[System reminder: You have triggered a new task "Rebuild the Hyperion Star"! 】

[Quest content: You have obtained the Hyperion core, and you feel the unwillingness of the hundreds of millions of dead souls on the core. For some unknown reasons, you have the possibility of rebuilding the Hyperion planet! 】

[Task requirements: Choose a suitable location and use the item "Hybron Star Core" to restore the planet of Hyperl! 】

【Duration: Indefinitely! 】

[Task completion reward: Obtain the god-level skills "Creation" and "Time Master"! 】

[Remarks: Rebuilding the planet of Hyperion needs to be in a suitable location, please explore it yourself! 】

New mission!

Jiao Yuan's eyes narrowed slightly!

Using a stellar nucleus, could it actually rebuild the Hyperion star?

This kind of task reminded him of the opportunity he once had in the Lv80 ancient ruins map!

At that time, he also received the same type of task, but it was just to revive and rebuild the Arad continent.

But from the perspective of reconstruction, these two tasks are of the same type!

Recovering the Arad continent has brought immeasurable benefits to me. You can see how much attribute growth and equipment items you get from the dungeon.

So the question is, is there an equally incredible reward for rebuilding the planet of Hyperion?

Thinking of this, Jiao Yuan looked at the quest reward column of [Rebuilding the Star of Hyperion], and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief at this moment!

"God-level skills, creation, time control?"

Although I don't understand the quality of this "God" level, it is much better to think with the ass than the "Broken Star" level. After all, the name is here.

What kind of existence can be called a god?

The ancient mythical level boss on Seablue Star?

The Super A Grade boss in the 130th star field?

Or is it the king-level warrior in star field 112 now?

No, neither!

According to Jiao Yuan’s memory, the mission content of the [Unblocking Dominator’s Sword] task that has been completed not long ago is speculated that the top creatures in the barren land outside the universe are called the gods by the game system!

You must know that Jiao Yuan clearly remembers that in the [Remarks] column of that task, there was a description of the strength levels of the wild beasts!

Don't talk about the grandmaster level and below, the grandmaster level is between Lv201~Lv300.

The king-level barren beast is between Lv301~Lv400!

The royal beasts are Lv401~Lv500!

The god-level wild beast with the highest combat power is above Lv501!

In other words, the reward for this [Rebuilding the Hyperion Star] task is the most powerful skill of the same level among the desolate beasts!

What is this concept?

When he was in the barren land, the royal-level barren beast BOSS-[Blood-bath Demon Eyes] was far away from the endless space of Jiao Yuan, just staring at him, made Jiao Yuan helplessly die once.

And the god-level barren beast with a higher level than [Blood Demon Eyes], compared to the skill intensity, it is also a lot more than it!

On the other hand, in terms of the skill names of [Creation] and [Time Control], it is not simple.

After all, looking at all the skills of Jiao Yuan's whole body, they are not named after the "rule name in Three Thousand Avenue" in this mythological novel!

All in all, Jiao Yuan expressed that he is looking forward to these two god-level skills!

Of course, the reward is so generous, if you want to complete it, it is estimated to be quite troublesome.

For example, Jiao Yuan tried it now, and the panel gave a response——

[System Tip: The item "Hybron Star Core" cannot be used in the current environment, please try it at another location! 】

"...It's really troublesome!"

Jiao Yuan murmured secretly.

Now it seems that this task is too demanding, and there is no clue for the time being.

But don't worry, it is estimated that it will take a long time for the god-level wild beasts to invade the universe, so you can try slowly in the future.


This trip to Sauron Civilization not only solved the curse that he had been carrying for several months, but also received a very rewarding task, which made Jiao Yuan feel good.

But then he didn't have much to do on this planet, so he refused Hagel's request to be a guest for a period of time, and through space jump technology, he returned to the alliance's main star.

And then, Jiao Yuan stayed in the palace of King Guixi according to the arrangement agreed.

The days are very peaceful, it would be better if there was no harassment from NPC.

Jiao Yuan never expected that all the servants in King Guixi's palace were female NPCs, and each servant had a pretty appearance.

I don't know what the King of Turtle Breath thinks. It seems that under her gesture, the beautiful maids are going forward and one after another wanting to have a love with Jiao Yuan that crosses the race of "players and NPCs".

Among them, an old NPC woman who was quite old at first glance came to see Jiao Yuan several times a day.

That kind of look, like the mother-in-law looking at her son-in-law, made Jiao Yuan a little creepy.

Later, the old woman watched a lot, and Jiao Yuan couldn't help but unleash a detective technique on her, only to realize that the other party turned out to be the mother of King Guixi!

Although King Guixi is very beautiful, all female NPCs in the palace are unique.

But Jiao Yuan never planned to have any "negative distance" contact with the NPC.

Regarding the enthusiasm of the old woman, I had to stay away.

If it wasn't for the arrangement that had been negotiated in advance, it was difficult to change, and he didn't want to become a fickle person in the NPC's heart, and at the same time, in order to fight the King of Side by Side, he had lived for these two days and left by himself!

Fortunately, after waiting for the transaction with the star master and others to arrive in a week, it is almost time to make some changes!


A week passed without knowing it.

During this period, monstrous discussions have appeared in the Alliance Star Territory!

Because of the reasons for establishing a good relationship with Jiao Yuan, every sub-civilization ruler will regard his existence, the record of killing the three-headed wild beast king, and the conversion of Hagel into the thinker. It is advertised on every planet.

Perhaps it was worried about the King of Side by Side taking revenge, so the fact that Jiao Yuan easily defeated the King of Side by Side in full view was not included in the propaganda content.

But even so, it caused the boiling of 40 billion humans in the entire alliance civilization!

"Have you heard? The three wild beast kings were all killed by a strong man from an alien domain!"

"The news reports every day, how could we not know, aren't you nonsense?"

"Oh my god, the big guy in the alien domain is so powerful. He killed the three wild beast kings alone. If it weren't for the official vowing of the major civilizations to corroborate it, I almost thought it was April Fools' Day!"

"Yes, I thought so at the beginning, after all, what kind of existence is the Desolate Beast King? That is a terrifying creature comparable to the three kings of our alliance, but was killed by a single person? It is really shocking! "

"The combat power is only one level. Do you know the situation of Hagel, the representative of the former Sauron civilization? The horror support ability of the thinker is simply awe-inspiring!"

"It would be great if there were more lucky people like Hagel in the league..."

"Who said no!"

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