Online Games: Starting From Killing The Ultimate Boss

Chapter 363 NPC Takes the Initiative to Send the Goddess? The determination of Shuang Aoxue and othe

"The three kings of us are present, so it's necessary for you to consider the residence of Qianye Lord?"

The longevity king became more and more angry, and couldn't help but speak loudly and reprimanded: "Do you still have us in your eyes? Are there still stars? It's too shameful!"

After all, it is the veteran pillar of the alliance, and its majesty is very high.

As soon as the King of Longevity said this, the representatives of many sub-civilizations instantly shut up.

This scene made the King of Side by Side nod secretly, yes, isn't it a king-level powerhouse? Are you all so impatiently incarnate to lick the dog? Lost the face of our alliance!

At this time, the King of Side by Side completely ignored it. The scene of his pretending to be dizzy before was the thing that made the other two kings feel more ashamed.

After a while, someone finally couldn't help but whispered and asked: "Since your Excellency Qianye decided to stay in our alliance, what's wrong with inviting him?"

Hearing that, representatives of many sub-civilizations nodded at the same time.

Yeah, you guys didn't say beforehand that they are not allowed! What's wrong with our inviting Lord Qianye?

We are considering the safety of our planet. Is there anything wrong?

Everyone looked at the eyes of the King of Longevity, full of resentment, they felt very wronged!

Seeing this, King Changsheng's face sank.

"Huh, you still don't know where you are wrong? Then you can just think of a reason for yourself, what does it have to do with me!"

Representatives of many sub-civilizations: "..."

We have to think about the reasons for ourselves, are you serious, longevity boss?

Oh, got it.

It is estimated that you have already arranged for Qianye's residence!

Many representatives of civilizations have no fools. Seeing that the King of Longevity is so perfunctory and strong, I don't know the problem.

They are considering the safe corner of their civilized planet, and they are indeed right.

But what's wrong is that these invitations are not in line with the arrangements of the King of Longevity, right?

Realizing this, everyone fell silent unanimously.

Inviting Qianye is indeed important. This is because there are so many sub-civilizations present. Even if it succeeds by chance, it will only cost one of the sub-civilizations.

On the contrary, no matter whether he succeeded or not, looking at King Changsheng's cold-eyed eyebrows, he knew that he would definitely be offended.

Rather than fighting for the tiny possibility of success, he will definitely be remembered by the King of Longevity?

These two choices, fools know how to choose.

Therefore, everyone fell silent.

King Changsheng nodded in satisfaction when he saw this, and understood that he needed to comfort everyone, so he turned his head and asked Jiao Yuan and said:

"Your Excellency Qianye, how about you temporarily living in King Guixi's palace during the time of our alliance civilization?"

As soon as the voice fell, Jiao Yuan hadn't made any response yet, and Wang Wang couldn't help refuting.

"I disagree!"

"Why do you disagree?" King Changsheng turned his head and glanced at him disdainfully, "This is a decision I have discussed with King Guixi before. I need to refer to your opinion?"

The King of Longevity would not have been so disdainful of the King of Side by Side, but because the other party's pretending to be dizzy before was too embarrassing, he was not polite.

Besides, from the moment the King Side by Side offended Jiao Yuan, he gave up his decision to train him as the new guardian representative of the alliance.

Therefore, he will not even consider the face of the King of Side by Side.

"I, I just don't agree anyway!"

The King Side by Side knew that he was at a disadvantage, so he didn't look at King Changsheng, turned his head and looked at King Guixi eagerly, as if begging her not to agree.

However, King Guixi was originally dissatisfied with the things he had entangled with him for hundreds of years, so how could he be like him?

And this is the decision that was negotiated with the King of Longevity.

"Hehe, I agree!"

King Guixi smiled lightly, making King Side by Side pale instantly.

Then he suddenly turned his head and looked at Jiao Yuan, his eyes full of jealousy and warning.

In fact, Jiao Yuan himself was somewhat opposed to the decision of King Changsheng, he didn't want the NPC to arrange his actions.

But looking at the look of King Side by Side, a decision was made in an instant.

"I have no problem, just make arrangements like this!"

As soon as the voice fell, the King by Side seemed to be trembling with anger.

This scene made Jiao Yuan feel very comfortable.

He suddenly discovered that judging from the attitude of the Alliance Civilized NPC towards him, it seemed that by letting the king live, he could experience the suffocation that life is better than death!

One word, cool!

Perhaps the only person present was the King of Side by Side who was aggrieved by this.

But who would consider his opinion?

Those who are defeated are not qualified to let everyone save face!

And the small disturbance above has also made the representatives of various sub-civilizations suddenly realize.

It turns out that the King of Longevity plans to do this?

No wonder he was dissatisfied with our previous act of inviting Qianye.

For a time, everyone looked at the gaze of the King Side by Side, and they also became mysterious.

Qianye boss is resident in Guixi Palace?

Both of them are not only big guys of the same level, but they are both handsome men and beautiful women. They have lived together under the same roof for a long time. Isn't this a dry fire?

The goddess, who has been thinking of hundreds of years in his heart, was once snatched by a better boss, but this boss couldn't beat the king!

May I ask what would happen if the facts happened?

All the people present were full of interest just thinking about it.

The gossip of a king-level boss is not what they can see every day.

How exciting!

At the same time, the audience in Jiao Yuan's live broadcast room also typed and posted barrage.

"My God! What is the treatment for Dad Qianye? First, dozens of people licked and invited to stay, and then there was a top female NPC boss who personally matched and lived with the goddess-level boss under the same roof? Sore? I'm sour, how can I not encounter such a good thing?"

"Who said you can't encounter such a good thing? Believe me, as long as you have the strength of Dad Qianye, you will be chased and licked by the NPC!"

"Aren't you talking nonsense? I want Dad Qianye's fighting power, and I have time to beep with you here?"

"Daddy Qianye is a winner in life, are we about to welcome my mother? Looking forward to it!"

"Bah, it's just an old NPC woman, what's the use of looking good? Dad Qianye chooses me, I want to give you a monkey!"

NPC send goddess?

This kind of treatment made the audience call their eyes wide open, and they all expressed their envy.

At this moment, I don't know how many male players fantasize about becoming Jiao Yuan.

However, it also made countless female players who fantasize to become Jiao Yuan's confidantes, indicating that their dreams have been shattered.

The faces of Shuang Aoxue, Feng Qingwu, June Yu and others who saw this scene through the live broadcast became serious.

"This can't go on, we must step into the starry sky level as soon as possible!"

"Yes, the NPCs in the starry sky are too shameless, we can't let them harm President Qianye!"

"This position should be chosen among us!"

Several people looked at each other and saw the determination in each other's eyes.

In their view, the position of Jiao Yuan's wife should be generated among them.

This NPC called Turtle Breath King = is indeed very beautiful.

When you wait for others, you must put aside the internal fighting and find a way to unanimously externally!

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