Online Games: Starting From Killing The Ultimate Boss

Chapter 361 Persuade King Turtle Breath

"Old man, are you not confused?"

King Guixi looked at King Changsheng with a shocked look on his face, his mouth beeping continuously.

"Yes, I admit that having a good relationship with Qianye is good for our civilization, but don't you know that everyone in my palace is female?"

"If you arrange him to live in my house, what do we think?"

"Are you alone and widow, you can let a young man who is full of blood live in a group of women every day, and you have to serve by a master-level warrior?"

"My God, isn't there a place for him to live on hundreds of planets in the Alliance? Why are you embarrassed to speak up, old man?"

Speaking of this, King Guixi added angrily: "Could it be that your so-called relationship is to let the woman in my house give Qianye to Qianye for nothing, thus giving birth to the other's offspring?"

"Or, do you want me to dedicate myself?"

This is too blunt, and the king of longevity blushes.

And the reason why he can blush with his superb control of emotions is naturally... he was hit by the king of turtle breath!

No matter how good the relationship is, can it be comparable to a family?

The King of Longevity does have a hidden idea, that is, he wants to combine King Guixi with Qianye to have offspring.

Originally, he didn't intend to tell King Guixi.

Because in his opinion, Qianye is young and handsome, with superior strength and mysterious background.

Although King Guixi has lived for hundreds of years, because she has reached the level of the king, her appearance has almost always remained in her youth, so her age has lost meaning to her.

The combination of the two will surely give birth to the best offspring.

And their descendants must at least be able to step into the king-level king level!

So you see, how far-sighted the King of Longevity made this decision!

He has considered the new guardian source of the alliance in the future!

"Huh, don't think about it, old man!"

"I'm not used to you!"

On the other side, King Guixi continued to complain.

It seems that the impact of this incident on her is not small!

The King of Longevity smiled slightly, neither refuting nor admitting her speculation, but directly giving a fatal blow!

"Your mother, Qingyu, has always wanted to see you get married in her lifetime? She has not lived for a few years. Can you bear to watch her pass away with regret?"

The beeping turtle breath king: "..."

The King of Longevity smiled slightly.

King Guixi is also a human being, and being a human has weaknesses.

And her mother Sapphire is one of her biggest weaknesses.

In the eyes of King Changsheng, King Guixi did have more or less shortcomings, but he was very serious about filial piety to his elders.

Her mother is a perfect breakthrough!

The King of Longevity didn't believe it. She could bear to see the regretful look of her mother before her death.

Look, as soon as this sentence came out, did the King Guixi freeze?

The King of Longevity felt that everything was under control, and hurriedly continued his efforts:

"With your status, ordinary men can't meet the requirements of your significant other at all, except for the level of a king-level warrior."

"At present, looking at the entire alliance, there are only three male king-level warriors including me. If you refuse Qianye, do you want to agree to be the king?"

King of Turtle Breath: "..."

Don't mention that shameless pen to me, if I want to, can I refuse him for hundreds of years?

"Okay, I promise you, agree to let Qianye enter the palace!"

King Turtle Breath took a deep breath and said.

"That's right!" Changsheng Wang nodded with relief, "Don't worry, from my point of view, Qianye is definitely a good match, and he won't let you down!"

Turtle Breath King Tsundere snorted softly, "Hmph, it's too early to say this, I just promised him to settle in the palace, but I didn't promise to create humans with him!"

"Hahaha~ OK, then I won't say more!"

Although King Guixi was still stiff, King Changsheng felt that sooner or later she would fall.

With the first compromise, there will be a second step, a third step...

The scene that I planned for myself will appear sooner or later in the future!


the other side.

Jiao Yuan was still playing side by side king casually.

If you let him know that in just a few minutes, if the King of Longevity had arranged for him an invisible wife, and even planned for future generations, he would definitely be grateful to his eight-life ancestors.

You must know that although he no longer regards NPCs as pure data, he has not yet made it through this threshold to play with NPCs.

Besides, if Jiao Yuan really had thoughts in this regard, the beauties like Shuang Aoxue and Feng Qingwu weren't ready-made.

With my charm, you still need an introduction from the old man?


It's a pity that Qianye doesn't know the longevity king's plan for the time being. The day he knows in the future, he has already fallen into the pit...

Of course, this is something later, not much to say.

At this time on the battlefield, after Jiao Yuan's long-term blow, the King of Side by Side was already scarred.

If it hadn't been for the idea of ​​"I don't want to lose his image in front of the goddess Turtle King", he would not be struggling to sustain it at all.

But even so, it was finally reaching its limit at this time.

At the moment, the king of shoulders feels as if his whole body is filled with lead water, and any movement is extremely heavy.

Pain, tiredness, shame, regret.

These four words perfectly describe the emotions of the King of Side by Side.

Finally, after being hit by Jiao Yuan again, lying in the starry sky unable to move, his eyes closed, like a dead dog.

Jiao Yuan felt a little funny when he saw it, so he approached him and said lightly:

"Um... is this the best ending you think?"

"I was beaten to exhaustion and fainted?"

Five seconds after speaking, the King by Side still did not move, as if he had really fainted.

Jiao Yuan was a little speechless about this.

If NPCs are learning from each other, surely you believe it?

Unfortunately, he is a player and has a system prompt.

Looking at the opponent's [5.6% HP] and [No Abnormal] status displayed on the panel, Jiao Yuan was silent for a moment.

"You, a king-level warrior, actually ended this battle by pretending to be dizzy? I have to say, I admire your face a little!"

"Because you made me appreciate this good scene, I should have exposed the previous offense."

Jiao Yuan shook his head, and flew towards King Changsheng.

After all, the battle is over, and I am not going to kill the opponent, so why stay here?

What Jiao Yuan didn't see at this time was.

As soon as he turned and left, the side-by-side Wang's eyelids trembled, and a look of resentment flashed across his face.

Yes, he did pretend to be dizzy.

He could hide this trick from most spectators, but it was difficult to hide the three of King Changsheng, King Guixi, and Jiao Yuan of the same level.

But besides using this trick, are there other ways to maintain your image as much as possible after ending the battle?

Do you have to kneel and surrender and admit that you have done something wrong?

No, then the image will all be ruined!

As a result, the side by side king who could not think of ending the fighting method could only be so clever.

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