Online Games: Starting From Killing The Ultimate Boss

Chapter 332 The sorrow of ordinary girls at the end of the day, the chance of extinction is coming!


Was it a group of ordinary people?

The black-haired female mage frowned, did not comment much on this, and said concisely: "I am a C-level supernatural power in the base of city A. You can call me sister Lei. This time I ventured in because of a special mission. In the city."

"You are lucky if you met me, let's go to the base with me!

When the voice fell, Sister Lei frowned and asked, "You don't seem to want to? Why?"

Now that everything is said to be the case, and the other party is the savior of their own group, the female students will not conceal their worries.

"We are naturally willing to go to the gathering place for survivors. After all, we ventured out to find food because we couldn't survive. It would be better to have a stable place." The female student elder sister frowned, "But, we It's an ordinary person!"

Sister Lei asked in confusion: "So, what happened to ordinary people?"

The eldest sister was hesitant to speak, as if thinking about how to speak, but a long-haired girl did not hesitate.

"The problem is that we are not only ordinary people, but also a group of girls..."

Doomsday, ordinary people, girls!

These three words were linked together, and Sister Lei finally showed a stunned look.

"Are you worried that when you arrive at the survivor base in City A, you will be bullied by some gangsters?"

The girls nodded, just worrying about this.

After all, compared to starving to death or being bitten to death by zombies, and being ravaged by some evil men, the kind of life is not as good as death is obviously more daunting.

During the dog's time in the warehouse this year, through radio and other equipment, they heard many similar things.

For example, for example, a 20-year-old ordinary beauty who had several suitors before the doomsday was humiliated by an old man after the doomsday, and eventually tortured to death, while the culprit was not responsible at all because of his strength.

There are countless such incidents.

There are even more frenzied, shooting young girls under the age of fourteen, it is inferior to beasts, more terrifying than zombies.

The female students picked up a few typical examples.

Sister Lei, the black-haired mage, was silent for a long time.

Obviously she also understands that under the apocalyptic atmosphere, order collapses and the malice in human hearts is infinitely magnified. The more beautiful ordinary girls are, the more miserable the end is.

This is something she can't stop.

The audience in the live broadcast room who heard all this was also silent for a moment.

"Oh, the weak and the strong, this is the end!"

"The civilized order collapses, the strong owns everything, and there is no law enforcement on everyone's heads. The evil things done by some evil humans are beyond everyone's imagination!"

"It is terrible for ordinary people to survive in this kind of world!"

"The gathering place for survivors may be another hell for ordinary girls who are young and beautiful!"

"At this time, I'm so lucky that we have become a player. Otherwise, in this environment, I can't imagine how to survive."

"Although it is NPCs, as the hope of real human survival in "Original", who said that NPCs have no emotions?"

The audience sighed with emotion for the examples cited by the female students.

In a word, in the apocalyptic environment, following the cruelest law of the jungle, the strength is supreme, it is too difficult for them, ordinary girls, to be at a young and beautiful age.

Some sentimental players even speeded up their leveling speed silently, wanting to step into the universe as soon as possible, and protect these female students after finding Uso Star.

But they don't want to think about it, there is Jiao Yuan, is there anything else with them?

The prerequisite for him to complete the task is to transfer more than half of the people on this planet to a dungeon career.

This group of female students is the leading group of Urso Star he currently optimistic about.

How can it be left alone?


the other side.

Sister Lei, the female wizard who had been silent for a long time, finally spoke.

"I don't deny that something similar happened, but no one in the base of City A dared to do anything to my people!"

"So, as long as I get you under my name then, there should be no surprises in security issues."

As a rare thunder and lightning ability controller, her strength is among the best in the entire base.

Even the person in charge of the base must give her face.

The reason for persuading these female students to follow her to the base of City A is not only out of kindness and wanting to save the survivors, but more importantly, she has the confidence to protect their lives.

The female students looked at each other, whispered to each other, and finally decided to agree.

"In this case, we are willing to go with you to the survivor base in City A." The elder sister said, "I hope that I can really find a chance at that time."

In fact, besides agreeing to go to the base, what other ways do they have to survive?

The food and fresh water in the warehouse have been exhausted. As ordinary people, they cannot survive alone in the world outside the warehouse. They must rely on the strong.

And Sister Lei herself has a life-saving kindness to them, and now she has given a promise, what else can they hesitate about?

Unless you really don't want to live anymore, you must cherish this opportunity even if the road ahead is slim.

This is their only chance of survival!

Seeing that the female students had agreed, Sister Lei nodded with satisfaction.

"Don't worry, I dare not say anything else, at least in the base of City A, no one dares to force you to do excessive things!"

"As for other things, such as labor to earn food for survival, etc., you need to be self-reliant!"

Sister Lei is looking for lucky ones, the purpose is to expand the power of the base and increase the foundation, but not to find a group of moths.

The female students had no objection to this.

"As long as personal safety is guaranteed, that's enough!" The eldest sister said solemnly.

Sister Lei nodded, looked up at the sky, and said in a deep voice: "It's late, we only have three hours to hurry. We must rush back to the base before the sun sets!"

"Let's start!"

Why before the sun goes down?

Of course, it is the time period when there is no sunshine, which belongs to the active time of zombies.

Even she, who is a C-rank Thunderbolt, can hardly be active at night.

The female students knew the horror of the night well, so the two sides hurriedly searched for a few cars and rushed to the base outside City A while the sun was still in the sky.

It is a pity that the so-called more afraid of something, the easier it is to encounter something.

They had just set off for half an hour, when they were suddenly stopped by a full-age zombie with a cyan glow!

"Well, it's a Grade B wind zombie!"

Sister Lei's face suddenly sank, and a trace of panic flashed in her eyes.

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