Online Games: Starting From Killing The Ultimate Boss

Chapter 353 Desolate Beast King turned into a mourner dog, Jiao Yuan successfully won the double kil

"Damn it, how could this happen!"

The NPCs of the special operations squad, in any case, could not think that the King of Longevity was beaten out so quickly in the fight with the strange giant crocodile!

You must know that in their hearts, the King of Longevity, like the other two king-level warriors in the alliance, belongs to the strongest people!

At the same time facing two wild beast kings singled out, Jiao Yuan was able to suppress the entire process and take away the ultimate disaster, but the longevity king is now exposed to a dangerous situation of hard support. Knocked out, life and death are unknown.

This not only gave them a sense of loss of broken dreams, but also extremely nervous about the safety of the King of Longevity.

Fortunately, the next moment the King of Longevity reappeared, and the cosmic dust that fell on him was ready to rush to the strange giant crocodile again.

Although everyone breathed a sigh of relief, seeing his pale face made him nervous.

"The King of Longevity has suffered a serious injury!"

This idea quickly popped into the NPCs' minds.

The next thought that followed was that-we must buy a rest time for the King of Longevity, otherwise if we are entangled in the strange giant crocodile again, we will really be in danger of losing our life at any time!

Every one of them is willing to do this from the bottom of their hearts.

They hate the strange giant crocodile even more.

If it weren't for their strength, they would go up and blew themselves up to buy time for the King of Longevity to repair their injuries.

It's a pity that I have planned everything, but I can only watch because of my lack of strength.

"Lord Qianye, please help the King of Longevity!"

The NPCs were incompetent and furious, so they could only send hope to Jiao Yuan.

In fact, there is no need for them to remind, Jiao Yuan rushed over to the battlefield when the King of Longevity was knocked into the air!

After all, the mission [Disaster of the Alien Beast (First Ring)] requires the killing of three wild beast kings, and Jiao Yuan has completed more than half of it. How could it be possible to miss the last goal of the strange giant crocodile!

However, at this time, a shocking scene happened——

After flying the King of Longevity, the strange giant crocodile almost turned his head and ran in the opposite direction without hesitation!

It turned out to be running for life!

"Hahaha, this barren beast is very witty. Knowing that it is not my Qianye father's opponent, I just thought of running away!"

"Understand and understand, after all, the companion just died in front of it, how could it be indifferent?!"

"Desolate Beast: You can't beat it, you can't beat it, it's important to escape!"

"Huh? You actually know the inner thoughts of the Desolate Beast? I suspect that you are the undercover agent sent by the Desolate Beast to our player group. You can honestly admit it or not!"

"Escape? In front of my great Father Qianye, where can you escape?"

In the live broadcast room, players sneered at the escape behavior of the strange giant crocodile.

At this time, the extreme disaster had just died tragically, no one doubted that Jiao Yuan could kill this wild beast king.

But only a very small portion of players believe that it can escape under Jiao Yuan's eyes.

On the other hand, Jiao Yuan was a little bit dumbfounded about this situation.

"How about teammates belonging to the same camp, the strange giant and the ultimate disaster must be very familiar with each other, teammates can't fight, I can only escape!"

"I have to say, this is really a wise choice!"

"If two days ago, I might have nothing to do with you, but now I just want to sympathize with you!"

Jiao Yuan smiled.

With the strength of the strange giant crocodile wild beast king class, the speed is very fast?

But no matter how fast, can you teleport faster than me?

Learn about the newly acquired [Void Shuttle] skill! ~

When Jiao Yuan thought, he decisively released the [Void Shuttle] that was previously unnecessary!

The skill release took effect, and Jiao Yuan's figure instantly disappeared in place.

Almost at the same time, the distance between him and the strange giant crocodile suddenly shortened by 100,000 kilometers!

With the 10-second cooling time of this skill, Jiao Yuan only used it after a few breaths.

His own agility attribute is higher than that of the Desolate Beast King, if it weren't for the long distance between himself and the longevity king's battlefield, it wouldn't have been so much trouble.

And with the uninterrupted release of [Void Shuttle].

It didn't take long for the strange giant crocodile's horrified eyes to chase him!

"Human, let me go..."

The strange giant crocodile has mental fluctuations and wants to beg Jiao Yuan for mercy.

Or threatening, just like Jiao Yuan faced the dying Beastmaster·Mother Ant before.

But whether Jiaoyuan is used for missions or for the safety of the universe, how can it be let go?

Without saying a word, both fought into one ball.

With the previous experience of facing the extreme disaster, Jiao Yuan has become more comfortable in handling this battle.

Contrary to his emotions, most of the strange giant's mind was on the idea of ​​finding a way to escape.

One side has been fighting high, and the other side is timid before fighting!

In this case, Jiao Yuan was too easy to deal with his strange giant crocodile.

Your Desolate Beast King's defense power is very high?

But I have [Alid’s Sword Eye] and [Alid’s Sword Heart] double BUFF blessings.

One ignores your 10% defense, and the other turns 10% of your output into real damage. How high is your defense?

In addition, the [Advanced Real Damage] BUFF that burst out from Luke is also decisively superimposed.

In addition, Jiao Yuan's own attack power is enough to cause a huge amount of output to you.

If the strange giant crocodile fights seriously, it is estimated that it will be able to resist for a while.

But it was frightened by the situation when its companions were taken away by a wave, and the fighting spirit was depressed.

Jiao Yuan steadily took down its dog head.

Double kill!

At this point, the two kings who came to avenge the wild beast and the mother ant have all been killed by Jiao Yuan!


"Hahaha, the two desolate beast kings came to the door by themselves, it's ridiculous!"

"I can also do this kind of head-off thing, so my combat power = Desolate Beast King?"

"Interesting statement, my second child, Li, agrees. At this time, we are all equal to the wild beast king!"

"Sure enough, this live broadcast once again proved that, looking at the entire "Original" world, Dad Qianye is invincible!"

At the end of the battle, joyful barrage emerged in the live broadcast room.

This ending is what 99.9% of players expected.

If Jiao Yuan was killed by the two Wild Beast Kings, it would be an accident.

On the other side, the NPCs of the Alliance Special Team were silent for a long time.

It's not that they are not shocked, but that they are shocked too many times and are already numb.

After a while, their emotions finally calmed down.

As a result, the surrounding atmosphere turned into excitement and surprise.

They couldn't help whispering.

"If I remember correctly, there are only three kings in this wave of barren beasts entering our universe, right?"

"Captain, I'm sure you remembered correctly!"

"So... So far, the three desolate beast kings have been killed by the Qianye boss one after another?"

"Yeah, I can't believe it!"

"Big Qianye, it's too fierce!"

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