Online Games: Starting From Killing The Ultimate Boss

Chapter 342 The shock of the special team, once again completed the Star Breaking achievement

Faced with the reminders of the subordinate members, the team leader's face suddenly became cold.

"Sacrifice for the alliance, this is the glory of our soldiers!"

"Huh, are you scared?!"

The team member's face flushed red, and he shook his hand quickly: "How is it possible, Captain, you too underestimated me, I am afraid of death, I will not participate in this mission!"

Hearing this, the team leader looked a little better, and said in doubt: "Then why are you saying this?"

"Hey! I didn't want to ask the boss, can you give us some time to retreat before crushing the planet under our feet!"

"This... situation is not allowed, we must guarantee the death of the king-level barren beast!" The team leader said hesitantly.

In his plan, he has come all by himself, so he can't just watch the alien masters fight against the king-level wild beasts alone, right?

Your own hole card, the King’s Bomb, is always going to be used, right?

So, how is it possible to leave?

After thinking about it, the team leader couldn't bear to sacrifice everyone, and said: "It won't take long to build the space jumping point. Go back by yourself. I will detonate this king bomb myself!"

The players were so moved that they waved their hands again and again.

"Captain, what nonsense are you talking about, are we the kind of people who run away?"

"If you want to live, you will live together, and if you want to die, you will die together. I will definitely not be a thief!"

"Yeah, yeah, how do you say that sentence? Don't ask for the same year's birth, but ask for the same year's death, our team's comradeship can not break this rule!"

"Yes, to sacrifice, sacrifice all!"

After listening, the team leader was moved to tears; "Good brother!"

The team members also responded with tears in their eyes: "Captain, good brother!"

Jiao Yuan on the side was a little speechless when he saw this scene.

How does this group of NPCs feel a little second in the middle? !

"I said, you are so anxious to sacrifice?" Jiao Yuan gave a weird expression, then dragged the warship out of the secondary dimension world, and said lightly: "I originally planned to let you take the warship and leave this planet first. ."

All special team members: "..."

Everyone looked at the Silver Dragon battleship, and suddenly forgot the parting between life and death, and looked at each other in shock.

"This is a technology that I have never seen before!"

"Can you sail in the universe? The hometown of a foreign boss has advanced technology for countless years than ours!"

"This big steel guy is called a battleship? Good name!"

The members of the special operations squad all showed an appearance that they had never seen the world before.

In response, Jiao Yuan raised his brows: "Have you never seen a warship?"

The team members shook their heads.

Jiao Yuan wondered: "Then how do you spend the distance between the planet and the planet and resist the wild beasts?"

"Space jumping array!"

"Yes, we have room to jump!"

"And in the starry sky war, naturally there are three king-level bosses fighting!"

The players explained in a rush.

"...Oh!" Jiao Yuan nodded awkwardly.

Although there are some doubts about what this spatial jumping array is, it is not difficult to know from the description of the other party and others that this thing should be a long-distance teleportation array.

And facing the wild beasts outside the planet, let the three top combat power masters all take action?

Looking at the leopard, in the civilization of No. 112, it seems that technology is not very developed!

Thinking of science and technology, Jiao Yuan had an idea, and asked: "No, I was here tens of thousands of years ago. I remember that there is a planet called Hai Bolun. It seems that the level of science and technology is very advanced. Why don't you even have a warship? Have you heard of it?"

Tens of thousands of years ago, they were naturally slandered.

Otherwise, Jiao Yuan couldn't explain why he knew the existence of Hai Bolun.

However, perhaps the reason is too old, the members of the special team heard the three words "Hybolun" and they all shook their heads with a dazed expression.

But for the first half of Jiao Yuan's sentence, he was also deeply shocked.

The boss whose life is measured in ten thousand years? horrible!

Regarding this result, Jiao Yuan had an idea, so he was not too disappointed. Instead, he said with a serious look: "The time is almost up, you can take the battleship to the outside of the planet first, I have to do it!"

Speaking of business, the members of the special team also showed serious expressions.

The team leader cast a deep glance at Jiao Yuan and nodded.

"Okay, then we leave, please be sure to eliminate the king-level barren beasts, this is about the survival of the tens of billions of creatures in our alliance!"

"You don't need to remind me, I will do it naturally!"

Jiao Yuan waved his hand nonchalantly, motioning them to leave quickly.

As one of the most technologically advanced battleships of the Blue Star, the Silver Dragon battleship has an autopilot mode. Jiao Yuan set it up and let these squad members ride on it and fly out of the atmosphere quickly!

Seeing that the time was almost up, Jiao Yuan was ready to smash the star under his feet!

"Here's here, and I'm going to witness Dad Qianye's Star Breaking Skill again!"

"I look forward to it. I've seen this kind of scene 10,000 times, and I won't feel bored!"

"I'm different from you. I want to see the shocked faces of the special team NPCs, hahaha!"

The audience also cheered up and prepared to witness again that a star was crushed under Jiao Yuan's hands!

And Jiao Yuan didn't let the audience in the live broadcast room wait long.

When even raised his right fist, facing the planet under his feet, he slammed it down!

[Ukhi·Tiger Fist]!

This one of the signature skills derived from Bauhinia Civilization Super A Grade martial artist Hesius, shines a unique light in the 112 star field!


With the glowing beam of light from the top of Jiao Yuan's fist, it penetrated the star core of the planet under his feet.

Suddenly, the surface of the planet began to collapse!

A series of huge cracks that are not bottomless appeared out of thin air, shattering the planet into parts and gradually shattering them into countless large or small cosmic meteorites.

The whole process lasted less than a minute!

At the same time, because the planet was crushed, countless wild beasts on the planet's surface were annihilated by the shock wave!

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