Online Games: Starting From Killing The Ultimate Boss

Chapter 330 The universe has seen and heard, and the civilization of the doomsday triggers the task

Jiao Yuan didn't know that after a meeting, the Blue Star's attitude towards him had completely changed from "equal treatment" to "respect."

But even if you know it, you don't actually care.

As I said at the beginning, there are three possibilities to travel through the wormhole in the universe.

The first is death during the shuttle.

The second type, teleported to the map of the void outside the universe.

And the third type is to randomly teleport to any place in the universe.

At this time, he has traveled through the wormhole hundreds of times, and he has seen too many civilizations!

Among these civilizations, some belong to the level of technology that has just separated from the surface. Since the location after Jiaoyuan teleported is far from these civilizations, the two sides are safe.

And some civilizations, when they saw the warship that Jiao Yuan opened, they attacked directly in panic.

Although they took the initiative to attack because of panic, Jiao Yuan didn't care about it, and dared to destroy it directly.

Naturally, this has brought him a lot of experience.

But he didn't care about it.

Except for the civilization on the technological side, as well as the personal combat power of the sword and magic on the side of the gods and demons, there is hardly any shadow of science and technology.

Among these civilizations, Jiao Yuan has seen many NPCs whose strongest is over Lv180.

And after they all felt their strength, they showed respect for the first time, so Jiao Yuan was not interested in taking a kill.

In addition to technology and civilization on the side of the gods and demons, Jiao Yuan also saw two special star field civilizations.

One of them is doomsday style.

It occupies three planets no smaller than the Seablue Star. On each planet, 95% of the creatures are monsters infected by viruses. The environment for normal humans to survive is quite bad.

Jiao Yuan was driving the warship to visit, but when he was about to leave, he suddenly triggered the mission!

[System prompt: You trigger the professional promotion task "Legendary Dungeon Lord"! 】

[Quest content: As a dungeon lord, the most noble profession in the Arad continent, how can you remain indifferent when you see the civilization in the universe collapsed? 】

[Task conditions: spread the dungeon career to at least five planet-level civilizations. (At least 50% of the creatures in the civilization are dungeon public occupations, current progress: 0/5)]

【Duration of the mission: 360 days! 】

[Task completion reward: professional advancement! 】

New mission!

It is still the promotion task of the dungeon lord!

This is the fundamental reason why Jiao Yuan dismissed his departure!

"In the five planet-level civilizations, at least 50% of the creatures are converted to dungeon professions?"

"This is a profession that cannot be completed in a short time!"

Jiao Yuan muttered secretly.

Take this doomsday civilization as an example. Even if there are only 5% of normal creatures, looking at the three planets, the number will exceed 200 million.

It's impossible to help them change jobs personally, right?

So the best way is to create a few bosses, and then let them spread the profession for themselves.

With the authority of a senior dungeon lord, Jiao Yuan can do this!

After paying attention, Jiao Yuan controlled the battleship and landed in a densely biological place, and quickly found the target through the biological energy scanning system in the battleship.

Soon, he found a dozen good goals!

"It's decided, it's you!" Jiao Yuan's eyes lit up!


Uso Star.

The former site of the University of City A.

A group of dozen or so girls who looked like high school students were going out carefully looking for food.

Since the sudden outbreak of a mysterious virus on the planet a year ago, the three planets where the entire human civilization is located have completely fallen in less than three months.

People infected with the virus seem to have turned into the appearance of zombies in film and television works. They feed on surviving humans, have no pain nerves, and have sharp five senses, which cause great harm to the lives of surviving humans.

In the beginning, the zombies moved very slowly. Everyone should be careful and still stick to it.

But with the passage of time, these zombies seem to have been constantly evolving, and their actions are getting more and more agile. Humans within two hundred meters cannot escape their perception.

The threat to surviving humans is not just zombies. Monsters infected with viruses and turned into mutant beasts are even more dangerous.

If it weren't for these dozen high school students who were lucky enough to hide in the school's warehouse, and the materials and safety were greatly guaranteed, they would not have survived for a whole year.

And staying in the warehouse and not going out is equivalent to sitting and eating in the sky, and the supplies are always finished.

No, now they have eaten up almost all the food and fresh water in the warehouse, so they have to risk their lives and come out in search of vitality.

"Oh~ If there is no harvest at noon today, we almost have no energy to come out to find food!"

One of the female students, a round-faced girl with a double ponytail, said sadly.

Most of the others also wore a listless look.

"The food in the warehouse is gone, and the last ten bottles of mineral water are left. Even if we drank it on average, it would not last a day!"

"Damn it, why there is no food or fresh water in these nearby classrooms!"

"After all, it is a teaching area. Even before the end, there are few students with water and food, right?"

"There must be a cafeteria and a dormitory, but it's too dangerous to go to those two places, Damn it!"

At present, the zombies have been out of the mode of wandering around, because they also lack food. In order to maintain the water in the body, they usually stay in a cool place during the day.

From the warehouse to the dormitory area or the cafeteria, you have to pass through two shades.

There is a 99% chance of encountering zombies.

They are both ordinary people and girls, and they are born with relatively poor athletic ability, and under long-term hunger, they are not adequately nourished. How can they be able to deal with zombies?

Even if it is the lowest level of first-degree zombies, if they encounter more than two zombies, they will be destroyed by the group!

"Damn it, if only I had an ability!"

A girl with short hair and a short figure said angrily.

As soon as the voice fell, everyone present showed a look of yearning.

Under the background of the end of civilization, not only did the zombies upgrade again, but the surviving humans also gave birth to the profession of supernatural beings.

At present, according to the broadcasts received, everyone understands that the levels of zombies and supernatural beings are divided into:

FEDCBAS has seven levels, in alphabetical order, the higher the rank, the stronger the strength.

Even an E-level ability player can have some means of self-protection.

But it is a pity that there is not a single ability in the group.

"I don't know what to do to become a supernatural person~ alas~"

A leading-looking girl with short hair sighed and said.

At this moment, suddenly, everyone's ears sounded like a muffled roar!


Then, a figure slowly appeared from the shadow of the teaching building not far away!

Upon seeing this, the group of people turned pale!

"Well, it's a high-level zombie!"

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