Online Games: Starting From Killing The Ultimate Boss

Chapter 364 The meeting is over, the chief culprit who wiped out Hyperion

The arrangement for Jiao Yuan's residence in the Alliance Civilization has been completely settled up to now.

Except for the side-by-side king alone, the others were actually very satisfied.

Of course, it is a matter of a few top bosses, and no one considers the views of the king.

Next, under the auspices of the star master, this meeting officially entered the topic.

There was nothing good for live broadcast at this meeting, so Jiao Yuan ignored the heated discussion in the live broadcast room and turned off the live broadcast without saying a word.


"What's the matter? Am I stuck? Why does the live broadcast room suddenly go black?"

"Dammit Fuck, I thought Dad Qianye obeyed our resistance and continued to live broadcast 24 hours a day. Unexpectedly, he still hoped!"

"This is the confidence of the big anchor. It's off when you say it is off. It's not used to our fans."

"Hmph, I will never watch Dad Qianye's live broadcast again!"

"You are really sturdy, I hope you won't be'sweet' next time."

"Yes, I hope you stick to it, say you don't watch it, don't watch it, come on, I will support you!"

Although the live broadcast is closed, there are still many viewers in the live broadcast room reluctant to leave.

The barrage interface is still refreshing quickly every second.

The audience chatted very happily.

On the other hand, unknowingly, the meeting under the chairmanship of the star also came to an end.

In fact, there is nothing to discuss, isn't it all the mess of the wild beast.

The wild beasts have always appeared in waves. In this wave of beasts, the three wild beast kings have been killed by Jiao Yuan, and the rest of the wild beasts can't form any climate at all.

So it didn't take long to discuss it before a decision was made.

And all this has nothing to do with Jiao Yuan. ,

For a moment, after the meeting was over, the representatives of many sub-civilizations dismissed, and the star owner dealt with the information about the Haibolun civilization that Jiao Yuan asked for inquiries.

"Hagel, wait a minute!"

The star master pointed to a small and thin sub-civilization representative and said.

"Huh? Star Lord, you call me?"

The NPC named Hagel was a little dazed, but still stayed as instructed.

Not long after, after only five people including Jiao Yuan, Star Lord, and Three Kings existed in the conference room, Hagel's heart gradually became anxious.

My family is just an inconspicuous little civilization, what do these big guys have to tell me?

At the next moment, the star master gave the answer: "Don't look at us, it's Lord Qianye who wants to ask you about something."

Hagel looked at Jiao Yuan, feeling even more nervous.

He asked himself that his own civilization and this powerful alien tycoon have never met, what can the other party need to ask me about?

Is there any good thing?

Hagel couldn't help feeling agitated when he thought of this.

Although he didn't witness Jiao Yuan's killing of the Three Wild Beast King with his own eyes, he witnessed with his own eyes how King Side by Side became vulnerable under the opponent's offensive.

This kind of incredible big man's fingers casually reveal some benefits, such as teaching martial arts or something, isn't your civilization going to soar into the sky?

He patted his chest when thinking of Hagleton here, his face looked swearing.

"Lord Qianye, what do you need to ask? I, Hagel, must know everything I can say!"

I'm just looking forward to making a good relationship with you through this matter.

Facing Hagel's expectant gaze, Jiao Yuan nodded lightly, and when he spoke, Hagel was shocked!

"Do you know that there used to be a civilization in this star field called Hybolon?"


If it's other civilizations, Hagel really doesn't necessarily know.

But these three words made him sweat instantly.

Because this is the planet that our civilization once destroyed!

Could it be that Qianye has an intersection with Hai Bolun?

After he knew that it was Hybolen that our civilization had wiped out, would he have revenge for him?

Hagel became more and more frightened as he thought about it. He couldn't help but wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and asked cautiously: "Qian Ye Da... Dad, take the liberty to ask, is there any connection between you and Hybolen?"

Jiao Yuan's face went dark when he heard his name.

This sign... Didn't you expect that when you came to a new map, countless children would appear too?

When is this kind of acknowledgment of oneself a father everywhere? !

The habit made Jiao Yuan even too lazy to complain, while the star master and others on the side looked at Hagel contemptuously.

Jiao Yuan hadn't said a word yet, and this guy was anxious to recognize his father.

Is the desire to survive skills full?

Don't have any morals at all!

But at the same time, the King of Longevity suddenly flashed in his mind, his expression thoughtful.

If countless people in the alliance were to call Qianye his father, wouldn't it be a deeper connection between the two parties?

Hagel's matter gave him an inspiration, like it!

"Don't think too much, I have no friendship with the people on Hyperion, and even from a certain angle, there is some hatred."

Facing the cautious Hagel, Jiao Yuan had to point out his relationship with Hai Bolun.

What he said was right. It was hatred for him to bear the curse BUFF for such a long time.

"You boldly tell all the information you know about the Hyperion Star, and the focus is on the core of the Hyperion Star."

"As long as I am satisfied, I will reward you with some benefits!"

Jiao Yuan said decisively,

After listening, Hagel's eyes lit up.

He rubbed his hands; "In fact, even if it's not good, I'm willing to tell you... well, I'm not talking nonsense!"

Hagel still wanted to decline a few words, but when Jiao Yuan glared, he immediately shrank his head and persuaded.

Jiao Yuan was a little speechless when he saw this scene.

As the saying goes, people are raging.

Looking at Hagel's greed of life and fear of death, we can understand how timid and fearful the other side's civilization is.

If it hadn’t been learned from the King of Longevity and the Star Master that Hagel’s sub-civilization was the chief culprit for the extinction of all the creatures on Hyperion tens of thousands of years ago, he would definitely not believe it.

At the same time, Jiao Yuan was also curious, how did the opponent exterminate Hybolon?

You know, even if Luke was teleported to the Arad continent for unknown reasons, the overall strength of Hyperion is not weak in this star field, right?

How is it possible to be extinct by a civilization?

On the other side, being so scared by Jiao Yuan, Hagel didn't hide it, and told all the information he knew.

It turned out that about 30,000 years ago, after the loss of the Supreme Sovereign of Hyperion, the Star of Hyperion fell into a period of civil strife.

Several people in power are not convinced by others. The outbreak of perennial wars has caused disastrous life and reduced the overall strength of the planet to the lowest level in history.

And the sub-civilization that Hagel is in is not as weak as it is now.

When one is changing, isn't it just the beginning of the invasion?

And the heads of the stars of Hyperion are very iron, and no one is willing to surrender, isn't it just extinct!

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