Jiao Yuan and King Side by Side flew to the outer space of the main star one after another.

King Changsheng and King Guixi followed suit without saying a word.

The star owner and the representatives of the various sub-civilizations did not want to miss this discussion. Although they could not fly like the four big bosses, they also took a top-notch spaceship in the alliance, hanging behind them.

Jiao Yuan and King Side by Side took the lead to arrive at a starry sky spot that hardly affects the main star, greeted each other, and started directly.

It is worth mentioning that before starting, Jiao Yuan started the live broadcast again with the idea of ​​letting the players have a long experience.


[Combat information: You are hit by the Lv328 NPC Side by Side King skill "Destroy Straight Fist" and lose 61.2 million HP. 】

[Combat information: You release the skill "Broken Neck", knock down the Lv328-level NPC Side by Side King 115 million HP, and add a stiff state for five seconds to the opponent, (the opponent cannot perform any actions in the stiff turn state!)]

[Battle information: You release the skill "Cradle of Hell" and knock down the Lv328-level NPC Side by Side King with 514 million HP! 】

[Combat information: You release the skill "Stone Breaking Sky"...]

At the moment of the battle, Jiao Yuan saw the attributes of the King of Side by Side from the system panel.

The level of Lv328, although he did not show specific skills because he was higher than his own level, his offensive and defensive skills were far inferior to the three-headed wild beast king he had dealt with.

Jiao Yuan can crush the desolate beast of the king rank peak, how could he not crush him?

So at the moment when the competition started, except for the King of Side by Side who hit him for the first time, he remained in a passive position for the rest of the time.

And Jiao Yuan's conversion career at this time was a judoist in the dungeon, and his throwing skills were too unreasonable.

Not only the output is high, but also various BUFFs that reduce the CD time are added, causing the side by side king to be controlled by himself like a doll, and there is no chance to fight back!

With the continuous refreshing of [Combat Information], the HP of the King of Side by Side declined rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At the same time, various injuries continued to appear on his body.

Jiao Yuan kept slinging out various skills while paying attention to the bloodline of the king side by side.

Although he was a bit greedy to get rid of the opponent's experience points, he still dispelled this idea and paid attention to the output rhythm so as not to be beaten to death by himself.

You know you haven't found the Hyperion core yet.

What happened to a pillar of civilization just after we met?

Isn't it going against your original plan?

Jiao Yuan would not commit such a stupid thing!

As a result, when he saw that the HP of Side by Side was running out, he consciously slowed down the rhythm.

As a result of this, the King of Side by Side got rid of his infinite control of time and had some room to fight back.

It's just that his attack on Jiao Yuan didn't hurt or itchy, so Jiao Yuan didn't care at all.

In this way, for a time, both parties are like playing house, you punch me.

The difference is that every time Jiao Yuan attacked, King Side by Side was overwhelmed, while King Side by Side’s fist fell on him, but he didn't move.

The strength of the two sides can be seen by anyone with a discerning eye!


"I'm going, is Dad Qianye playing the boss again? Exciting!"

"As soon as the live broadcast starts, let us watch the crushing boss? Dad Qianye, are you trying to show off to our players?"

"Poor, so poor, this humanoid boss is in front of Qianye's father, the gap is the same as that of a newborn baby and a boxing champion."

"It's crushing the bureau again? I'm used to it a long time ago, but why did Qianye's father suddenly shut down the live broadcast for a long time? I protest, I want to see your daily life!"

"Same protest, I ask Qianye's father to live broadcast 24 hours a day as before!"

"Protest, protest +100!"

The live broadcast room opened, and the entire Seablue Star players moved in quickly after hearing the wind.

They have long been accustomed to Jiao Yuan's crushing the new boss, so most viewers were not surprised.

As for the barrage in the live broadcast, most of them are complaints and protests about the live broadcast that took so long to focus.

Everyone hopes that Jiao Yuan will be like the one who just stepped into the interstellar space, and they will pay attention even if they face a deadly cosmic space all day long.

This situation where the live broadcast took place after a day or two must be improved.

Even if you are a recognized father, you must have a correct attitude and understand that your main profession is actually an anchor!

In the middle of the battlefield, because Jiao Yuan deliberately released water and so on, the king took the initiative to surrender, so he was free to glance at the barrage in the live broadcast room.

In response to the audience's protest, the corner of his mouth raised slightly.

It is impossible to broadcast live 24 hours a day, and I will never be as stupid as I was a while ago.

Let the players be knowledgeable, and by the way, they can also install a batch to appreciate everyone's praise of their own tricks.

However, I Jiao Yuan also has a private time that I don’t want to be discovered by you, and when you watch the live broadcast every day, don’t you have time to upgrade? Isn’t the slow upgrade slowing me down? .

So, in the future, except for the live broadcast of the big scene, you should upgrade to the rest of the time!

This is the greatest contribution to me!

Thinking of this, Jiao Yuan smiled triumphantly, and became even more casual when dealing with King Side by Side.

This situation made the side by side king extremely frustrated.

Obviously he has the power to kill, he clearly controls the fighting initiative, but he keeps playing tricks on himself!

The King of Side by Side knows what the other party wants.

It's nothing more than letting oneself surrender, admitting that he was wrong beforehand, and stomping on his face severely.

What can I just know?

At this moment, the king of shoulders feels that his body is almost unable to hold it!

To be honest, if you don't understand that the high-level civilization is paying attention to yourself, or the girl who has been thinking about it for hundreds of years is... a man who knows the current affairs is Junjie!

What if I kneel and surrender side by side with the king?

It is a pity that it is precisely because of the worry about his own image in the hearts of other people, that the side-by-side king hesitates and is still gritting his teeth.

What's even more regrettable is that he didn't know that his image had long been shattered in the eyes of the audience!

"The King of Side by Side was actually crushed and beaten by the audience... incredible!"

"It deserves to be the man who killed the three wild beast kings, too strong!"

"The strength of the King of Side by Side is one of the ceilings of combat power in our Star Territory. How could this Lord Qianye crush him so easily? Don't understand!"

"Have you seen it? Qianye's attacking rhythm has slowed down a lot from the beginning, and seems to be releasing water..."

"At this moment, I finally know why Qianye Big Brother can kill three Desolate Beast Kings in a few days!"

The representatives of the various sub-civilizations originally thought that even if the side by side king is not Jiao Yuan’s opponent, at least it will not be much worse, right?

Both sides are king-level bosses, at least there should be a period of time, and then the winner will be divided, right?

How could it be that from the very beginning, the boss of his own family was crushed and beaten by the opponent side by side?

Seeing this punch hit King Side by Side one after another, the King Side by Side's face became paler and paler.

Everyone unanimously showed sympathy and amused glances at him.

It's not an enemy of life or death. He knows he can't beat him and he's still holding on. What are he doing?

Or, is the King of Side by Side so stupid that he has blurred his judgment on the battlefield?

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