Online Games: Starting From Killing The Ultimate Boss

Chapter 370 Trading Items Offered by the Alliance

Through the overwhelming propaganda of the major sub-civilizations, everyone in the alliance civilization understands Jiao Yuan's terrorist power and the great significance of the ability he gave Hagel to the alliance.

The ordinary people don't know about the transactions between the upper-level holders and Jiao Yuan, but it does not affect their yearning for Jiao Yuan.

Everyone is rejoicing and grateful for Jiao Yuan's actions to kill the Wild Beast King and save the Alliance civilization in a disguised form.

At the same time, everyone also yearned that he could be as lucky as Hagel, and was given the horror auxiliary ability of the thinker by Jiao Yuan!

In this week, almost every corner of all the major planets of the entire Alliance civilization was discussing how to make oneself as lucky as Hagel.

In their view, since Hagel can have this opportunity, I believe that the upper echelons of civilization will eventually promote this welfare to the public.

Of course, this requires a good discussion with the alien giants.

The people don’t know or don’t want to know the specific content. They just want to see the results.

This kind of public opinion of the whole alliance puts a lot of pressure on the star master and others.

Regarding the valuables that were prepared for the first transaction with Jiao Yuan, the quality and quantity of the items were unknowingly improved, and he wanted to ensure that it was foolproof and impress Jiao Yuan.

Soon, in a week.

Jiao Yuan couldn't wait to leave the "like a wolf like a tiger" Turtle Breath Palace, and came to the conference room of the main star of the alliance to conduct specific transactions with NPCs such as the star owner!

The personnel of both parties are ready, and the star owner is not inked, and understands that only the items taken out of his alliance can be recognized by Jiao Yuan before the next specific bargaining can be carried out.

Therefore, he simply greeted Jiao Yuan and quickly took out the prepared items.

"Look at your lord Qianye, these are the items that our alliance civilization considers more precious!"

Hearing this, Jiao Yuan looked carefully at the past.

The conference room is just such a small amount of space. In theory, there is no way to store the items prepared by the star owner, but because all he took out were samples, it was just enough to cover the conference table.

However, there are many kinds of these items, and I am afraid that there are no less than a thousand kinds. It will take a long time for Jiao Yuan to look at them one by one.

So Jiao Yuan didn't talk nonsense, and quickly threw out an investigation technique.

The system panel interface, and then continue to send results——

[System prompt: You found the item "Blood Magic Crystal"! 】

[System reminder: You found the item "S-class energy rough stone"! 】

[System reminder: You found the item "Space Jump Technology Construction and Development (Elementary)"! 】

【system hint:……】

The more he looked down, the more disappointed Jiao Yuan became.

There was no other reason, most of the items presented by the star master belonged to precious mineral materials.

Most of these things are used to build technological items, or equipment.

Perhaps it is indeed precious to the star master, but to Jiao Yuan, there is almost no value. After all, with the rich materials in his underground city warehouse, what equipment is still lacking?

And technological items?

You can also go to the 130th star field to trade with the blue star civilization through the secondary dimension world.

The level of science and technology in Star Territory 130 is several levels more advanced than the current alliance civilization, and I believe that Transcendent A Grade Magician Jenos is definitely willing to trade again with Jiao Yuan.

So in a nutshell, Jiao Yuan's sense of anticipation for the items presented by the star owner has been pulled to a very low level.

"It seems that I am overestimating the Alliance civilization, or looking at the entire universe, there are not many items that can have a huge attraction to me?"

Jiao Yuan sifted quickly and thought of it silently in his heart again and again.

And when the Star Lord, King of Longevity and others on the side saw this, how could they not see that Jiao Yuan was dissatisfied with these materials?

So they also became nervous.

"Could it be that the objects and materials that are extremely precious to us are not attractive at all when placed in front of the Qianye boss?"

"It seems to be true, after all, Qianye's face is getting more and more plain, and he is obviously dismissive of these so-called cherished materials."

"Oh my god, these materials are the best in our entire league, but Qianye is not satisfied?"

"There are not many more precious things than these items in the background of the alliance civilization. Are you going to take out those?"

"I said long ago that you must bring out real valuable items. You disagree, are you okay now? If Qianye is not satisfied and refuses to trade, then we should apologize!"

At this time, the representatives of the various sub-civilizations on the side could not help but whisper quietly.

In their view, this transaction of their own civilization did not actually come up with the most precious items.

After all, everyone was thinking about it before. According to Jiao Yuan's current immeasurable value, there should be many similar transactions in the future. When his civilization starts, he will take out the real good things. How can he continue to trade in the future?

But people are not as good as heaven.

Everyone thinks it is quite good to cherish materials and precious technologies, but looking at Jiao Yuan's expression, he is obviously very dissatisfied.

With thousands of items being quickly eliminated, everyone's mood is finally upset!

"Could it be that our transaction with the Qianye boss will ultimately result in failure?" a sub-civilization representative said with a sigh.

"No, I don’t think Qianye might still understand the true value of these items!” Another representative of the sub-civilization seemed to have discovered something suddenly, and said with suspicion: "Look at the speed of Qianye’s observation of these items, yes. Isn't it a bit too fast?"

As soon as this person's voice fell, other people also reacted.

Yes, at such a fast speed, can you really see the value of these precious objects and technologies?

Even if you Qianye is strong enough to fight, is it impossible to achieve this level?

After all, you are an extraterrestrial tycoon, and you have limited knowledge of our stellar region, and if not surprisingly, most of these materials and technologies are unique to our stellar region!

This doubt, not only the representative of the secondary civilization thought.

The star master above, also reacted, and expressed doubts with Jiao Yuan.

Jiao Yuan smiled slightly at this.


I don’t understand the true value of these materials and technologies?

How do you NPCs know the power of "reconnaissance" among our players!

So after Jiao Yuan called the specific information about the materials and technology on the table one by one, the NPCs all closed their mouths in unison.

Suspect that Qianye Dalu can't see the value of these precious items?

No, the reality is that the big boss is the big boss after all, even more clearly than everyone knows.

But because of this, everyone is even more anxious.

In their view, the results of this transaction are already dangerous.

Looking at Jiao Yuan's expression of losing interest, everyone understands that if no changes are made, the outcome is already doomed!

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