Online Games: Starting From Killing The Ultimate Boss

Chapter 331 Self-Saving of Uso Star Natives

"It's over, this is a high-level zombie!"

A female student exclaimed desperately.

As soon as the voice fell, the rest of the people also showed panic expressions.

If it is an ordinary F-level zombies, they may still be killed under the concerted efforts of a group of them, but the E-level zombies are completely beyond their ability to deal with ordinary girls.

And if it is a zombie stronger than E-level, it will make them completely desperate.

Although I don't know what level the zombie is at, but looking at its appearance in blue and black instead of a normal zombie with a rotting body, it is clear that he is at least an E level or above!

The news made a group of female students tremble.


At this time, the zombies in the shadow seemed to confirm the existence of the prey, and instantly became violent.

Its speed is very fast, and it seems to have become a phantom in the eyes of ordinary people. The desire for flesh and blood makes it temporarily give up the threat of sunlight and take the initiative to attack from the shadows.

A group of female students showed extremely desperate expressions one after another.

Why can these ordinary people deal with zombies?

But their desire for life prevented them from sitting still.


"Run separately!"

Among the female students, the one who looked like the eldest sister shouted loudly.

In an instant, everyone fell apart.

If you can't beat, you can only run. This is a wise decision.

And if you run away, the chances of escape are greater. After the zombies catch one or two people, maybe the rest will be safe!

After all, zombies have to eat too.

Just when the female student had tears in his eyes and ran away in a panic, Jiao Yuan, who had a full view of the scene in the sky, was about to make a move, he suddenly sighed and stopped.

The audience suddenly became curious.

"Daddy Qianye, why did you stop suddenly?"

"Yes, yes, these are big girls like flowers and jade, when is it better to save the United States if you are not a hero?"

"If I have your strength, Dad Qianye, this zombie is already dead?!"

"Hurry up and shut up, Dad Qianye stopped, naturally he has his plans, I believe Dad Qianye unconditionally anyway!"

As Jiao Yuan traveled through the wormhole of the universe, the audience also saw different civilizations in the star field all over the universe.

At this time, through Jiao Yuan's live broadcast room, this doomsday civilization, the audience will naturally have their eyes on it.

When it comes to apocalyptic civilizations, several tags will pop up in everyone's minds instantly.

Such as the collapse of order, natural disasters and man-made disasters, fortunately, the survival of mankind is difficult, and so on.

From Jiao Yuan's short stay in this star called Uso, everyone can have a preliminary understanding that this is a planetary civilization where survivors are struggling to survive under the siege of zombies and alien beasts.

Most human beings cannot help but sympathize with the weak.

The audience is no exception.

What's more, the dozen or so female students that Jiao Yuan observed, although they were a little sloppy because of conditions did not allow, they could still see their youth and beauty, so everyone felt even more sympathetic.

When Jiao Yuan was about to take a shot before, everyone was still happy for them.

However, everyone did not expect that Jiao Yuan was controlling the warship, and just as soon as it descended a little, it stopped in an instant.

In this regard, some people are puzzled, thinking that this group of female students will become a Chinese meal for zombies.

There are also people who believe that Jiao Yuan must have his own plan to do this. Others can just look at it.

Besides, Jiao Yuan is not a full-time anchor. Being able to broadcast the experience of different interstellar civilizations for everyone to watch is a kindness in itself. What qualifications do their audiences have to complain?

I have to say that most players are very sane.

Glancing at the barrage in the live broadcast room, Jiao Yuan felt in a good mood, so he didn't mind explaining a few words.

"Originally, I was indeed planning to save these dozen or so girls."

"But when I was preparing to do something, I suddenly discovered something interesting. Someone was watching these female students secretly!"

"And based on my observations, this observer seems to help!"

"So, I won't waste this energy!"

Jiao Yuan briefly explained the reasons for the suspension, without revealing too much.

But this also surprised the audience!

"Wow, Dad Qianye interacted with us! So happy!"

"My honor, Father Qianye explained to us!"

"It turns out that there are native masters of Uso Star hiding in the dark, so Dad Qianye didn't choose to shoot?"

"Daddy Qianye is equivalent to the savior of the world to them, we have to hold the air, until the most urgent moment, it is best not to act!"

Jiao Yuan rarely responded to the audience's barrage. When he opened his mouth at this time, many people suddenly exclaimed.

And everyone finally understood why he stopped.

It turns out that there are indigenous masters hiding and observing all this in secret?

Most viewers did not doubt the authenticity of Jiao Yuan’s words. After all, they were observing through the live broadcast room, and Jiao Yuan did witness with his own eyes. Naturally, they saw more things than them.

In this case, it is true that you should not rush to rescue female students.

As the savior, it is natural to wait for these people to completely enter the desperate moment and destroy the zombies in understatement, and then it is easiest to get the gratitude of the rescued.

At this time, the screen of the live broadcast room finally showed new changes-the indigenous observer finally couldn't help but make a move!

I saw a black zombie all over, when he was about to throw down the slowest female student, suddenly a purple thunder and lightning flashed in the sky, which instantly smashed it into ashes!

Then, a female mage with short black hair and a very refined look appeared in the camera!

After seeing her appearance clearly, the audience shone brightly.

"I'm going, this Onee-san style, I love it!"

"Another girl!"

"Including the female students, they all have their own styles, and each one is very beautiful!"

"Currently, all girls appear. This Urso star is too happy? Is it a paradise for men?"

"Report to Dad Qianye, I also want to go to Urso Star!"

"Same registration, it doesn't matter whether you are a girl or a girl, but I mainly want to experience the doomsday style."


on the ground.

After the black short-haired mage girl killed the zombies, the female students suddenly stopped, and there was a surprise and bewilderment in their hearts.

The crisis was lifted, the two sides joined together, and the female students expressed their gratitude to the black short-haired mage.

The wizard nodded lightly. She seemed to have done a lot of this kind of thing, and then asked: "The end times have been going on for a year, why don't you go to the nearby survivor base?"

The female students looked at each other, as if hesitating.

Among them, the eldest sister cautiously said: "Because we are all ordinary people and we are not able to go to the base on the initiative."

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