After all, it has long been proven that goods of inferior quality will be of no avail in front of Dad Qianye, no matter how large the quantity is!"

"Yeah, we only need to quietly admire the Great Demon King Qianye, and show off his power is enough!"

The audience is very confident in Jiaoyuan.

On the other hand, Jiao Yuan was indeed as they thought.

A few small skills can kill Lv201-level fierce elephant beasts in seconds, and it can also instantly kill other creatures of similar level to fierce elephants!

And looking at Jiao Yuan's whole body skills, although there are only two "Broken Star" level, but the group of wild beasts in front of him, there is no body enough to match the stars? Therefore, some of Jiao Yuan's small-range attack skills also have a good clearing effect~!

"There are a lot of these wild beasts, and there may be those higher than the Grandmaster level, but I can't throw reconnaissance skills one by one, right?"

Jiao Yuan's eyes flickered, thinking secretly.

[Monster size: strength = proportional] This conclusion has long been overturned.

The Super A Grade boss in Star Territory 130, on the surface, is no different from ordinary people!

Therefore, among these beasts, not necessarily all of the Lv200~Lv299 grandmaster level, there may be higher BOSS among them.

But Jiao Yuan didn't have time to make a careful screening, and at the same time he felt that even if he was aware of it in advance, there would be no advantage.

So he decided to clear the field with the range skills first, and if any survived, then deal with it slowly!

After making up his mind, looking at the approaching barren beast group, Jiao Yuan's eyes flashed, and he took the lead in throwing out his powerful skills!

"Red Lotus Hell!"

"Satellite rays!"

"Extreme Ghost Swordsmanship·Storm Style!"


Jiao Yuan possesses all the skills of the 53 professions in the underground city, and there is no shortage of attack methods.

But this time because I wanted to clear the field instantly, I limited the use of a larger range of skills.

If it is not for the need to preserve strength and deal with the future crises that may be encountered in the map of Nothingness, Jiao Yuan will directly use the "Smashing Star" skill!

You know, it has been more than a week since the last time you got the [Forbidden Curse·Descent of the Dharma], and the ancient mythical necklace [Sovereign Lord Luke]’s characteristic skills are already full.

Now Jiao Yuan can use [Forbidden Curse·Dharma God Coming] 3 times and [Origin·Tiger Fist] 7 times without interruption as long as he thinks about it.

Of course, the premise is that his blue volume is sufficient!

However, in the Dungeon Mall, there are also many consumables for MP recovery. Jiao Yuan is not short of blue, so he can say that his combat power is bursting at this time!

And to deal with the group of wild beasts in front of him, Jiao Yuan was able to catch it!

After a few shots of the awakening skills of various professions were released, the wild beasts on the scene suddenly disappeared!

Jiao Yuan’s system panel kept sending reminders——

[System Tip: You killed the Lv203 beast and gained 15E experience. Because your level has been restricted, your level cannot continue to increase! 】

[System Tip: You have killed Lv206 beasts and gained 15.6E experience. Because your level has been restricted, your level cannot continue to increase! 】

[System Tip: You have killed Lv211-level beasts and gained 16.9E experience. Because your level has been restricted, your level cannot continue to increase! 】


[System prompt: You have killed 197 grandmaster-level beasts, and the conditions for the task "Unblocking the Sword of Domination" have reached 197/1000.]

According to the system's prompts, Jiao Yuan discovered that there were 196 wild beasts in this wave of beasts that he had been killed in a second.

In addition to experience, I did not contribute any other gains to myself!

Jiao Yuan didn't feel too disappointed about this, because what gains are there now, can it be more important than unblocking the third layer of [Sword of Domination] seal?

"Grandmaster-level barren beast, have you completed 1/5? Not bad!" Jiao Yuan felt very pleased.

He originally thought that unblocking the Sword of Domination mission would take up his own time, but he didn't expect that in just a few minutes, he would complete almost half of it.

According to this pace, is it still far from the completion of the task?

"The deadline for this task is 30 days. This seems to be looking down on me!" Jiao Yuan vomited silently.

However, although the Grandmaster-level BOSS is vulnerable in front of him, the latter one of the requirements of the task is to kill a king-level barren beast by himself!

According to the prompt of the task, the level of the king-level beast is between Lv301~Lv400.

This level...equivalent to the Super A Grade boss in the 130th star field!

He has never completed the feat of killing this kind of existence!

Jiao Yuan felt that he wanted to complete the task of unblocking the sword of dominance, the last step, he needed to test his true strength.

But he didn't feel scared, he was very calm inside.


Jiao Yuan made up his mind, he wanted to slowly observe the map of the void, and there were tasks, so he didn't rush to find a way to leave, but slowly explored.

After walking for a long time without knowing it, the surrounding environment is still the same, except for the void in the line of sight, it is the white mist covering the sky and the earth.

Jiao Yuan is also very patient, still pursuing the purpose of exploration.

Among them, the Lv201~300 Grandmaster-level barren beasts appeared in waves.

There is no doubt that these new beasts were all killed by Jiao Yuan one by one.

At present, one of the conditions for the completion of his task [Unblocking the Sword of Domination]-the progress of killing the Grandmaster-class barren beasts, has reached 899/1000, and it was completed only after the last one hundred and one.

From the experience of this period of time, there are a lot of wild beasts in the void, and it will not take long to encounter them, so Jiao Yuan is not in a hurry.

Even the second condition of killing a king-level barren beast was equally patient.

"As long as you don't hesitate the cost of time, it won't take long to meet the king-level barren beast!"

"And the [Curse of Hebron Revenant] on me will trigger the first reduction of% effect after two and a half years, so I don't have to rush over! "

"Since you have encountered a place of nothingness and triggered a new mission, let's get it done first!"

Jiao Yuan muttered a few words secretly.

Immediately afterwards, he continued to explore the past in one direction in accordance with the exploration plan!

However, at this moment!

Suddenly, a blood-red beast pupil that was as large as an asteroid, seemed to have crossed countless distances, his eyes fixed on Jiao Yuan!

"……what is this?"

Jiao Yuan was stunned for a long time before talking to himself dryly.

In his perception, under the gaze of this blood-red beast pupil, his heart was a little flustered for no reason!

It seems that you are afraid?

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