Online Games: Starting From Killing The Ultimate Boss

Chapter 365 The position of the Hyperion's nucleus, two choices given by Jiao Yuan

The sub-civilization that Hagel lived in was called Sauron, and the ruler at that time was a grumpy guy. ,

The Hyperion civilization has a certain ability to resist even if it has fallen into the bottom due to the comprehensive strength of the civil war.

This battle of extinction caused heavy losses to the Sauron civilization, and the overall strength of the civilization was reduced by several levels.

Originally, with their civilization’s strength, they could rule all the sub-civilizations in Star Territory 130. Therefore, after obtaining this result, the ruler felt in a rage that it was not enough to just exterminate all the creatures on the planet Hyperion, and finally used it. The forbidden weapon was removed, and the entire planet of Hyperion was completely removed from the universe.

And the Hyperion nucleus that Jiao Yuan cares about has also existed in the Sauron civilization until now.

"If Luke and his followers were still on Hyperion, how could the Sauron civilization be wiped out? It can only be said to be good fortune!"

Jiao Yuan shook his head and sighed.

Immediately afterwards, I put this matter behind my head, and began to inquire about the Hyperion nucleus,

He looked at Hagel and said, "Herboron's core is on your planet? Give it to me. I have a great use. I will give you some rewards."

It was about the curse that had been haunting him for several months. Seeing that the object to lift the curse was already close to Chichi, Jiao Yuan was not in a hurry.

As the trophy of Sauron civilization, the Hyperion Star Core would naturally not do that kind of bandit behavior.

He was willing to pay some price, so that Hagel was willing to hand it over.

Of course, this so-called price, in fact, focusing should be just raising your hand.

For example, consumables such as [Remy’s Aid] that once made NPCs such as the Blue Star Civilization and Amethyst Civilization in Star Territory 130 long for the strength, or it can be the same as that in the Doomsday Civilization he once encountered. Er transferred to a job in the dungeon.

The main line of the wild beast task chain is obviously destined to let Jiao Yuan stay in the 112 star field for a short time. He originally planned to cultivate this side into his own leek land, so whether it is about consumables or dungeon career, it has been long ago. In the plan.

Taking it out at this time is also a good opportunity.

It depends on how Hagel chose.

And Hagel seemed to understand that this was his opportunity to soar into the sky, and he rubbed his hands in excitement.

Although others are persuaded, they are very greedy and want to speak loudly.

But after thinking about it for a long time, I couldn't figure out what rewards were needed.

After all, for him, no matter how Jiao Yuan is a big brother, he knows too little, and he doesn't know where to get the conditions!

In the end, he could only say helplessly: "Daddy Qianye, look at it. I believe you will not treat us badly in your status."

In this sentence, Hagel moved a little bit cautiously.

What he meant was that since you, Qianye Dazhi, value the Hyperion Star Core so much, this thing must be quite useful to you, right?

So, are you embarrassed to give a trivial reward?

If it’s not what I want, then don’t blame me for helping you publicize it later, and see what other civilizations think then, will anyone still trade with you?

Which one of you here is not a human spirit, except for King Tortoise, who is too lazy to think, everyone else understands the meaning of Hagel's words.

The King of Side by Side felt a bit dark about this.

Jiao Yuan first defeated himself in full view, and in the future, he plans to "live with" the goddess in his heart.

In the heart of King Side by Side, he had never hated such a person so much, but it was a pity that he couldn't move this person.

Therefore, he was very happy to see that Jiao Yuan might be deflated.

On the other side, the King of Longevity and the Star Master were quite dissatisfied.

"Your Excellency Qianye is a distinguished guest of our entire alliance. Follow whatever he gives you, don't be greedy!" The longevity king looked at Hagel with warnings in his eyes.

The star master also followed the words of the King of Longevity, saying: "Your Excellency Qianye killed the three barren beast kings, and he has great kindness to our Soyuz civilization. Logically speaking, we should solemnly thank him... Since he took the initiative to watch Go to your Hyperion Star Core and send it up obediently!"

Faced with the warning eyes of the two big guys, Hagel narrowed his neck unconsciously.

He looked persuasive, which made Jiao Yuan look at him with joy.

"Okay, don't scare him!"

"When I killed the Wild Beast King before, I didn't think about getting any benefits from your civilization."

"And this Hyperion star core is of great use to me. Since it is the spoils of Sauron civilization, I should naturally pay some price."

Jiao Yuan opened his mouth to explain a few words, and got a grateful look from Hagel.

Immediately afterwards, Jiao Yuan asked Hagel seriously, "As for the specific price...I will give you two choices!"

"First, I will give you some precious healing potions. These potions are life-saving in most dangerous situations!"

"Second, improve your personal combat power level, allowing you to instantly acquire some powerful martial arts skills, and improve your talents, and have unlimited possibilities for promotion!"

These two costs are just as Jiao Yuan had previously thought.

The first one is consumables like [Remy's Assistance].

The second is to transfer Hagel into a dungeon career.

In all fairness, although the consumables mall is very tempting to the NPC camp, the transfer to the dungeon career is really changing the destiny!

According to Jiao Yuan's understanding, how are NPCs upgraded?

The answer is mainly divided into two parts-one's own exercise for several years, and the epiphany during the fight between life and death.

These two aspects are obviously weaker than the player's method of "killing monsters to gain experience, thereby increasing the level". I don't know how many times.

Under Jiao Yuan's presidency, after an NPC is transferred to a job in the dungeon, the opponent will have the player's panel, which can be upgraded.

This is the real change of fate!

And it is also part of Jiao Yuan's huge plan-eventually transforming all NPCs in Star Region 112 into dungeon occupations, which is equivalent to turning into a leek field, which is of great help to the promotion task of his lord.

Of course, although this plan will definitely be implemented, when it will start, it is all within Jiao Yuan's thoughts.

Taking the opportunity to make Hagel the first person to eat crabs in the 112 star field, Jiao Yuan can only say that Jiao Yuan is in a good mood at this time, and he is willing to give her a chance.

In short, the two choices are now in front of Hagel, it depends on how he decides.

And what is Hagel's final choice?

"Some precious healing potions... and changing talents, with unlimited possibilities..."

Hagel licked his lips, unable to make up his mind for a long time.

If he was a pure warrior, he would definitely choose the second one.

But he is a representative of a sub-civilization. From this perspective, you can't just think about yourself.

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