Online Games: Starting From Killing The Ultimate Boss

Chapter 356 The shock of the members of the alliance civilization, who killed the Desolate Beast Kin

After all, it was a planet of life, and the main star of the Alliance looked like a seablue star from the outside.

The planet shows that about 70% of the area is azure blue ocean, and the remaining 30% is brown land.

The battleship landed in the center of the largest piece of land, and then accompanied Jiao Yuan and his group out, and immediately welcomed the local senior NPC.

Among them, the middle-aged leader was full of temperament, and the King of Longevity was the first to introduce him as the star master of this league.

The star master came to pick up the plane, which shows that the alliance civilization attaches great importance to Jiao Yuan.

This is the card face!

The two parties briefly talked a few words, and then went to the conference room in the Union Headquarters building together.

Here, representatives of thirty-two members are already in place!


"The King of Longevity is here!"

"With the status of the King of Longevity, I actually want to participate in the alliance representative meeting. It is estimated that something big has happened this time!"

"Do you think it has something to do with the desolate beast?"

"I think it's possible. Recently, the strength of the wild beasts is getting stronger and stronger, and we lose a lot of soldiers every day."

"Huh? Who is the young man next to the King of Longevity? Do you know him?"

"I don't know, it seems that the age should be a junior in the longevity king's family, maybe it was someone who came here to learn more. After all, the longevity king is already old, and it is reasonable to pave the way for the family."

"Oh~ it was very difficult for us to deal with the wild beasts. Once the King of Longevity retires, it will be even more difficult for us..."

In the meeting room, the thirty-two members of the family greeted the star master and the king of longevity, and couldn't help whispering.

The fact that Jiao Yuan had killed the three wild beast kings was only known to a small number of NPCs such as special team NPCs and star masters, and it did not spread.

The people present are still melancholy, how can they successfully resist this wave of wild beasts.

And what was the purpose of this meeting that the star master suddenly convened.

As for Jiao Yuan, most of them think that they are the juniors of the Changshengwang family.

Perhaps the talent is good enough to be trained by the King of Longevity, but he is too young to be of no consequence to the current war.

However, just when these thirty-two members thought that this was the case, the King of Longevity suddenly took Jiao Yuan to the top row of seats in the conference room, and he was in an equal position with the star owner!

Seeing this scene, the members of the sub-civilization suddenly cast very surprised eyes.

"How is this going?"

"This young man is actually sitting in this position, sitting in a row with the star master and the king of longevity?"

"Is there any mistake? Isn't he a descendant of the Longevity King family? It's not appropriate to sit in this position, right?"

The civilized order of the alliance is abrupt, especially inside the high-level.

A small seat, although it seems insignificant, in the conference room is closely related to the status of each sub-civilization in the alliance.

The higher the status, the more important the status of this sub-civilization in the alliance.

In the same row as the star master, it was only a great existence like the Three Kings that would be acquiesced by everyone.

Everyone couldn't understand why this guy who looked like the junior of the King of Longevity was actually sitting in the same seat as the star owner?

Is there any agreement reached between the King of Longevity and the Star Lord that this young man is the representative of the future of King of Longevity?

But even so, you shouldn't sit in this position at this time!

In everyone's impression, the King of Longevity would not be so ignorant of the rules.

Did we all guess wrong, what's the deep meaning in it?

The people present were all human beings. Although they were surprised at this, they all did not question, but looked towards the star master.

They knew that the star master would give themselves and others a reasonable explanation.

Otherwise, the embankment of a thousand miles is destroyed by an ant's nest, have you ever heard of it?

A small seating arrangement is indeed inconspicuous, but it is an act of breaking order.

As soon as this kind of opening is opened, what more serious things will happen if there is an incomplete maintenance!

At this time, the star master also saw the strange expressions of many representatives of secondary civilizations, smiled faintly, and then said:

"The theme of this meeting is still to discuss the war against wild beasts, but before the meeting starts, I want to announce three good news to everyone!"

As soon as the voice fell, everyone unanimously eased their brows.

It's nothing to discuss the war of wild beasts, everyone present is the ruler of their respective civilizations, and they have long been used to it.

And it is worth looking forward to the three good news that the star master can announce before the meeting officially starts.

To know the good news in general, it is not worth the first announcement on such a serious occasion.

When everyone thought of this, they all pricked their ears in silence, ready to listen to the next words of the star master.

And the star master didn't disappoint everyone, as soon as he opened his mouth, it was Wang Zhan!

"I have received the latest news that the three king-level wild beasts in this wave of wild beasts have all been beheaded just a few days ago!"

As soon as this sentence came out, everyone first pulled out their ears in disbelief, thinking that they had hallucinations. After digestion, the atmosphere in the meeting room suddenly exploded!

"What? The three-headed Wild Beast King was beheaded? Star Master, are you sure it's true, aren't you kidding me?"

"Am I dreaming?"

"Slaying the three-headed wild beast king...who is it? Or which team did such an incredible thing? Great!"

Everyone thought at first that the star master was fooling himself!

Want to know what is the existence of the Wild Beast King?

That is the pillar of the alliance-the fighting power of the same status as the three king-level warriors!

Everyone present knows the horror of King-level existence.

Even if you can't dream, one day the star master will announce this kind of thing.

If it hadn't been for everyone's full trust in the star owner, it would be impossible to believe a word.

But it is precisely because of trust, so although they are extremely shocked, everyone subconsciously believes in the three-headed wild beast king, really as the star owner said, which person or team has been eliminated in the past few days!

Besides, this kind of thing is absolutely impossible for everyone with the wisdom of the star master.

Otherwise, wouldn’t it be a loss of majesty if you pierced it in the future?

After accepting the truthfulness of the star master's words, there was immense excitement that followed.

The three-headed Desolate Beast King was beheaded. Doesn't it mean that in this war between Alliance civilization and Desolate Beasts, victory was almost won?

Realizing this, how could the representatives of the secondary civilizations present not be excited?

In addition to the shock and excitement, the most curious thing about everyone present was what happened during this process?

What kind of existence can eliminate the three wild beast kings in just a few days?

In what way?

Is it personal power or relying on technological weapons?

Everyone is very curious.

At this time, the star master also looked at everyone's longing look, not many beeps, the first action was to get up and bow deeply with Jiao Yuan.

This scene stunned the rest of the people!

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