Just as the atmosphere in the meeting room gradually solidified, suddenly the door was pushed open from the outside, and two figures wandered in.

"I heard that the three wild beast kings have been beheaded, I want to see who is lying to me!"

A cold voice spread throughout the conference room.

Everyone turned their heads and looked around, and found that the person who said this, everyone present knew all of them.

It is one of the three kings of the alliance civilization, and the king!

Seeing it was him, many people showed an unexpected look.

Although the three kings of the alliance civilization are all responsible for the protection of civilization in terms of the overall situation, the three kings are also humans. As long as they are humans, they have their own thinking. Therefore, the personalities of each of the kings are very different.

The King of Longevity is a good old man and will not take the initiative to offend others, and silently contribute to the alliance civilization like an old scalper.

The other King Guixi was a rare female warrior. She was awarded this title because the martial arts route was related to the mythical beast Xuanwu, but she was actually quite young on the surface and her personality was approachable.

However, there is a unique point about the character of King Turtle Breath-laziness!

That's right, just laziness!

What Guixi King usually likes to do is stay at home and sleep or play games. Unless a major disaster occurs in the Alliance civilization and she has to be called to take action, everyone suspects that she will not go out for ten years.

It's just that no one can think of it, a well-known lazy woman, can actually reach the height of the king class.

Generally speaking, she is a low-key beauty queen.

But the side-by-side king who spoke at this time was different from the low-key of the other two kings. He was too active in public realization on weekdays.

Personality is also very arrogant, for warriors who look down upon, no matter what the background of the opponent, they often frustrate others regardless of the occasion.

Another thing that people talked about by the side-by-side king is the pursuit of King Guixi for hundreds of years.

Logically speaking, after being pursued by a king-level warrior for hundreds of years, which woman in the alliance will not be conquered by him?

It's a pity that King Guixi didn't bother about it.

Of course, this matter has nothing to do with the situation at this time.

In the conference room, everyone understood that the King of Side by Side was unabashedly questioning Jiao Yuan.

Everyone showed the look of watching the show.

On one side is the extraterrestrial king-level tycoon supported by the star lord and the longevity king.

Once again, it is the side by side king who has quickly become used to being arrogant.

Neither party is easy to mess with.

Everyone thought that Qianye’s killing of the Three Desolate Beast Kings had already been concluded, but when the King Side by Side stood up at this time, they quickly shut up, quietly lowered the sense of existence of themselves and others, and ate with peace of mind. melon.

On the other side, facing the arrogance of the side by side king, Jiao Yuan raised his brows and asked: "Time, place?".

"What's the meaning?"

Side by side the king was taken aback.

The two originally pale-faced King Changsheng and the star master were also confused by the four words that popped out of Jiaoyuan's mouth.

Why do you suddenly ask such irrelevant things for no reason?

Seeing everyone's faces blank, Jiao Yuan sighed and explained:

"I killed the three-headed Desolate Beast King, don't you believe it? Then make an appointment for the time and place, and I will let you experience the feeling of the Desolate Beast King?"

As soon as the voice fell, everyone in the conference room was once again stunned.

It turned out that the time and place that Qianye asked, what did it mean?

I'm going, this is going to make a fight with the side-by-side king? !

Realizing this, everyone is excited.

The discussion between the king-level warriors, this kind of thing is really rare in the alliance.

Even if everyone present has the worst status, he is also the power holder of a sub-civilization, and his life can only be seen from some movies and videos.

After all, looking at the entire history of the alliance, there are only a handful of bigwigs who have reached the point of king.

How can it be possible for other people who are not important to witness the battle or the process of competition with their own eyes?

At this time, the Qianye tycoon of the Alien Territory faced the arrogance of the side by side king, and took the initiative to send out an invitation to fight.

This means that they have the opportunity to witness the competition between the king-level bosses with their own eyes!

Eating melons to such a degree is a rare experience in a century, so everyone is very excited.

At the same time, King Side by Side seemed to be angry with a smile, his face gloomy and authentic:

"Hmph, hit it, who is afraid of whom?"

"I don't understand, you are a young hairy boy, how dare you dare to discuss with me, you don't know how to live or die!"

Jiao Yuan smiled, "Then go find a place outside the main star now, shall we begin?"

"Hmph, if you have the guts, follow along!"

With a cold snort, Wang turned his head and wanted to take the lead.

Jiao Yuan nodded in view.

He likes to teach this kind of Tiehan who doesn't see the coffin and doesn't shed tears.

After all, if you are not convinced, the big deal is to fight.

There will always be times when you are convinced.

Seeing that the two were ready to take action, King Changsheng shook his head and told Jiao Yuan: "Your Excellency Qianye, please remember to be merciful."

He and King Side by Side are both old acquaintances, and they know each other's strengths very well, knowing that he can't stand a blow at all in front of Jiao Yuan.

I'm afraid it's far worse than any of the three wild beast kings.

Therefore, King Changsheng had to beg Jiao Yuan, hoping that his men would be merciful and focus on the overall situation and not be ruthless.

Jiao Yuan had intended to teach the other party a lesson, so he naturally agreed.

"Since there is your request from the King of Longevity, don't worry, I will save his life."

"That's good, that's good!"

King Changsheng breathed a sigh of relief.

The side-by-side king who had a panoramic view of this scene couldn't help but twitch at the corner of his eyes.

Inwardly, there was a trace of regret.

Just as the King of Longevity knew him, he knew the King of Longevity quite well and knew that the other party was definitely not a person who likes to make jokes.

In other words, in the eyes of the King of Longevity, he could not be the opponent of this young man at all.

Even the King of Longevity also asked the other party to accept it as soon as they saw it during the competition, and don't hurt their own lives!

Realizing this, the side by side Wang felt silently sinking to the bottom.

Looking at Jiao Yuan's gaze, he was also full of shock and inconceivable emotions.

"Does this maotou who didn't know where he came from really has the power to kill the three wild beast kings?"

The King of Side by Side is in a very mixed mood at this time.

He felt he was too reckless before!

At least you should be patient. After you get to know the other party better, you can decide based on the situation whether to get along well or to teach you a lesson.

Instead of doing this now, he has become a difficult situation for him to ride a tiger!

Side by side, the king turned his head and glanced at the beautiful king of turtles not far away, and gritted his teeth.

In any case, it is impossible for him to make self-repentance in front of the woman he is pursuing.

The big deal, I was really beaten up by the other party.

And maybe the Changsheng old man is confused, and the opponent's strength is worse than his own?

This possibility is still there!

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