Online Games: Starting From Killing The Ultimate Boss

Chapter 328 Jenos: Actors are expensive! Jiao Yuan's beat

Star field No. 130, the edge of the wormhole in the universe.

Jenos looked at Jiao Yuan with a smile on his face. This time he was no longer alone, with a strange NPC behind him.

Facing the opponent's ridicule, Jiao Yuan chose not to take the move, and asked, "Who is this guy who looks like a little brother behind you?"

Janos: "..."

Unknown NPC: "..."

Jenos gave Jiao Yuan a sullen look, and he hummed and said: "Speak politely, he is a Transcendent A Grade boss, in another guardian of our Blue Star Civilization!"

"Oh?" Jiao Yuan's eyes lit up, "Is this you guys finding the actors for me?"

While talking, he threw out a reconnaissance technique by the way—

【Nilo (Lv309)】

[Occupation: Transcendent A-level mentor]

[Race: Magic Pill]

[HP: 13.5 billion]

[Attack: 1.16 billion]

[Defense: 1.26 billion]

【Skill:? ? ? 】

[Specialty:? ? ? 】


Transcendent A Grade Master?

Jiao Yuan Snack was taken aback and asked, "What kind of compensation do you need me to pay for being an actor?"

This question is just a test.

Nian Qi masters are very rare among the five major occupations in the 130th star field. Jiao Yuan is a little curious about what kind of skills these professionals have, so he is willing to pay the same compensation as Janos.

Of course, if the other party's demand is low, Jiao Yuan will certainly not be able to remind him.

Although his own consumables are almost endless, if you take out too much, they are worthless. After all, things are rare and expensive.

Jenos didn't expect Jiao Yuan to be so straightforward. Before he could introduce him, he went straight to the subject.

But he readily accepted this and began to bargain!

"Four magical medicines, five hundred each!" Janos rolled his eyes and reported a sky-high price first.

"Are you dreaming?" Jiao Yuan glanced at him with contempt, and whispered, "I don't like ink, so I just want to quote a price that can be sold!"

Want to take advantage of yourself? I think Janos, you are really floating!

It turns out that Janos has a very strong head.

"Then four hundred each!" Jenos thought for a while and said.

"Haha!" Jiao Yuan smiled without saying a word.

Give you a look of contempt to experience for yourself!

Jiao Yuan felt that no matter how rare this qi master was, it wouldn’t be higher than Janos’s appearance fee if his level was placed there?

At the beginning, I only gave Genos [Vitality Potion] and [God's Blessing] two 500 pieces each.

Want to bid higher this time? impossible!

Facing Jiaoyuan's contempt, Janos shook his head, "Three hundred and fifty each, really can't be lower!"

"If this is the price you decide, then don't talk about it!" Jiao Yuan said blankly.

Janos opened his mouth, he stopped talking, his expression lost in thought.

The Transcendent A Grade Qi Minist named Niluo on the side seemed a bit introverted and never spoke.

Just a tool man, Jiao Yuan didn't care about it, quietly waiting for Janos' answer.

To be honest, Jiao Yuan really didn't want to give each kind of 350.

You must know that now is the first transaction target of the actor's task of the two parties. With such a high price, what do the other actors in the back think? Surely it will not be lower than this, right?

Although Jiao Yuan was greedy for "Smashing Star" level skills, the premise was not to let himself feel aggrieved.

Otherwise, what use is it for him to have actors?

On the other side, Jenos thought for a while, and finally shook his head again.

Seeing that Jiao Yuan's face was completely cold, he cried out inwardly and quickly explained a few words.

"Your Excellency Qianye, please don't get me wrong!"

"In fact, this price is far beyond my bottom line, but I agree with it alone, it doesn't work!"

"Three hundred and fifty sticks are the bottom line set by the high-level civilization, and I have no right to change it!"

"With your inventory, I guess these should be okay? Don't worry, after the transaction is completed, I promise to find other actors as soon as possible!"

"So, although the price is a bit higher, in the long run, it is actually acceptable!"

As early as Jiao Yuan told Genos that he would leave this star field through the cosmic wormhole, the senior leaders of the Azuremyst Star civilization called an urgent meeting.

After Jiao Yuan entered the cosmic wormhole several times, they finally panicked, understanding that the other party was not using this to threaten anything.

Therefore, regarding the matter of helping Jiao Yuan find Transcendent A-level actors, the senior civilized leaders quickly made the latest decision.

It’s just considering that there will be a large number of Super A Grade actors in the follow-up, so we have to negotiate the initial price.

Each of the four magical medicines is three hundred and fifty. This is the most suitable number designated by the senior civilized officials after discussion.

Judging from Jiao Yuan's past performance and his desire for Transcendent A Grade actors, there is a high probability that he will agree.

Therefore, this is the scene that Jenos Jiaoyuan said.

The reason why Jenos made an effort to explain and throw the pot on the top of the blue star civilization was to see that Jiao was a little unhappy and wanted to maintain the relationship!

The effect of his explanation did work, and Jiao Yuan's expression eased a little, but he still wrote "Resistant" on his face.

"I'm very satisfied with the attitude of the senior leaders of your Blue Star Civilization!"

"But, at this price, it is absolutely impossible for me to agree to it!"

"This transaction is invalid, and I hope you can come here with sincerity when you come next time!"

"Otherwise, I will find another civilization to cooperate, anyway, in the 130th star field, it is not your secret blue star family alone!"

The other party's price requirements were too high, Jiao Yuan decided in his heart to abandon the transaction, and knocked on the other party by the way.

Of course, if the Blue Star Civilization still has such a huge greed in the future, Jiao Yuan really doesn't mind working with another civilization.

This is a seller's market, and there are civilizations in the 130th Star Territory that are eager for their own consumables.

Jiao Yuan will not be easily grasped by the Blue Star Civilization!

Sure enough, as soon as his warning of "changing partners" came out, Jenos and Nello's faces became stiff.

Jenos explained: "Don't worry, I will pass your words on to the senior civilized leaders intact, I believe they will make a wise choice!"

"It's better!" Jiao Yuan gave him a deep look, and said, "Actually, I, who have seen a higher level of personal power, have no idea whether I can obtain abilities from Transcendent A Grade professionals. No matter how important it is!"

Personal power, a higher level?

As soon as these eight words came out, the two Transcendent A Grade bosses suddenly took a breath!

"You mean... have you seen an existence above Transcendent A Grade?" Janos asked incredulously.

"Above Transcendent A Grade, is there really a way?" Nilo also stared in shock.

After all, in their cognition, Transcendent A Grade is already the culmination of personal mighty power. It is really hard to imagine that there are higher-level creatures in the universe.

But after Jenos had some contact with Jiaoyuan, he knew that the other party would never have the intention of teasing him.

So, this is likely to be true!

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