Online Games: Starting From Killing The Ultimate Boss

Chapter 327 Desolate Beast King, the oppression of life level

When the huge blood-red beast pupil appeared from the fog, the barrage in the live broadcast room suddenly stopped for a moment!

You must know that the number of viewers in Jiaoyuan's live broadcast room has already exceeded 100 million!

There is not even a barrage, which shows that the players are collectively shocked!

After a long time, some players finally came to their senses!

Immediately afterwards, the barrage seemed to explode!

"I, I, I, Fuck!!!"

"What's this? An eye?"

"This eye is actually the size of an asteroid? Is there any mistake? If it is a barren beast, wouldn't the complete body have the size of dozens of stars?!"

"What kind of existence is it?"

"No, Dad Qianye is in danger!!!"

The audience exploded!

Most people are shocked and panicked by the appearance of the blood-red beast pupil!

There is also a small number of viewers who are beginning to worry about Jiaoyuan's situation.

After all, this scarlet beast pupil was staring at him!

And Jiao Yuan, seemingly under some unknown influence, has been standing still without any movement, just like a puppet!

"Father Qianye, hurry, run!"

"The owner of this scarlet beast pupil must be a detached existence, Dad Qianye is dangerous!"

"Run, run!"

After worrying about Jiao Yuan's barrage for the first time, everyone gradually began to worry about Jiao Yuan's situation.

I don't understand, why is he indifferent in the face of this unknown existence?

Jiao Yuan glanced at the barrage in the live broadcast room, revealing a bitter smile.

Where does he not know the danger?

Why don't you know how to avoid it?

But, it can't be done!

"Oh, my life is over!"

Jiao Yuan glanced at the system prompt interface and let out a sigh of foul breath!

[Combat information: You are hit by the passive skill "Imperial Pressure" of the Lv489 royal beast BOSS "Blood Demon Eyes", you lose 5% HP per second, and you fall into a state of dizziness, imprisonment, and silence! 】

This reminder made Jiao Yuan understand what the owner of the Scarlet Beast Eye was like!

Amazingly it is the Emperor-level Desolate Beast BOSS!

Even its level is the best among the emperors!

One shot is to make one's HP speed drop rapidly, and three abnormal states are attached at the same time!

The three states of dizziness, imprisonment, and silence did not last as before. The specific display lasted for how long, but Jiao Yuan felt that it should exist until the last second before his death, right?

HP continues to drop, the abnormal state of infinite time... This is a desperate situation!

However, what made Jiao Yuan finally choose to accept his fate was because the battle was triggered, and the game system captured the opponent's attribute panel——

[Blood Demon Eye (Level Lv489)]

[Race: Ultimate Wild Beast]

【Level: the emperor. 】

[HP: 100 billion]

[Attack: 8.4 billion]

【Defense: 8.4 billion】

【Skill:? ? ? 】

[Remarks: The unique creatures of the Void Land belong to the leader of the desolate beast group after the evolution of life, and look at the top combat power in the entire universe! 】

Let alone the super high offense and defense!

This "Ultimate Desolate Beast" race and the simple description in the "Remarks" made Jiao Yuan give up all attempts to resist!

"Ultimate wild beast race, the top combat power in the universe...Hey!"

"This is the crushing of the life level! It is not something I can deal with now!"

"Unexpectedly, I hadn't even encountered a king-level desolate beast, I would encounter a stronger royal-level desolate beast first...Tsk, my luck is too bad!"

Jiao Yuan smiled bitterly and shook his head.

After all, he is just a tough player beyond common sense, looking at the top big players in the universe, the development time is too short.

In front of this Lv489-level emperor and other rank wild beasts, all his current resistance is in vain.

With that mindset, it is better to wait comfortably for sanctions.

Jiao Yuan can develop to the present level in less than a year, which is incredible enough and can't force too much!

Moreover, he had a hunch that he might not be suppressed by the life level of the Emperor-class beast boss when he completes the task of [Race Sublimation] soon.

"Isn't it because I don't have the ability to resist? Just right, I took the opportunity to experiment, can I leave this map through the player characteristics of resurrection from death!" Jiao Yuan thought happily.

Just one death, how can you care about death as a player?

Therefore, he is very calm, ready to wait for death to come.

Anyway, with your own development speed, it won't take long to reach this level!

I can reach the barren land through the cosmic wormhole, so I don’t worry about the mission of [Unblocking the Sword of the Lord] after leaving here.

No worries!

This is the root cause of Jiao Yuan's calm mentality!

"The equipment recovers 3% HP per second, and the bloody magic pupil outputs 5% HP per second... Let me Kangkang, how much is there now?"

Jiao Yuan glanced at the HP panel with interest, and found that after half a minute, he still had more than 40% of his total HP.

Taken together, 2% is deducted every second. This result is within Jiao Yuan's expectation!

When Jiao Yuan thought that he would die within half a minute, suddenly, there was a new movement in the system——

[System prompt: You trigger a new task "Tough Will"! 】

[Task content: The life level of the Emperor-level Desolate Beast Boss Blood Bathing Demon Eye has given you a great deal of oppression. Can you last longer under the opponent's attack? 】

[Task requirements: the first stage persists for more than one minute (0/60 seconds), the second stage persists for more than five minutes (0/300 seconds), and the third stage persists for more than 20 minutes (0/1200 seconds)! 】

[Task duration: within 30 days. 】

[Task Reward: Randomly select one skill from the opponent in the first stage; randomly select any one of the five skills after completing the second stage, and randomly select three skills in the third stage! 】

[Do you accept the task? 】

"...Is this mission here to amuse me?"

Jiao Yuan was stunned for a moment, then silently complained.

The type of mission is of the same type as the previous mission during the Super A Grade battle.

The rewards are also very generous, which makes people very exciting.

However, if you want to get rewards, the premise is that you must complete the mission requirements!

Dog system, stare at you, can I hold on for more than a minute?

Jiao Yuan was speechless.

"Forget it, the mission period is 30 days, somehow I have an idea."

Quietly comforting himself, Jiao Yuan left this task behind.

But as time passed, he only continued for about twenty seconds before he said nothing, and his body fell down!

[System prompt: You are dead! 】

[System prompt: Do you use "Resurrection Coins" to resurrect? (Note: Because you are in a special scene, the number of "Resurrection Coins" you need to use is X100, and after the resurrection, it will appear in the secondary dimension world!)]

"Sure enough, can you still return to the secondary dimension world after death?"

Jiao Yuan's eyes lit up, and he immediately chose to resurrect without hesitation.

In the next moment, his sight flashed, and he appeared on the edge of the cosmic wormhole in the 130th star field.

And Jenos didn't seem to leave, and when he saw him appear, his brow was raised.

"An accident happened again?"

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