Online Games: Starting From Killing The Ultimate Boss

Chapter 338 Clean up the zombies in City A, improve everyone's strength, and leave


Choose the address in city A?

Lord God wants to remove all the zombies and alien beasts in City A and use them as a base for their survivors?

Oh my God!

Just give us all different powerful professions, and help us clean up the zombies and complete the first step?

Is this too good for us? !

And, is it finally time to see the stronger combat power of Lord God?

Everyone, including Hugogo, was taken aback for a moment, and then they all panted with excitement, their little faces blushing!

"My Lord God, you are so kind to us, all of us survivors of Uso are nothing to pay for!!"

"Not much else. When City A really returns to our survivors, then we will definitely help you create a statue for thousands of people to admire!"

"Master God, which sect do you belong to? I want to believe in you!"

The female students were chattering and yelling, their expressions were as frantically as an ascetic monk who had seen the Buddha.

In their opinion, it is simply too noble for Jiao Yuan to help them so hard.

And Jiao Yuan waved his hand faintly, "Anyway, it's just a trivial matter, it's just a gift before parting!"

Jiao Yuan mentioned leaving twice, and this time, the women were finally calm.

"My Lord God, do you want to leave Urso? Why?" Sun Hongying asked eagerly.

Others also showed expressions that hesitate to speak.

"You don't always think that I will stay in Uso for a long time?" Jiao Yuan said with a weird look: "Stop making trouble, I'm very busy!"

"...Will you come back in the future?" Hugogo asked.

"Of course!" Jiao Yuan smiled and nodded, "I will come back from time to time to check your development status. If I am not satisfied, I will be welcome!"

Jiao Yuan had to pay attention to his promotion task.

Although he will not stay in Uso to supervise whether the women are able to carry out his will, he decided to leave a coordinate here, and he will pass through the secondary dimension world from time to time to check the progress.

If the girls let their task progress slowly, he would really make some punishments.

This is not a joke!

The girls didn't know Jiao Yuan's thoughts, and they were relieved when they heard that he would come to Urso Star in the future.

Immediately afterwards, Jiao Yuan carried out an operation to remove zombies and strange animals in City A.

He was not going to do it himself, it would be too much trouble.

So Jiao Yuan summoned four pets and two mounts!

Three-headed Hellhound Black, Tyrannosaurus King Bakar!

Tianjiao Isispray, Casillas, Long-footed Rotes, Black Plague·Dirigi!

As soon as these six babies appeared, the girls on the scene were completely stunned!

There is no other reason, except for Pule and Casillas in the pedestrian walk, the rest of the creatures are too big!

With the improvement of Jiao Yuan's level, these pets and mounts are basically infinitely close to the power of the original apostle.

From a distance, it looks like a hill!

Close to the side, I feel the pressure of Mount Tai!

"My God, is this the favorite of Lord God? It's so strong that I almost dare not breathe!"

"This, this is the suppression of the life level. Looking at the leopard, it is really hard to imagine how powerful the ultimate combat power of Lord God should be!"

"We are really lucky to be blessed by Lord God!"

The female students were stunned!

They couldn't imagine that such a huge creature actually existed in the world!

And, it's not just one end!

Jiao Yuan no longer feels the flattery of the female students. At this time, he belongs to a person who has broken away from a low-level taste and does not want to pretend to be forced. So he instructs the four pets and two mounts to keep the buildings in City A as much as possible. In a complete situation, destroy all zombies and alien beasts!

The apocalypse on Uso is too short, and the level of zombies and alien beasts is very low.

Jiao Yuan didn't worry that all the ancient mythical BOSS, who were all Lv200, would be planted on this planet.

As for the four pets and two mounts, because of the hard-to-find breathability, they wanted to perform well in order to win the favor of the owner, Jiao Yuan, and there will be more opportunities to let go.

Therefore, for Jiao Yuan's instructions, they were all carried out meticulously.


The zombies and alien beasts in City A are almost indistinguishable from ants in front of six ancient mythological creatures.

Soon, as the fields were cleared everywhere, before the sky was finally darkened, there was no trace of any zombies or alien beasts in City A!

This city, which has been a forbidden area for mankind since the end of the world, has been rewarded by Jiao Yuan to Hugogo and other female students, leaving the latter and others at a loss.

The surprise is too big, I don’t know what kind of expression to put on!

It is worth mentioning that, perhaps because Jiao Yuan defaulted to teaming up with the opponent and others, the experience gained in the operation of clearing the zombies in City A also had a share of Hugogo and others.

How many zombies and strange animals are in a city?

Even if you don’t count the number of people who have escaped at the last minute and detect that something is wrong, it’s probably not less than a million, right?

Assuming that each creature contributes ten points of experience to everyone, then it is tens of millions!

What's more, even if you fight mobs, how can you get ten points of experience?

As a result, when Jiao Yuan's pets and mounts came back, the level of the women changed drastically!

Take Hugogo as an example.

Originally, she was just a Lv3 level novice mage, at this time, she has automatically become an Lv55 level Beyana Fighting God!

In a few short hours, I completed a transition to become a big boss!

The female students who were ordinary people like Hugogo before have basically reached Lv50 or above.

And Sister Lei, who is the highest level herself, is now at an astonishing Lv66 level!

Looking at the entire Ursuo star, I am afraid that it belongs to the well-deserved first combat force, right? !

This made the audience who saw the whole process in their eyes all expressed their sourness.

"Huh? This is Lv55?"

"Holding thighs is different. I think it took me five months to upgrade from L3 to Lv55 at the beginning!"

"I'm almost the same, five months more than one or two hours? Brothers, I want to cry!"

"Facts have proved that Dad Qianye is still the first thigh in the whole server, the undisputed kind!"

"One person wins the way, the dog and the chicken ascend to the sky, the survivors of Urso are so happy!"


After completing the cleanup of City A, Jiao Yuan left Uso Star that night.

Before leaving, he seriously urged Hugogo and the others to spread the dungeon profession to the world as soon as possible before leaving the warship.

The reason why he didn’t go through the secondary dimension world and went directly back to the 130-star universe wormhole was because he needed to arrange the same operations for Hugogo and others on the two planets next to Uso. !

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