Online Games: Starting From Killing The Ultimate Boss

Chapter 341 Combat Team: Is the opponent a king-level boss?

Desolate beasts below the king level were vulnerable to Jiao Yuan.

Soon, he came to the front of the alliance special operations team.

Along the way, there stood a corpse of a wild beast like a sea of ​​blood!

Faced with NPCs in unfamiliar star regions, everyone has different races and languages, and there are certain obstacles to communication. Fortunately, Jiao Yuan is in the 130th star region. From the blue star civilization, he switched to a small spiritual communication device, so both parties can Through mental fluctuations, normal conversations.

"Hello!" Jiao Yuan said hello first.

"Dear powerhouse, Alliance Special Forces, hello to you!"

The captain NPC quickly stood up and said with a respectful face.

In Star Region 112, everyone also follows the concept of respecting the strong.

Just now, Jiao Yuan's great strength along the way has won their respect.

Therefore, including the captain, everyone in the alliance's special operations team maintained a respectful look.

Jiao Yuan nodded with a smile, "Relax, I'm not an enemy!"

After he finished speaking, he didn't even bother to talk nonsense with the other party. After briefly fooling his own history, he went straight to the subject and said:

"You can treat me as the process of chasing wild beasts, occasionally revealing the human beings in the outer star field here."

"My goal is to completely eliminate the wild beasts in the universe, so rest assured, there is no malice against you."

"Time is tight now. I'll talk about it later. I want to know your intelligence on this group of wild beasts and eliminate the threat of wild beasts as soon as possible!"

After listening, everyone in the special operations team showed a relaxed and grateful look.

The first two sentences of Jiao Yuan directly showed that he was not hostile to the Alliance. In the end, it was even more clear that we really need to understand each other, but the premise is to eliminate this wave of wild beasts first and talk about it when we have time.

This is also in line with the mission of the special operations team.

Therefore, they did not hesitate, and directly told the information that they and others had finally found out in a short way.

"The warriors of our alliance civilization are fighting anxiously against this wave of wild beasts." The team leader said:

"The war line is very long, the combat effectiveness of the wild beasts is very strong, and the number seems to be endless. We have made corresponding tactical adjustments."

"The mission of our team is to eliminate the only king-level beast on this planet!"

"According to our exploration, this king-level barren beast should be in a huge valley about a hundred kilometers to the northwest!"

Has the position of the first king-level barren beast appeared?

Jiao Yuan nodded.

"Very well, I'll go over now, you guys be careful!"

As soon as the voice fell, Jiao Yuan was ready to leave.

However, at this moment, the team leader mustered up the courage to remind him: "Respected alien powerhouse, it's not that I doubt your strength, it is really a king-level barren beast, too strong!"

"And we have a special method to specifically target the king-level wild beasts, so I hope you can take us along!"

The only task of the special operations station team is to execute the beheading operation and find a way to eliminate the king-level beasts.

In his opinion, although Jiao Yuan's strength is incredible, he may be able to deal with king-level wild beasts, but what if the opponent ran away?

So, they thought about putting in another insurance.

There can be no mistakes this time. Be sure to let this king-level barren beast completely die!

When Jiao Yuan heard this, he was stunned, and said in doubt: "Do you have a way to deal with king-level wild beasts?"

Are the NPCs in Star Region 112 so strong?

Jiao Yuan thought in amazement, while throwing out investigation skills one by one at everyone on the other side.

However, it was discovered that all of the opponents belonged to the ordinary Lv200 level of strength, which was similar to the Grandmaster-level desolate beast.

With this kind of strength, why can it be said that it is sure to deal with the king-level desolate beast?

Could it be that the other party also hangs up like this, leapfrogging is as easy as drinking water?

Jiao Yuan expressed deep doubts about this.

And the following words of the special operations force squad leader also made Jiao Yuan understand that it was not the opponent who opened up, but that the opponent did have a hole card.

I saw the team leader take a deep breath, took out a metal ball with the size of a fist out of nowhere, and said:

"This metal ball is one of the three kings of our alliance-the King of Longevity has input energy for a whole month before making a king-level bomb. It is decided that the wild beast can't eat it!"

One of the three kings took a month to complete the bomb?

Jiao Yuan faced it curiously and threw a shot of investigative skills.

At the next moment, the system will immediately upload a reminder——

[Item: King Bomb! 】

[Item type: disposable consumables! 】

[Effect: After 2.5 seconds of accumulating momentum, it will cause a devastating blow to a target of 1 million x 1 million square kilometers. The specific damage is calculated based on the target's defense value! 】

[Note: This is an extremely dangerous bomb, which seems to pose a certain threat to creatures above Lv300! 】

"...It turned out to be a one-time consumable!"

Jiao Yuan suddenly realized.

The range of 1 million X 1 million kilometers is so huge.

With a point of breaking the face, it may be possible to complete the attack level of the "broken star" level.

No wonder the other party is so confident!

However, Jiao Yuan felt that wanting to kill a king-level barren beast with a bomb was a bit too whimsical.

But the other party looked confident, and he couldn't dissuade the other party's enthusiasm.

After thinking for a while, Jiao Yuan said: "This planet is going to be broken anyway, so I'll do it first, it depends on the situation!"

Since the opponent's hole card is also a "broken star" level means, Jiao Yuan might as well take the lead in making the move.

End the battle sooner, and get rewards sooner!

"Smash the planet?"

The team leader was taken aback for a moment. He expected Jiao Yuan to be very strong, but he didn't expect the opponent to be so strong!

Break the planet?

This is the king's standard!

Is this powerful person coming from the alien planet actually a king-level boss?

At this moment, the team leader was suddenly very excited!

King-level bosses deal with king-level wild beasts, which is more realistic than killing wild beasts with bombs!

"Okay, please do it!" The team leader flushed with excitement, and bowed respectfully: "As long as the king-level barren beasts are eliminated, our alliance with hundreds of billions of humans will always be grateful for your great grace. Virtue!"

King-level wild beasts are the most threatening creatures to humans.

From the point of view of the team leader, if the opponent really eliminated a king-level barren beast, it should be respected by the entire people.

But as soon as his voice fell, a team member immediately reminded in a low voice: "Captain, the boss wants to destroy the planet, what shall we do? Shall we accept our fate and sacrifice?"

The comprehensive universe and starry sky is also one of the guarantees of the king-level bosses. They are a group of master-level figures, but they can't survive in the void for a long time.

Moreover, the planet was destroyed, and the shock wave of horror made them even more unable to escape.

So, is it going to be sacrificed?

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