Online Games: Starting From Killing The Ultimate Boss

Chapter 362 Everyone is vying to invite Jiao Yuan to settle down, the anger of the King of Longevity

This is the end of the discussion.

The defeat of Side by Side King was expected by everyone, but his act of pretending to faint successfully aroused the sympathy of some representatives of sub-civilizations, and Jiaoyuan was a little bit angry.

In their eyes, the King of Side by Side is indeed self-inflicted, and should not be recklessly argued without understanding the truth of the matter, but Jiao Yuan shouldn't hurt him so badly.

A king-level warrior, was so humiliated that he fainted?

This makes their alliance civilization very shameless.

It's just that they forgot, Jiao Yuan, as an alien, facing a provocative opponent, why should he stop it?

If it were not for the face of the King of Longevity, to be honest, the King of Side by Side would have long been a dead person.

Now this kind of result is already merciful.

He side by side the king himself shamelessly pretends to be dizzy, can he blame him?


However, among the ordinary representatives of sub-civilizations, there are actually a small number of people who have such thoughts.

The question of the alliance civilization is longing for the strong.

The stronger Jiao Yuan's performance is, the more they admire.

As for the end of the side by side king?

It can only be described by the words "asking for trouble".


With the end of the battle, the group returned to the conference room of the main star of the Alliance through various means.

And the King of Side by Side did not shame in the end. Under the rescue of ordinary NPC, he slowly pretended to "waking up from fainting" and refused other people's support. At this time, he also appeared in the meeting room.

Jiao Yuan didn't say much about his tricks.

Anyway, people are shameless and the world is invincible, and they are not ready to tear their faces with the alliance, what else can they do?

The King of Longevity and King of Turtle Breath obviously also understood the side-by-side king’s trick of pretending to be dizzy. They were not ashamed of this. Although they sat in the top seat of the conference room, the two kings ignored the side-by-side king. He does not exist.

This attitude makes the King of Side by Side very upset.

But he also knew in his heart that he was too lost as a kingly boss by pretending to be dizzy, so he didn't beep too much.

After a short while, all personnel were seated, and the meeting continued under the auspices of the star master.

"Ahem... now I announce the third good news!"

At this time, the star master coughed slightly, drew everyone's attention, and then said:

"The third good news is that Lord Qianye will be stationed in our Alliance Star Territory for some time to come, and work with us to resist the invasion of the wild beasts!"

"Everyone applaud and welcome!!!"

As soon as the voice fell, there was a warm applause from the conference room.

At this moment, even the sub-civilization representative who had previously stunned Jiaoyuan and Wang had opinions expressed that he was sincerely happy with the good news.

All present here are representatives of the thirty-two sub-civilizations of the Alliance, and no one knows better than them, the benefits of getting the help of a powerful king-level boss to resist the wild beasts in the future.

A king-level boss, especially Jiao Yuan, has just shown that he can crush the power of the side-by-side king. Then, at the level of fighting high-end wild beasts, his alliance will usher in a big win.

And if it is publicized to the outside world, for ordinary warrior soldiers, it can also boost morale in a disguised form.

Double benefits, but they are not happy and excited.

At this time, a representative of a sub-civilization was very flexible, and he immediately stood up and said, "Your Excellency Qianye, during your stay in our star field, why not come to our Tango civilization to stay? I promise, no matter what your requirements are. , As long as I don't harm the alliance, then I will be satisfied!"

No one in the room was a fool. As soon as this Tango civilization spoke this statement, most of them immediately reacted, and their eyes lit up.

The place where the desolate beast appears is not fixed, and the battle line between the entire alliance civilization and the desolate beast is drawn very long.

So it brings another invisible problem-if a large army of wild beasts appears near a sub-civilized planet, it will take a certain amount of time even if it receives emergency support from the alliance army of the news.

And this time, it is necessary for the civilization to find a way to resist the disaster of the wild beasts.

Because this problem has not been resolved for a long time, there are many sub-civilizations that have suffered heavy losses.

But what happens if there is a king-level boss on the secondary literary star?

If your own planet welcomes the permanent presence of top big guys like Jiao Yuan, do you still need to worry about encountering the impact of the main force of the desolate beast?

Obviously there is no need to worry!

So, thinking of the representatives of the sub-civilizations here, just like the representatives of the Tango civilization, Jiaoyuan sent out a sincere invitation.

"Your Excellency Qianye, our Griffin civilization can still meet all your requirements, please stay with us as a star?"

"Although our Dark Star Civilization has a small number of people, it has beautiful scenery and fresh air. It is definitely a good place. Please think about it."

"Money, beauties, servants... As long as you speak, our Western Civilization will send it to you!"

"Fuck you, no matter how beautiful you civilized women of the Western Regions are, can they be more beautiful than our Tang Khan civilization? Your Excellency Qianye might as well come to our Tang Hanwen star to be resident, and ensure that every day beauty is not the same!"

"Hahaha, when it comes to beauty stars, we will do our part in the great prosperous civilization..."

One by one sub-civilizations, scrambling to speak.

The conditions put forward are more generous than the other.

In order to win over to Jiao Yuan, they even slandered each other, almost saying that only they were the most suitable place to settle, and that other sub-civilizations were spicy chickens.

In an instant, the atmosphere in the entire conference room was noisy.

Every representative of the sub-civilization was blushing with noise.

This scene opened the eyes of the audience in Jiao Yuan's live studio.

"Fuck, do these NPCs also know the benefits of holding Qianye's father's thighs?"

"At this time they feel like a group of licking dogs!"

"This is the strength of the Qianye Great Demon King. Has it affected the NPC's competition to follow? Niubi!"

The players originally thought that the whole scene of licking the distance would only appear on Seablue Star.

Never expected that even at the interstellar level, it would still be like this.

It can only be said that the boss is worthy of the boss, and it is as dazzling as the brightest star in the night everywhere.

Their group of players who are still struggling on the Seablue Star can only be extremely envious.

On the other side, facing this chaotic atmosphere, the three kings also showed different expressions.

Side by side, Wang felt aggrieved, thinking that everyone had lost face to him, and now he was thinking about how to suppress the winner who was about to appear.

King Guixi was overjoyed. If Jiao Yuan really chooses to settle on a sub-civilized planet, wouldn't he not need the people of his palace to serve him?

The King of Longevity was very angry about this.

If the invitation of the representatives of this group of sub-civilizations succeeds, wouldn't his previous plans be in vain?

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