Online Games: Starting From Killing The Ultimate Boss

Chapter 366 Hagel's final choice, NPC's doubts

Does it take so long to consider between the enhancement of personal power and the precious and mysterious healing potion?

Are you still a representative of a sub-civilization? What are you still considering?

At this moment, seeing Hagel with a hesitant expression, the King of Longevity and the Star Lord on the side were anxious.

Even watching the king side by side with cold eyes and looking at Hagel, the look of dissatisfaction gradually filled.

In their view, Hagel is first and foremost a representative of a civilization, and should look at the problem from the perspective of those in power.

Jiao Yuan repeatedly emphasized that this Hyperion Star Core is of great use to him, and the so-called precious recovery potions given by his strength and status are certainly not simple.

If this kind of thing really can play a life-saving effect at a critical moment as he described it, then it will have too much effect on the entire alliance civilization.

For example, in the battle with wild beasts, some geniuses who shouldn't have died.

Another example is a grandmaster or even a king who has to continue fighting with the enemy in a poor state under repeated battles!

If there is a powerful supplement of recovery potions, would these important people not die like this?

Therefore, in the eyes of the King of Longevity, the King of Side by Side, and the Star Lord, the first choice is obviously more meaningful to the Alliance civilization!

As for the second option, change Hagel's martial arts talent and instantly give him some powerful martial arts skills?

Is this true?

No, there can be no such thing, right?

Even if you Qianye is indeed not as powerful as a human being, but this kind of thing that goes against the sky and changes your fate, are you really an exaggeration?

The second choice is really incomprehensible to everyone, and even faintly sneered at it.

The historical records of the warriors in this star field can be traced back to hundreds of thousands of years ago.

In such a long period of time, no one can break the martial artist's own talent boundaries, and thus become a true unlimited growth possibility.

The talent of changing the martial artist in Qianye's mouth is estimated to use incredible means at most to force Hagel to upgrade his martial arts talent a little bit, right?

And Hagel himself is just a high-level warrior, even if he improves his talent, what can he do? Will he be the new king in the future?

Impossible, absolutely impossible!

When everyone thought of this, they shook their heads subconsciously.

Of course, because Jiao Yuan was on the scene, they couldn't say these things.

But this does not affect which one of these two choices should be chosen.

It's almost clear at a glance.

But just when everyone believed that Hagel would choose to let Jiao Yuan give him some healing potions, he gritted his teeth and gave the opposite answer! ,

"I choose the second one!"

Hagel said affirmatively.

Longevity King, Side by Side King, Star Master: "..."

At this moment they are all speechless, really want to pry Hagel's head to see what he thinks.

Is personal power more important than benefiting the alliance civilization?

Are you still worthy of being a representative of a sub-civilization under the name of the Alliance?

"I, Hagel, don't actually want to be the representative of this civilization. In fact, I also have a dream of a warrior."

Hagel is not a stupid. He saw the dissatisfaction of the King of Longevity and the others, and explained: "Originally, because my martial arts talent was limited, it was useless if I was unwilling, so I had to choose the path of politics, but the dream of martial artist was not caused by it. Go out completely!"

"Now Lord Qianye gives me a chance to dream again, I must not miss it!"

"Several big guys, please forgive me for my selfishness. After this incident, I will step down as the representative of Sauron civilization and turn around and become a soldier!"

After speaking, Hagel bowed deeply and apologized to the King of Longevity and others.

Said that his decision is also very persistent.

At this moment, the three of them were completely convinced by Hagel's explanation!

One of the basic conditions for becoming a soldier is that you must reach the level of warriors, and soldiers are the basis for resisting wild beasts.

Dream of becoming a warrior, and immediately resign after receiving Jiao Yuan's reward and join the soldier camp to fight against the wild beasts?

Can you say that Hagel's decision was wrong?

can not. !

After all, everyone has their own ambitions, and can only sigh that Hagel is not a qualified representative of secondary civilization, right?

Thinking of this, the three Changshengwang sighed and shook their heads.

But is Hagel's choice really as unbearable as they thought?

the answer is--

Do not!

"Very wise choice!"

Jiao Yuan glanced at Hagel with admiration, then asked again, "Do you like that fighting style?"

"Is it the death squad on the front line, or the auxiliary staff in the rear, or is it a way to stay in your camp to output the enemy remotely?"

These three fighting styles can be simply called melee occupations, auxiliary occupations, and long-range output occupations in the dungeon.

Seeing that Hagel was the first NPC in Star Territory 112 to turn into a dungeon career, Jiao Yuan was in a good mood, and he didn't mind giving him more options!

This time, Hal didn't hesitate for long, and said decisively: "Dad Qianye, I want to be a support staff!"


Jiao Yuan nodded, making a decision in his heart.

He pointed his finger to Hagel's forehead, and instantly activated the lord's professional authority to convert Hagel into a Paladin!

Hal's level is Lv81. After changing his job, he will automatically complete his awakening, and he will be promoted to the second-consciousness profession of the paladin-the thinker!

In the sight of everyone.

A faint golden beam of light flashed across Hagel, and when he opened his eyes again, his pupils changed from black to gold.

A faint "holy" breath also emerged on his body.

This feeling makes everyone very comfortable, unknowingly, kindness.

"This is to improve the martial arts talent, the process is so simple?"

Side by side Wang looked at Jiao Yuan with an expression of dissatisfaction, "The flash is over. I thought it would be done if this kid (Hagel) changes his appearance? Who are you fooling?"

Upon hearing this, the Star Master, King Changsheng and King Guixi also looked at Jiao Yuan with some doubts.

They thought the previous "instant improvement" was just an adjective.

Change the martial artist's talent?

Such a defying method, no matter how you say it, at least some earth-shattering process has occurred, right?

But the flash is over?

Isn't it a bit of a play?

The three of them were very skeptical, just because the King of Side by Side was the most reckless and spoke first, so they were happy to wait for Jiao Yuan's answer.

And Jiao Yuan smiled slightly, saying that no matter how much explanation, it is better to let you see it with your own eyes!

"Hagel, let's release healing skills to King Side by Side!"

This matter, nothing made everyone more understand when they saw it with their own eyes.

"Yes, Dad Qianye!"

Hagel naturally agreed without hesitation.

Immediately afterwards, he turned his head to release the counting skills to the side by side king.

Slow healing, fast healing, the source of life...

And with the release of his milk skills, the side-by-side king, who was originally injured, recovered his face visible to the naked eye!

At this moment, everyone was stunned!

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