Online Games: Starting From Killing The Ultimate Boss

Chapter 355 A Preliminary Understanding of the 112 Star Region Civilization

Special squad NPCs have space jumping technology, can build base stations, and quickly return to the main star of the alliance in this way.

However, building a space-jumping base station consumes a lot of resources. When they came to this starry sky to perform the task of killing the wild beast king, they thought that they and the others would come and go, so they didn't carry many resources and couldn't build it.

Moreover, the current wave of three kings of wild beasts entering the universe has been killed by Jiao Yuan, and the pressure of the alliance to resist the invasion of wild beasts has been greatly reduced, so there is no need to rush back.

After discussing the whole group, they decided to fly back to the main star on Jiao Yuan's battleship.

As the highest-tech warship in the No. 130 star domain, the Silver Dragon has excellent speed.

Only one day passed, and the group arrived at the main star of the alliance.

During this period, Jiao Yuan had a preliminary understanding of the civilization of the alliance during the conversation with the King of Longevity and other NPCs.

First of all, in terms of power distribution.

This civilization on the 112th is called the Alliance because the hundreds of planets under its control come from a total of 32 sub-civilizations, large and small. In the entire alliance civilization, there are about 40 billion humans living, and there is no other mess. Race of wisdom.

These sub-civilizations jointly recommend a leader every ten years, and the position is called the star master.

Secondly, Jiao Yuan also learned a little about personal force and technological development.

Of these 32 sub-civilizations, only a small part is leaning toward the side of science and technology, and most of the others follow the line of personal mighty power.

Therefore, the technological level of the entire alliance civilization is much behind that of the 130th star field.

This can be seen from the interest of the NPCs including the King of Longevity, the battleship Jiaoyuan Yinlong.

In general, the technological level of the alliance civilization has almost just reached the stage of the surface of the deli planet, but there are also some unique features, such as space jumping technology, which surprised Jiao Yuan.

In terms of personal power, all humans in the entire alliance are taking the route of warriors, which is equivalent to the combination of the fighters and ghost swordsmen in the dungeon, or the martial arts in the 130th star domain.

In terms of strength, from low to high, they are——

Ordinary warrior (below Lv10), intermediate warrior Lv10~50, advanced warrior 50~100, master warrior 100~200, grandmaster warrior 200~300, and king warrior 300~400.

At present, the most powerful warrior is based on the three king-level warriors, the longevity king, the side by side king, and the turtle breath king.

There are countless warriors below the level of their three kings.

However, in terms of martial arts, the fighters almost rely on their own comprehension, so the rank is not the only standard to measure the combat effectiveness of the fighters.

When he heard this, Jiao Yuan couldn't help but a bold thought popped up in his mind-why not turn all the warriors of the alliance civilization into dungeon professions, so as to benefit himself?

The more I think about the distance, the more my heart is moved.

To know part of the source of one's strength is based on the number and strength of the professionals who belong to the dungeon.

The more people who turn into a profession in the dungeon, the higher the bonus to his basic four-dimensional attributes.

Looking at the 40 billion humans in the entire alliance civilization, even if only 10% of them are martial artists, that is also a terrifying number of four billion.

Wouldn't it be cool if you put them all in your own leek field?

So Jiao Yuan secretly decided that he must do this in the future.

And the reason why he didn't accept the NPCs as dungeon professions on the spot on the Silver Dragon battleship, he actually considered it.

As a result, I only have a general understanding of the warriors of the alliance civilization, and lack detailed understanding. If they dismiss the professions in the dungeon and teach them in a hurry, wouldn't it be equivalent to making a joke?

Although this possibility is almost zero, it also prompts Jiao Yuan to be a little more cautious.

Anyway, the leeks stay here. Whether to harvest or not, when to harvest, is just a matter of one's own thought.

Secondly, after all, the alliance civilization has a long history, covering hundreds of life planets, and there should be many good things that you want, which can just be used as a bargaining chip to spread the dungeon career to seek benefits.

Therefore, Jiao Yuan doesn't need to worry at all.

After getting a preliminary understanding of the personal strength and the level of the alliance's technology, Jiao Yuan then focused on asking the King of Longevity about the desolate beast and the Hyperion Star.

The King of Longevity attaches great importance to Jiao Yuan, so he has nothing to talk about.

In his narration, Jiao Yuan slowly understood.

When the desolate beast first appeared in star field 112, only fifteen or six years ago, it was very small, with only a few dozen high-level desolate beasts.

A wild beast of this level randomly sends a master-level warrior to obliterate a large piece of it.

Therefore, at that time, all people in the entire alliance civilization did not take the Desolate Beast seriously.

But gradually, as the wild beasts were beheaded one batch after another, and the following wild beasts became stronger and stronger, this made the alliance civilization seniors gradually become jealous.

However, things will not get better because of what they value, on the contrary, they will get worse and worse.

Over the past ten years, the Desolate Beast finally came to the point where it could compete head-on with the comprehensive forces of the entire alliance without losing, forming the supreme disaster of this star field.

Like a giant palm covering the sky, it may kill the Alliance civilization at any time, making all humans panic.

The high-level alliance civilization sent a large number of warriors and soldiers, and they could only stop the desolate beasts at the periphery of the star field, and there was no way to completely expel them.

If Jiao Yuan hadn't appeared this time, the war against the desolate beast wouldn't know how long it would last.

According to their observations of the desolate beasts, it is estimated that even if this wave is repelled, a new desolate group will appear in at most half a year, and the new desolate group must be stronger than the previous wave of comprehensive combat power.

So this can also explain why the King of Longevity pays so much attention to Jiaoyuan.

It's all because the alliance civilization needs high-end combat power too much!

In addition, Jiao Yuan also got the answer he wanted from the mouth of King Changsheng regarding Hai Bolun's information!

The King of Longevity, know the existence of Hyperion!

Although Hyperion was destroyed tens of thousands of years ago, there is a corresponding record in the history of the alliance civilization.

The King of Longevity doesn't know much about Hybolon, but he can remember the key point-which civilization actually ended Hybolon!

The civilization of this ultimate Hyperion star belongs to one of the thirty-two members of the alliance!

He promised that after Jiao Yuan arrived at the main star of the alliance, he would call the person in charge of this sub-civilization to report all the situation.

If nothing else, Jiao Yuan would be able to find the [Hybolun Star Core] item through the mouth of this civilization, so as to relieve the curse effect that was pressing on him.

Getting this answer shocked Jiao Yuan.

And at this time, after the battleship finally arrived at the main star of civilization, under the leadership of the King of Longevity, he first held a meeting with the thirty-two alliances.

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