Online Games: Starting From Killing The Ultimate Boss

Chapter 372 New mission, master of the universe, the strongest profession in the universe?

"Fuck! Actually, it is the equipment with the word ‘Domination’!"

"This attribute is so awesome!"

Jiao Yuan picked up [The Dominator's Gauntlets], and everyone who was surprised was stupid.

[The Dominator’s Gauntlets] is a secondary weapon, the same quality as the [Dominator’s Sword] is of the ancient myth level, with very strong basic attributes, and is also in a 3/5 seal state!

In other words, this secondary weapon also has a high room for growth!

After reading the basic attributes, immediately after handing in the originals, I will watch the five skills that come with this equipment in detail.

The first four passive BUFF skills make Jiao Yuan’s body a lot harder when facing stronger BOSS fights, and the second skill’s [Lights of Destruction] ignores the 20% defensive effect, allowing Jiao Yuan’s output to be also Several grades higher!

And the last active skill surprised Jiao Yuan even more!

Invincible BUFF in 60 seconds!

Since the 100% evasion effect of [Blue Bible] was broken by the maker Luke, when Jiao Yuan faced a BOSS above Lv300, almost all his invincible BUFFs had no effect.

This caused him to be more cautious when fighting with the BOSS.

It's not fear of death.

No matter how he put it, he is also a player. Once he died, he would use [Resurrection Coins] to resurrect on the spot, without any loss, and he could continue to fight.

But after the death and resurrection, the various passive buffs that have been superimposed with hard work, are not all gone?

So this is the reason why Jiao Yuan is somewhat restrained when facing high-output bosses!

Well now, in the skill description of [Absolute Defense], it is shown that the 60-second invincible BUFF is absolutely effective in the universe!

In conjunction with the special [Unyielding Will] immune control BUFF that was originally learned from the super A-grade martial artist of the Bauhinia Civilization, the [Unyielding Will], if Jiao Yuan encounters some BOSS with explosive output, then it means that he can be invincible in 60 seconds. Let go inside, try to kill the opponent with full output!

According to [Chigo Lord Luke]’s earring effect, all active BUFF skills (including those attached to the equipment), if not applicable, can store up to 10 layers of effects...

This means that as long as Jiao Yuan does not use the [Absolute Defense] skill BUFF in 70 days, then after 70 days, Jiao Yuan can enter the invincibility time of 600 seconds at most!

ten minutes!

With Jiao Yuan’s outbreak, even if he encounters the Emperor-class barren beast [Blood Demon Eyes] that previously suppressed him, he is confident to give it a go and kill the opponent!

Thinking of this, Jiao Yuan couldn't help but smile with excitement.

Everyone present could clearly see his happiness, so everyone was also happy.

If Jiao Yuan is satisfied with this unknown item, then they can also get more professional quotas for the thinker from Jiao Yuan's side.

This was originally the purpose of their transaction.

While being happy, everyone is also very curious, what is it that makes Jiao Yuan happy?

"Do you remember what this'wristguard' is like?"

The representatives of many sub-civilizations couldn't help whispering.

In their opinion, it is definitely a good thing to make Jiao Yuan, who is terrifying in strength, happy.

"I think of it, it comes from the ancient times of our Han civilization, the things left by our ancestors!" a representative of the secondary civilization said excitedly.

While talking, this guy danced with excitement, his smile turned crooked.

Recognizing the source of this weird bracer means that the Han civilization he is in will occupy more places in the quota of thinkers. How can this make him not excited?

Everyone looked at him jealously, but there was no way to deny it.

Because of all the items that the star owner took out, everyone knows the origin of each one.

At the same time, they looked at Jiao Yuan's gaze, again full of awe.

This weird brace has existed in the Alliance civilization for countless years. In addition to its indestructible attributes, no one has figured out what other specific functions it has for tens of thousands of years.

But as soon as Jiao Yuan's hand was touched, he was immediately spotted by his insight.

It can be seen that Jiao Yuan's gaze has surpassed the tens of thousands of years in the history of alliance civilization.

This has to make everyone feel in awe.

Fortunately, because they were looking forward to the rewards for the thinkers who were waiting for Jiao Yuan to recover, they were more looking forward to it, so they didn't feel too envious.

At this time, Jiao Yuan was put on his secondary weapon and equipment column for the first time after viewing the equipment attributes of [Hands of Domination].

As for the [inactive] status of the equipment name suffix?

Because of the explanation in the [Remarks] column, as Jiao Yuan wears it, his attributes will be activated!

The wearing was successful, just as Jiao Yuan was about to admire his exploding panel.

Suddenly, there was a new movement in the system——

[System prompt: You have triggered the mission "Master of the Universe"! 】

[Task content: The Dominator series equipment is the oldest equipment series in the entire universe. There are ten dominator equipment corresponding to ten different parts. After all equipment, they can become the only/strongest occupation in the universe "Master of the Universe". When a player/npc collects two of them, the task can be triggered immediately! 】

[Task conditions: Collect ten of its dominating series equipment (2/10)! 】

【Duration: Indefinitely! 】

[Task completion reward: automatically transferred to "Master of the Universe"! 】

[Note 1: The player/NPC that triggered the task also senses the other's location. After being killed by a player/NPC who also owns the Dominator series, they will randomly drop a piece of Dominator series equipment on themselves! 】

[Remark 2: The universe dominating profession is the absolute strongest in the universe! 】

New mission!

The most professional in the universe, the master of the universe? !

Jiao Yuan carefully watched the content of the task, completion conditions, remarks, etc., and the whole person was stunned!

"There are a total of ten dominator series equipment in the universe. After collecting them, they will immediately become the dominator of the universe, and become the strongest boss in the universe?"

The content revealed by this mission is too explosive!

Jiao Yuan's eyes were dull for a long time before finally coming back to his senses!

Immediately afterwards, there was tremendous excitement!

Although he was just like opening up, in less than a year, he jumped from Lv0 all the way to the current height.

But with the increase of strength and knowledge, the BOSS he encountered is getting stronger and stronger!

The strongest creature known at present should be the Lv500-level god-level beast.

But who can be sure if there is a stronger creature than it?

The road to upgrade seems to be endless!

But the emergence of this mission allowed Jiao Yuan to see the end of the universe's personal mighty power!

The undisputed strongest?

This is not the end, what else can it be?

Jiao Yuan clenched his fists, his heart was extremely agitated.

"Does the universe rule?"

"I have booked this profession than Jiao Daguai!"

Secretly made up his mind, then Jiao Yuan seemed to think of something, closing his eyes and feeling it carefully.

The content of the task said that after collecting two dominator-level equipment, whether it is an NPC or a player, this task will be triggered.

He wanted to see, does anyone in this universe have an opportunity like their own?

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