Online Games: Starting From Killing The Ultimate Boss

Chapter 374 Jiao Yuan: A thousand places, no, give it all!

"Your Qianye's words mean that we can ask him to grant us more career places for the minds?"

"Great, what he likes comes from our sub-civilization, and I can get this place at least 1/5!"

"The deeper we understand, the more shocked we are for the support ability of the psychic class. Thank you Qianye for his generosity!"

As soon as Jiao Yuan's voice fell, the representatives of the sub-civilizations present couldn't help but discuss with excitement.

The two hundred places given by Jiao Yuan before actually made them somewhat satisfied.

And now he is even more casually speaking to others, obviously he will get more professional places for the thinker.

How can this not make them excited?

And while being excited, they also admire Jiaoyuan's "noble" character.

Because, as he said, it is the seller's market at this time, and it is the civilization of his own alliance.

And if Jiao Yuan wants to oppress his own civilization, he only needs to act lightly to achieve the goal of lowering prices.

But he didn't do it.

Not only didn't, but he even showed an undisguised expression of satisfaction.

The requirements on the quota, let yourself also mention it casually? !

So how can we not let everyone feel admiration?

The star master obviously thought of this too, and while ecstatic, he also pondered for a moment as to what kind of conditions were appropriate.

——Although Qianye Big Brother allows himself and others to mention it casually, it can't be too much, so as not to leave the other party with an insatiable impression and make subsequent cooperative transactions difficult.

This kind of killing chickens and getting eggs would not be done with the wisdom of the star master.

After thinking about it, he tentatively said: "Your Excellency Qianye, we want a thousand career places for the thinker, how about it?"

One thousand places are the answer he decided after a long time of pondering.

For one thing, this number is only four times more than the previous two hundred. Judging from the degree of Jiao Yuan's love for this weird bracer, he should agree.

Secondly, he had personally seen how Jiao Yuan promoted Hagel as a thinker. Although he was quite relaxed at the time, he can use his butt to think about it, how can this kind of defying fate be a little costly. Don't pay? So if there are a thousand places, it is estimated that the other party will not be too strenuous, right?

The representatives of the various sub-civilizations, the King of Longevity and others on the side nodded unanimously when they heard the words.

In their opinion, the quota of a thousand thinkers is indeed very satisfied.

But just when everyone thought with satisfaction that Jiao Yuan would agree to the conditions put forward by the star master, he shook his head in astonishment.

Upon seeing this, everyone present panicked.

Is a thousand places too much?

Is it too late to change now?

Just before everyone was in a hurry to speak, Jiao Yuan said with a smile: "That's it? That's it?"

Everyone: "???"

Gangster, you just shook your head, didn't you think we were too much?

The meaning of these words... Is it because you think that the quota for a thousand thinkers is too small, and you have to take the initiative to add more?

Thinking of this, everyone couldn't help but look at each other, all in the eyes of the people next to them, seeing each other's disbelief and surprise.

The star master couldn't wait to open his mouth and said: "Your Excellency Qianye, do what you say!"

In one sentence, the decision-making power was given to the other party.

Everyone nodded at the same time.

This is a wonderful trick for the star master!

Seeing what the Qianye boss meant, it was obvious that he wanted to give me an additional place reward.

It’s difficult for us to say how much to add. After all, I thought that a thousand places would be considered very satisfactory. No matter how many, I didn’t dare to think about it.

Now it is too late to think about it for a moment to change my mind.

And let Qianye boss decide for himself, isn't it the best of both worlds?

Thinking of this, everyone's eyes focused on Jiao Yuan, waiting for his answer.

And Jiao Yuan’s next words made everyone stunned--

"A thousand places?"

"It's ridiculous! If I only give you such a benefit, I'm sorry for the value of this dominating deputy equipment!"

"Since you let me decide, then I don't hesitate to give it to you directly!"

What, what do you mean?

The profession of the thinker, give it to us directly?

How is it so difficult to understand this sentence?

When everyone looked at each other, the star master couldn't help asking Xiang Jiaoyuan: "Your Excellency Qianye, we don't quite understand what your last sentence means..."

"That's what it means on the surface!"

Jiao Yuan faintly explained: "The class of the thinker, from now on, let your alliance civilization master the ability to spread, there will be as many warriors as you want to turn into the thinker, and the specifics depend on your own internal decisions!"

After Jiao Yuan finished speaking, everyone's mouth grew in shock.

They seemed to think they had auditory hallucinations!

There are as many thinkers as you want, unlimited?

is this real?

Are we really dreaming?

After regaining his senses, the atmosphere of the meeting room exploded instantly!

"My God, Qianye is too generous!"

"From now on, can our civilization itself determine the number of psychic professions?"

"Admires Qianye, sincerely thank you for your contribution to us!"

Everyone thought that even if Jiao Yuan added a few more to the 1,000 quota that the star master had just opened, it would be doubled at most.

Unexpectedly, when Jiao Yuan spoke, he would directly bestow the entire profession of the thinker!

Hear it clearly, it's a gift!

This means that the terrifying auxiliary professional mind thinker, like the warrior, will become the mainstay of the entire alliance civilization!

How can this not make everyone feel extremely excited?

And the star master on the side was thinking a little bit more, he was worried that this would take up too much time for Jiao Yuan.

Now it's just being generous in a happy mood, what should I do if I regret it when I am upset in the future?

As the star master, he must consider longer.

Therefore, when everyone was excited, he looked towards Jiao Yuan and said:

"Your Excellency Qianye, your generosity really makes us very excited, but will this make you work hard for too long?"

"You must know that the entire alliance civilization has 40 billion people. Even if one tenth of them is a warrior, and another tenth is ready to turn into a thinker, it is a huge project!"

"You personally helped 400 million people to become thinkers, it's a bit too tiring."

The star master was euphemistically reminding Jiao Yuan to withdraw this decision quickly.

After all, in his eyes, even if Jiao Yuan's finger makes a martial artist turn into a spiritualist profession, it will take at least ten years for 400 million people?

Such a huge job is not suitable for him.

I have to say that the star master's attitude towards himself makes Jiao Yuan a little fond of him.

However, Jiao Yuan had certainly considered this issue himself.

"Who said that I should take action personally, and help 400 million people turn into psychics?"

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