Online Games: Starting From Killing The Ultimate Boss

Chapter 373 Unknown Enemy, Jiao Yuan Accelerating Plan

A corner of the endless starry sky in the universe.

There is a huge civilization entrenched here. The entire civilization occupies thousands of planets, and all living things are ruled by a powerful creature called the "Jietian Emperor".

Even with nearly a million years of historical records, no one knows the origin of Juetian Emperor.

As if he appeared at the beginning of this star field, it was the supreme existence.

In the past millions of years, there have been countless arrogances who tried to overthrow the ruler of Jue Tian Emperor. Unfortunately, these people have superb combat power and stand almost at the pinnacle of civilized personal power. But in front of Jue Tian Emperor, they are as unbearable as ants. hit.

However, even if the emperor Jue Tian is the most powerful person in the past, it will not be able to withstand the erosion of the years.

Now he is in his twilight years, and his strength has already fallen to the peak. After searching all the methods, he can't stop Shouyuan's near death.

However, there is a secret hidden in the heart of Juetian Emperor that only he knows, that is, he holds three magical equipment.

These three pieces of equipment are the fundamental reason why he is invincible in the world!

And as the understanding of them gradually deepened, I also saw the hope of breaking the deadlock!

That is--

Find the same level of equipment in the universe as these three!

He has a hunch that when the collection is full, he may be able to break through the shackles of the world and reach the level of life that has the same life span as the universe!

For this reason, he did not hesitate to order trillions of subordinates to continuously explore the unknown universe outside.

The purpose is to want to live, but wish.

In recent years, the other cosmic civilizations that were destroyed by his own hands are unknown, but after all, he did not find the fourth piece of equipment.

The desire for eternity, after all, is about to break like a flower in a dream.

Gradually, he became disheartened and stopped asking his subordinates to explore the universe.

But just today, a strong idea suddenly rose in his heart!

"In that direction, is there something I have pursued in my life?!"

Suddenly, the Emperor Jue Tian stood up from the throne and stared firmly at the southwest direction!

And this direction is exactly where Jiao Yuan is located in the 112 star field!

At this time, the two men wearing the "Dominator Series" equipment looked like they had traveled through an endless distance and engaged in an invisible confrontation!

After a while, the majestic voice of the target Jue Tian emperor reappeared, spreading throughout the entire civilization he ruled!

"The Ten Thousand Annihilation team will gather together, and go out with me soon!"

In an instant, the entire civilization was in an uproar.

The Wanmie Troop is the top-notch troop under the name of the Emperor Jue Tian, ​​and it is formed by tens of millions of powerful people. Since the Emperor Jue Tian admitted his fate several decades ago, it has been disbanded.

Now that the Emperor Jue Tian suddenly wants to reassemble the Ten Thousand Annihilation troops, it can be seen that he has a new goal.

At this time, countless deadly loyal subordinates of Jue Tian Emperor shouted with excitement, and members of the Wanmie Troop continued to fly to the Emperor Star from thousands of planets.

All discerning people understand that a huge war is about to happen!


On the other side, Jiao Yuan looked at the Emperor Juetian across the endless starry sky, feeling a little shocked in his heart.

He is not like the NPC natives in "Original" like Juetian Emperor, who has no panel and can only rely on perception and intuition to guess.

On Jiao Yuan’s [Master of the Universe] task panel, some information was clearly updated——

The outline of a gray figure appeared with three question marks on the top of the head, showing that its identity was mysterious and temporarily unknown, and below the outline, it was marked as the level of [Lv499-level Great Emperor] and the control of [Helmet of Domination], [Armor of the Dominator] and [Boots of the Dominator] Three pieces of equipment, and the direction of the mysterious person.

"The emperor... what rank is it?"

When Jiao Yuan saw it, he was slightly taken aback.

But soon it was relieved.

The division of NPC ranks in various star regions of the universe is not fixed.

For example, the NPCs on the Seablue Star are divided into ordinary, silver, gold, etc., while the 130 star domain is divided into F~Super A, and the 112 star domain NPC he is currently in is divided into ordinary, junior warrior~king. , The wild beast camp is the same as in star field 112, but their upper limit is the highest god level of Lv500.

It can be seen that the forces of all sizes in the universe have their own ranks.

And Jiao Yuan only needs to ignore these messy things and just look at the level of the target.

After all, from his understanding these days, the ranks of NPC and BOSS are actually closely related to their own level.

There are very few existences whose rank exceeds the rank.

For example, the King level can only be between Lv301 and Lv400, and there should be almost no exceptions.

After thinking of this, Jiao Yuan once again looked at this mysterious enemy level that holds the three dominating equipment, and his heart was slightly stunned!

"Lv499 level... isn't this just one step away from the Lv500 Desolate Beast Supreme God?"

"The unknown enemy is so tyrannical?"


Because the content of the mission requires that only by killing the enemies that are also equipped with the Dominator series, can he explode the equipment on his body and the reason why his dominator and secondary weapons are bound, Jiao Yuan believes that this mysterious boss is his enemy.

For the enemy, he will certainly not show mercy.

However, the level of Lv499 made Jiao Yuan relieved of his eagerness.

This level of enemy is not something he can provoke.

After all, judging from the fact that the Lv414-level Wild Beast King in [Blood Demon Eyes] can stare at him to death, he is still a lot worse.

Of course, this does not mean that Jiao Yuan will give up killing this mysterious enemy and collect and dominate the series of equipment.

He just slowed down his impatient mood and prepared to plan slowly.

"Is it Lv499? After a while, I will take the initiative to find you!"

"As for now... the plan should be accelerated!"

Jiao Yuan clenched his fists, full of fighting spirit.

Leapfrogging this kind of thing is as easy as usual for me.

Anyway, as long as the attributes and skills are strong enough, it will not be impossible to kill this mysterious enemy when he is a hundred and eighty.

So Jiao Yuan's top priority is to find a way to improve his combat effectiveness.

The newly emerged goals also made him have to speed up the development of the plan.

And when he feels almost the same, he will take the initiative to look for him.

After all, just like radar, both parties can perceive each other's position, and Jiao Yuan can also quickly search for each other's specific location through the wormhole in the universe.

So don't worry for the time being, just develop comfortably.

Thinking of this, Jiao Yuan finally pulled his mind from the [Master of the Universe] mission and looked at the surrounding star masters and other NPCs again.

At this time, all the items that the star master took out in the second round have also been examined.

Jiao Yuan stroked his secondary weapon and said in a deep voice, "This piece of equipment is too important to me. Star Core], countless times more precious!"

"So, what you want from me, just speak up!"

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