Online Games: Starting From Killing The Ultimate Boss

Chapter 339: At the end of Hai Bolun, the mission of the disaster of the alien beasts

Passing the dungeon career to the two planets next to Uso is nothing more than looking for some leaders, letting them work for their promotion tasks, and the process is also very fast.

Immediately afterwards, Jiao Yuan repeatedly shuttled through the wormhole in the universe, looking for the star field where Hai Bolun was located!

Just after coming out of the secondary dimension world, Jiao Yuan saw Jenos staying in place.

Jiao Yuan greeted him, and without waiting for Jenos' response, he flashed into the wormhole of the universe as planned.

Only Janos was forced to stay where he was with a dazed expression.


The universe is boundless, and there are so many star regions among them. It takes too much time to find the 112 star region where Hybolon star is located.

Jiao Yuan constantly shuttles through the wormholes of the universe, or re-travels after death and resurrection, or enters the emptiness of the universe, confronts alien beasts, or constantly sees the different civilizations in the various star regions of the universe.

The job promotion task requires that half of the creatures on the five planets become dungeon jobs.

The previous three planets, including Uso, are still two behind Jiao Yuan.

However, because of the secondary dimension world, only five coordinates can be left, so he will not leave precious coordinates on other planets.

And what if the remaining two planets are stretched?

It's very simple. There are always results from multiple seeds, right?

So Jiao Yuan copied the operations on Uso and left the seeds in some apocalyptic and primitive civilizations that he encountered later.

The reason for choosing these two types of civilized layouts is also because only these two types will be extremely eager for the dungeon career, which is conducive to planning.

Not long after traveling through the wormhole, Jiao Yuan laid out dozens of planets.

Looking forward to the day when the seeds laid out on these planets will bear fruit.

The more seeds there are, the greater the chance of a successful fruit harvest.

Jiao Yuan still wanted to find some apocalyptic or primitive civilizations, but an accident interrupted his plan-after traveling through the wormhole countless times, he finally reached the star field beginning with number 112!


[System prompt: You have reached the coordinates 112, 135, 648 in the universe! 】

"Is this the star field where Hyperion Star is located?"

Jiao Yuan looked at the coordinates displayed on the map, and finally relaxed in his heart.

Finding the Star Territory means that it is not far from finding the Star of Hyperion and coming into contact with oneself [Curse of the Death of Hyperion].

This big mountain pressing on him is finally going to move away!

At this time, just as Jiao Yuan was calmer and was about to summon the Silver Dragon battleship from the secondary dimension world to search for the Star of Hyperion, suddenly, some familiar figures appeared in his perspective.

"Huh? This is..."

Jiao Yuan was taken aback for a moment, fixed his eyes, but suddenly discovered that these familiar figures were actually strange beasts in the void!

"Isn't the alien beast a unique creature outside the universe? How could it appear in star field 112?"

Jiao Yuan's eyes condensed, and a bad premonition suddenly appeared in his heart.

Before I had time to think about it, the strange beasts also discovered his existence at this time, and rushed over with a roar!

"Delicious cosmic creatures!"

It is still the catch phrase that Jiao Yuan is familiar with.

It is still the breath that disgusts Jiao Yuan!

It is still in front of him, the vulnerable Grandmaster (Lv201~Lv300) BOSS!

These creatures, Jiao Yuan has seen countless times in the void, and they are quite handy in dealing with them.

[Combat information: You have gained 590 million experience by killing the Lv222-level monster "Red Flame Maniac"! 】

[Battle Information: You can kill the Lv251-level monster "Chaos Giant Crocodile" and gain 770 million experience! 】

[Combat information: You get 740 million experience by killing the Lv249-level monster "Magic Ape"! 】


In a short while, hundreds of Grandmaster-level strange beasts became Jiao Yuan's undead soul!

At this time, Jiao Yuan had time to think about why the alien beasts that originally existed outside the universe suddenly appeared in the universe!

What happened?

At this time, Jiao Yuan suddenly discovered that in the hundreds of [battle information] that had just flashed, a [system prompt] appeared!

Looking closely, Jiao Yuan was shocked!

[System Tip: You can trigger the main quest of the universe "The Disaster of the Beasts (First Ring)"! 】

[Task content: The alien beasts that originally existed outside the universe broke through the cosmic barrier for some reason, and appeared in the inner region of the universe. Everything in the universe (including planets, treasured resources, creatures, etc.) is what the alien beasts yearn for Ration, as a small and famous person in the universe, are you willing to stop the destruction of the universe by alien beasts? 】

[Task requirements: Destroy 112/100000 masters of alien beasts, and destroy 0/3 of alien beast kings]

【Duration of the mission: 90 days! 】

[Task Completion Reward: Universe legendary degree +1000, randomly selected "Smashing Star" skill X1. 】

[Mission failed: Lost the qualification for the follow-up main task! 】

[Remarks: This task is a task chain type. As the gap in the subsequent cosmic barrier expands, more powerful monsters will appear. 】

[Do you accept the task? 】

A breach in the cosmic barrier, alien beasts invading?

After Jiao Yuan carefully read the details of the mission, he was shocked!

"According to the description of the mission content, the alien beast is the public enemy of all creatures in the universe!"

"Whether it is considering the necessary conditions for Dao's survival or for quest rewards, I definitely can't miss this main quest in the universe!"

Jiao Yuan's eyes flickered and muttered to himself.

Alien beasts feed on everything that exists in the universe, so these beasts are their natural enemies.

And as a player, how can you miss the main mission?

Besides, the quest [Unblocking the Sword of Domination] that I triggered earlier requires the beheading of a king-level alien beast, which coincides with this quest.

Jiao Yuan immediately took over this task!

The next second, another reminder came from my ear——

[System prompt: You have accepted the task! 】

[System prompt: Since you accept the main mission of the universe, a full server announcement is about to be made, do you hide your name? 】

Looking at the latest system prompt, Jiao Yuan's mouth twitched!

Accepting the main mission will make a full-server announcement. Although this is beyond his expectation, he is not too surprised.

After all, a few months ago, when he triggered the main mission at Seablue Star, he also had a full server announcement.

But the announcement of this universe's main line is all paid, and he actually asked himself if he hides his name?

Too funny? !

At present, the only person in Full Service has stepped into the universe level. Besides himself, is there a second possibility to accept the main line mission of the universe (focusing)?

Jiao Yuan clicked the [No] option speechlessly, and the next moment, three full server announcements sounded through every player's ears!

[Full server announcement: The player "Lv200 Qianye" has triggered the main mission of the universe, hereby announce! 】

[Full server announcement: The player "Lv200 Qianye" has triggered the main mission of the universe, hereby announce! 】

【Full server announcement: ...】

In an instant, every player in the entire "Original" was boiling!

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