Online Games: Starting From Killing The Ultimate Boss

Chapter 354-Mission Completion Reward, Go to the Leading Star of Alliance 112

[System Tip: You have killed the Lv399-level Wild Beast King "Strange Giant Crocodile" and gained 30E experience! 】

[System reminder: You have been upgraded to get 300,000 free attribute points, and the current level is Lv280! 】

[System prompt: You have completed the mission "The Disaster of the Alien Beast (Part One)!" 』】

[Reward is being settled... After the settlement, you have obtained the "Smashing Star" level skill: "Burning Essence"! 】

[Burning Origin: Active BUFF skills. After release, they will continuously lose 1% of their maximum health every 5 seconds within 10 minutes, their strength and agility attributes will increase by 100%, and 50% of their final output will be converted into research. Extremely real damage. Skill cooling time is 12 hours (can be superimposed with other real damage skills)! 】

[System prompt: You have received the new task "The Disaster of the Alien Beast (Second Ring)!" 』】

[Note: The task is in gray status, you can view the details after completing the trigger conditions! 】

Jiao Yuan is here.

After killing the strange giant crocodile, a series of system prompts sounded immediately.

Although the desolate beast of the pinnacle king level still hasn't exploded any items, it has contributed a lot of experience to him, and it has been directly promoted by one level.

Jiao Yuan decisively allocated all the free attribute points obtained from the upgrade to strength.

Then I carefully observed the skill that rewarded myself after the completion of the main mission of the universe-Burning Origin!

This look immediately made him very excited!

"I'll go, not only to double my strength and agility, but also to turn 50% of my output into a real injury?"

"Not bad, this skill is great!"

After all, there is a "broken star" name, as the name implies.

Jiao Yuan originally thought that according to the description of the task content, he should be able to obtain a wide range of output skills of the "Smashing Star" level, such as [Dharma God Coming] and [Original Tiger Fist].

But I didn't expect to break my head. This "Smashing Star" level skill actually gave myself an extremely powerful BUFF!

Could it be said that the "Smashed Star" level is the same as the so-called gold level, legendary, epic, etc., a measure of the quality of skills?

This is great!

Can the 50% real damage buff lasting for ten minutes be superimposed with other real damage buffs?

Then when Jiao Yuan is fully fired again, will he have it?

For example, if he is able to fight with the strange giant crocodiles and the ultimate disaster again with this skill, Jiao Yuan is confident to solve them in one minute!

This is where the real damage explodes ignoring all defenses, damage reduction, and shields of the opponent!

It can be said that after possessing this skill, Jiao Yuan's own combat capability has surged again!

At this moment, he suddenly remembered that a few days ago, he was still worried about not being able to defeat the Desolate Beast King, and he was a little embarrassed!

"This wave of main weapon unblocking, life evolution, and the main quest rewards of the universe are too great. I now feel that I can beat ten of myself three days ago!"

Satisfied and shook his head, Jiao Yuan glanced at the reminder about the second ring of the [Disaster of Alien Beasts] series, and curled his lips.

This task belongs to the gray untriggered state, but it is definitely against the desolate beast when I think about it with my butt.

If there is a stronger existence than the king-level desolate beast, Jiao Yuan may still be a little worried.

However, according to the description of the mission content of the first ring, the wild beasts living outside the universe can only come in through mysterious cracks. This cosmic crack is not big for the time being, the emperor with a higher rank than the king, and the original god-level desolation capped by Lv500. The beasts are temporarily unable to enter.

At present, the king's peak wild beast has been crushed by itself, which means that there is almost no difficulty in dealing with the wild beasts in the universe in front of Jiao Yuan.

Therefore, Jiao Yuan is not worried at all that his mission chain may fail.

As for the future emperor, and even the topped Lv500 original god-level desolate beast, what should I do?

My big brother Jiao is not dead.

Before this kind of existence comes, naturally, through various tasks, BOSS brushing and other methods, the combat effectiveness can be improved to the point where they are stronger!

Jiao Yuan has this confidence himself!


After finishing the task system prompts, the King of Longevity and the Alliance Special Team NPCs rushed to Jiao Yuan's side.

"Unexpectedly, your strength is actually so strong, I am afraid that you are the worthy number one among all the king-level creatures, right?!"

The King of Longevity sighed with a pale face.

The rest of the NPCs also looked at Jiao Yuan with admiration.

The King of Longevity remembered the scene when he was hit by the strange giant crocodile just now, and a deep fear rose in his heart.

Almost, I am about to explain here!

Fortunately, this king of the alien planet is powerful, otherwise he would be dead.

Of course, if it weren't for the opponent to come to his own star field, the King of Longevity would not risk coming here, thinking of blocking the two wild beast kings with him.

But this matter is not important, what is important is that you have verified the opponent's combat effectiveness, and the alliance is about to usher in a great existence like a guardian.

This is the point that makes the King of Longevity the most exciting.

Taking a risk is nothing.

Considering the other party's young age...

Thinking of this, the King of Longevity couldn't help but said with emotion: "The younger generation is terrible!"

"Where and where."

Jiao Yuan had a humble expression, and in the idea of ​​making a good relationship, he praised: "If it weren't for the King of Longevity, you entangled the strange giant crocodile, so that I had enough time to kill the extreme disaster first, I would not kill them smoothly. ."

"I don't dare to take credit."

The King of Longevity shook his head when he heard this, knowing his own strength.

What is the time delay? !

With his gaze, he could see it naturally at a glance, even if Jiao Yuan singled out the two Wild Beast Kings from the beginning, the result would not change.

It is no exaggeration to say that in this battle against the two wild beast kings, the longevity king felt that he had almost made no contribution at all.

Facing the King of Longevity’s refusal, Jiao Yuan could only say dryly: "You are too modest."

"Hahaha, I'm still a bit self-aware." The King of Longevity smiled self-deprecatingly.

Jiao Yuan thought for a while, and fell silent.

Anyway, the other party's non-acceptance of the scene is his own business, and I don't have to worry about it over and over again.

"Let's uncover this topic, and at this time the three-headed king of the desolate beast has been resolved, and the war has temporarily come to an end."

The King of Longevity turned to Zhengjiyuan and said: "So during this period, I formally, on behalf of the Alliance Civilization, invite Your Excellency Qianye to be a guest on the main star, do you agree?"

Hearing the invitation, Jiao Yuan nodded solemnly, "Of course I promise, I like to make friends the most!"

The reason why I have worked so hard to travel through the wormhole in the universe and search for star field 112 is to find the Star of Hybolon to lift the curse.

Friendship with NPC forces and looking for targets from the opponent's history or intelligence are naturally part of the plan.

At this time Jiao Yuan had dealt with everything, and naturally he wanted to start taking action.

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