Online Games: Starting From Killing The Ultimate Boss

Chapter 340 Performing the mission, the shock of the 112 star domain NPC

"The main mission of the universe?"

"Is there anything wrong, I'm only Lv67, Dad Qianye has received the main task of the universe level?"

"Horrible, he deserves to be the man with the best overall service, and will always be in front of us!"

"We don't get a share of the main task of the universe level, it's uncomfortable!"

With these three system announcements resounding in every corner of the entire server, the players suddenly boiled over.

Everyone knows that after Jiao Yuan left Seablue Star and stepped into the universe, he drove the live broadcast almost all the way. Therefore, at this time, countless players who were busy with their own affairs also poured into Jiao Yuan's live broadcast room!

As a result, the number of viewers in the live broadcast room almost covers two billion players in the entire server.

Although many players understand the main mission of the universe, there is a high probability that they will not participate in it, but they also want to know what it is, by the way, it is good to have a long knowledge.

At this look, everyone was stunned again!

The audience in the live broadcast room sent out barrage one after another.

"Fuck, where is this? Why are there so many barren beasts around Dad Qianye?"

"Oh my god, at a glance, the number of wild beasts scattered around Dad Qianye is probably less than a thousand, right?"

"The Great Devil Qianye has come to the Desolate Beast Lair? There is a good show to watch now!"

"But I still don't understand, what exactly is the content of the universe-level mainline mission triggered by Dad Qianye?!"

"Stupid, it must have something to do with Desolate Beast!"

On Jiao Yuan's side, after watching the mission content, his mind immediately returned to his surroundings.

At this time, he seemed to have come to a wild beast base camp from this attack. The location was on a wide wasteland. Looking around, there were countless groups of wild beasts.

However, these desolate beasts are basically within Lv200, and only a small part are between Lv201~Lv300 level of grandmaster.

As far as Jiao Yuan is concerned, as long as the opponent's strength is not enough, the number is useless.

"Desolate Beasts, have you found me?"

"It just so happens, I will start to do the task!"

Jiao Yuan saw a large number of wild beasts rushing towards him, and muttered secretly.

Immediately afterwards, he didn't have any good ink marks, so he shot and attacked!


In an instant, the scene of a mountain collapse and a cracking ground appeared.

Under Jiao Yuan's attack, countless wild beasts were instantly obliterated!

Looking at the entire barren beast group, there is no enemy of one!

But Jiao Yuan didn't relax either, because for him, these cannon fodder beasts below Lv300 are of no use to death. The real enemies are three king-level wild beasts above Lv300.

"The attack efficiency is too slow, I don't want to waste time, entangled with these animals."

Jiao Yuan thought for a while, and was ready to release the "Broken Star" level skills.

In order to kill the wild beast, apart from adding some experience to oneself, there is no other benefit, and the fight is just a waste of time.

Secondly, it's better to try to see if you can force the three king-level barren beasts out by crushing the planet under your feet.

Just as he was about to do this, suddenly about seven or eight humans appeared in his perspective.

"Huh? Why are there NPCs here?"

Jiao Yuan was taken aback, and soon thought that these people should be natives in the 112 star domain.

Perhaps he came here to resist the invasion of the universe by the wild beasts.

And the moment he saw them, Jiao Yuan also dispelled the idea of ​​destroying the planet.

"Herbolon star was extinct by a mysterious civilization as early as tens of thousands of years ago. It is estimated that it will take time to find [Herbolon’s star core], and through contact with NPC forces, they should be able to pass their Intelligence, shorten this process."

"These seven or eight NPCs are a good opportunity for contact!"

Jiao Yuan's thoughts revolved quickly.

It is very simple for him to break this planet, but these NPCs seem to be very low-level, and in all likelihood, they will die instantly with the destruction of this planet.

This focus is far from worth the gain!

After thinking for a while, Jiao Yuan withdrew his plan to release [Uranus·Tiger Fist] or [Forbidden Curse·Dharma God Coming], turning his head and using small skills to constantly clear the waste beasts.

The scope of clearing the field gradually shifted to those seven or eight NPCs!

At the same time, the NPCs also discovered the existence of Jiao Yuan!

Such a big movement, it is impossible not to find it!

These seven or eight NPCs originally faced the siege of the barren beasts and were already at the end of the crossbow, but at the moment when Jiao Yuan's real existence was confirmed, their eyes lit up!

"Captain, someone is clearing the barren beast!"

A middle-aged male NPC wearing a black combat uniform shouted loudly.

"I saw it!" The captain responded excitedly: "Looking at his direction, he seems to be ready to come over to meet us, brothers, hold on!"

"Of course, these damn wild beasts can't take my old Hu's life!"

"Hey, we shouldn't be dead!"

The team members responded loudly one by one.

Everyone’s voice is full of longing for life!

This group of people is a special operations squad sent by Union Civilization 112, whose purpose is to execute the decapitation operation and eliminate the leader of this wave of invading wild beasts in the star field.

But never expected that the strength of this wave of barren beasts was too strong, far beyond their expectations.

When he arrived at the lair of the desolate beast, he walked on thin ice, risking his life at all times.

It was hard to find the approximate position of the leader of the desolate beast, but when exploring carefully, it was still discovered by some sensitive desolate beasts. As a result, the special operations team instantly fell into a state of being besieged.

They are just a group of master-level humans, how can they be able to withstand the siege of dozens or even hundreds of wild beasts of the same level at the same time?

If it weren’t for the belief in survival and the sense of honor for being an Alliance soldier, bitterly persevering, perhaps all of them would have been crushed and eaten by the barren beasts long ago!

But now it seems that the heavens are helping them, and before the end of the world, an unfamiliar strong man has appeared!

And based on their short-term observations, this unknown powerhouse is incredibly powerful!

"Oh my god, just one attack, can a small group of wild beasts in seconds?"

"The Grandmaster-level barren beast that put us in a desperate situation, in front of him, is so vulnerable?"

"Terror, this strength is too terrifying! I'm afraid it is no weaker than the three king-level elders of the alliance!"

"When did such a terrifying boss appear in our alliance?"

"Look at the attacking method with hundreds of shots...Could it be that the opponent is not a member of our alliance, but an unknown powerhouse from outside the Star Territory?"

After Jiao Yuan slaughtered the Quartet, their pressure suddenly reduced a lot.

The members of the special operations squads looked at the Grandmaster-level beasts that had caused them a desperate situation, but they perished in pieces under the attack of Jiao Yuan. In an instant, everyone's eyes widened!

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