Online Games: Starting From Killing The Ultimate Boss

Chapter 360 Longevity King: King Turtle Breath, I have an important task for you

Not far from the battlefield, watching Jiao Yuan easily crush King Side by Side, King Changsheng and King Guixi whispered.

"What do you think?" the King of Longevity asked.

"Too strong, I'm not as good as him!"

"The King of Side by Side is not Qianye's opponent. I understand that. I'm not asking about this." King Changsheng smiled and shook his head, and then asked: "For the martial art of the Lord Qianye in this battle, do you think how?"

King Guixi paused and commented: "Unbelievable!"

The King of Longevity smiled and nodded, "It's true!"

Both of them are king-level bosses, and naturally they have a much larger vision than the others.

In their view, the result of this battle was doomed from the very beginning when the two sides first contacted.

Therefore, they are more concerned about Jiao Yuan's martial arts skills in this battle.

Although the power gap between Side by Side King and Jiao Yuan was too great, the former could not make the latter take the latter seriously, and the skills displayed in the battle were just the tip of the iceberg, but this was enough to impress the two bigwigs.

Speaking of, the professional skills of the judoist Jiao Yuan used at this time, although none of them can reach the level of "Broken Star", they also have unique throwing skills that make people shine.

Throwing, comet spiral, hell cradle...

These one by one continuously controlled the skills of the side-by-side kings, and the two kings watching the battle were fascinated.

King Guixi was in a better mood, but King Changsheng, as the one who witnessed Jiao Yuan's killing two desolate beast kings, knew better that Jiao Yuan's ability was far more than that.

If it is an opponent, when he is full of firepower, he does not even have enough confidence to hold on for a minute without losing.

This kind of super personal charm is really daunting to the enemy.

Thinking of this, the King of Longevity was extremely grateful at this time, and Jiao Yuan showed his friendship with the alliance civilization from the beginning.

Otherwise, it might be more terrifying than the disaster brought by the beast!

"Lord Qianye's martial arts skills are far more than just those revealed..."

As one of the three kings of the entire alliance civilization, the King of Longevity knew that he had reached his twilight years and had to make some plans for the future of civilization.

He is more optimistic about King Guixi than the arrogant King of Side by Side, even if this woman is lazy.

So at this time, the King of Longevity didn't mind mentioning her a few words.

"Lord Qianye is from an extraterrestrial domain, you should know that compared to that, right?"

"I know, what's the matter?" King Guixi asked suspiciously.

The King of Longevity supported his beard and said with a serious face: "Guess, Qianye's strength, how many king-level existences are there in the star region where his hometown is, and even the terrifying existence above the king-level. ?"

"I haven't been out to the Star Territory again, so why do I suddenly ask this question?" King Guixi frowned, and replied with some impatientness, "Old Longevity, just say it if you have something to say."

The King of Longevity sighed somewhat helplessly, knowing that this woman was too lazy to think, so he didn't plan to go around.

"The growth of a strong person is inseparable from his living environment."

‘A surface-level civilization is absolutely impossible to suddenly cultivate a strong person who can cross the universe! "

"So I boldly guess that in Qianye's hometown, there may be many powerful existences that are not weaker than him. Do you understand what this means?"

King Guixi nodded in recognition of the first two sentences of King Changsheng, and then asked curiously: "What does it represent?"

The King of Longevity choked. With such a simple truth, does this woman still need to ask?

How lazy is she?

The King of Longevity has some doubts about her own decision at this time. Can she really serve as the strongest guardian of the future alliance civilization?

Unfortunately, he looked at the King Side by Side who was still struggling not far away, and sighed in disappointment.

There is really no choice!

However, with the rich life experience of the King of Longevity, now that a decision has been made, unless it is a last resort, he will definitely go all the way.

He reminded King Guixi again.

"The desolate beasts have not appeared in our star field for a long time, but these beasts seem to be inexhaustible, and with the continuation of time, the strength of the desolate beasts that appear has become more and more tyrannical. I guess that the king-level is definitely not theirs. peak!"

"And if there is a wild beast above the king level, how can our star field resist?"

Hearing this, the king of turtle breath lowered his head and thought deeply, and after a while, he finally showed a look of surprise.

"Old man, do you mean that in the future, if our alliance civilization doesn't want to be extinct by the wild beasts, we should have a good relationship with Qianye?"

Seeing King Changsheng's expression of relief, King Guixi curled his lips and couldn't help retorting:

"But in this case, aren't we holding our thighs? What a shame!"

"...How can this be said to hold the thigh? Obviously it is mutual benefit!"

King Changsheng's nose was almost crooked, and he flicked her head fiercely.

"I don't believe it. Looking at the hundreds of planets in the entire Alliance civilization, there is nothing in Noda's star field that interests Qianye?"

"At that time, we can use these things to ask him to summon the bigwigs of the hometown to help deal with the wild beasts together!"

"So this is obviously a win-win situation, how can you think so!"

King Guixi curled his lips again, "Cut, it sounds good, but it's actually just the same thing!"

"...Whatever you want!"

The King of Longevity was speechless for a few seconds, and he was not ready to Do Bibi anymore, and simply told the complete purpose--

"The premise of the transaction is that our alliance civilization must have a good relationship with Qianye, so that there is the possibility of long-term cooperation!"

"If the relationship is successful, it will bring not only the advantages against the wild beasts, but also the more important point, that is the invisible benefits to the warriors in our alliance!"

"Do you think that if you get along for a long time, can you learn a lot of powerful martial arts from Qianye, openly or secretly? And as more and more people learn, is it effective against the warriors in our civilization? , A huge improvement?"

Speaking of this, King Guixi finally realized, "So holding the thigh can raise the level of our civilization?"

The King of Longevity nodded, and didn't bother to worry about her saying that she was still talking about holding the thigh.

These next words are the focus of his long talk about King Guixi——

"Your Excellency Qianye exudes a kind of coercion (life level shock aura) at any time, and it is difficult for ordinary warriors to live under this kind of power for a long time to serve him."

"So we want to have a good relationship with him, and even those who serve him must be at least a master-level martial artist."

"And there are only a dozen warriors of this level who are still willing to be masters in your palace, right?"

"So, the task of establishing a good relationship with him is left to you!"

It was too hard to finish talking to the Turtle Breath King who was too lazy to think. At this time, he finally revealed his purpose, and the King of Longevity immediately showed a look of relief.

On the other hand, King of Turtle Breath looked sluggish at this time.

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