Online Games: Starting From Killing The Ultimate Boss

Chapter 377: Jue Tian Emperor's madness, Jiao Yuan decided to upgrade

On the other hand, the prestige of the Emperor Jue Tian in his own civilization was too high, and the assembly of Wan Mie troops was quickly completed.

The life span of the Emperor Jue Tian is already short, and he has a hunch that he will fall in at most a hundred years, so he can't wait to lead the army.

But at this moment, he sensed the far position of the focal point, but there was a serious deviation!

It was originally in the southwest direction, but now I don’t know what happened, it suddenly becomes the east side!

"Huh? How did it change?"

"Does the opponent have super long-distance star field shuttle capabilities? This is bad!"

The Emperor Jue Tian scratched his head in doubt, then his complexion changed, and he instantly guessed the reason.

In this way, a new problem appeared again-

If the opponent has the ability to travel through the stars over long distances, what should he do if he leads the army and finally finds a position, but when the opponent sees that the situation is not good, he escapes?

Do you still have to work hard to continue searching for many years?

But the other party waited to find it again, what should I do if the other party ran away again?

For a while, Jue Tiandi's face was ugly to the extreme!

"Damn, why does the opponent have this ability? I can't even do it, and I also clearly perceive that the opponent's strength is far inferior to mine..."

At this time, Juetian Emperor felt bitter.

There is a feeling of helplessness.

Jiao Yuan can see the general information of Juetian Emperor from his personal panel. Although Juetian Emperor does not have a panel, he can also feel Jiao Yuan's combat power from the underworld—not his opponent!

What can you do if you can control the opponent's position at all times, but can't run the opponent?

What's even more hateful is that not only does he have no ability to pursue, but he also doesn't have much lifespan, so he can't afford it.

"Hope the space anchor can work!"

Jue Tiandi's face turned bright and dark, and in the end he could only think of it by chance.

The space anchor is a control instrument developed by his subordinates, which has the effect of fixing a piece of space.

Within the scope of the space anchor, the general teleportation ability will lose its effect, and can only fight with the enemy on the plane of the main universe, splitting birth and death.

However, after repeated research, the space anchor has a very poor effect on some people with extraordinary strength.

Once the Emperor Jue Tian invaded a civilization with developed personal mighty power, there was a top powerhouse who forcibly broke through the void and escaped while being fixed in the surrounding space.

Therefore, the Emperor Jue Tian was not very satisfied with the role of the space anchor.

But is there any other way now that I can’t expect that the other side will not run away and share with me, or my life will be exhausted?

This kind of result is absolutely unacceptable for the Emperor Jue Tian.

He can only take a gamble in the remaining time!

Having made up his mind, the Emperor Jue Tian still led the army to move out, this time the direction is Zheng Dongfang!

But before long, something that made him crazy again appeared-the target suddenly changed to the northwest direction!


"What kind of strange enemy is this f*ck, can't you just stay in one place honestly?"

"It would seem like I'm stupid, don't you know?!"

Perceiving the sudden change of the target's position, he was about to collapse with the mentality of the Emperor Jue Tian for nearly a million years.

"The Emperor is angry!"

"Now, the enemy is dead!"

The utter whispers of the Wan Mie troop made the old face of Jue Tian Di black.

On the premise that it can be found smoothly and the space anchor is working, of course, this enemy wearing two dominating equipment can drink hate.

But the old man just couldn't find it!

At this moment, the Emperor Jue Tian was really about to cry!


On the other side, Jiao Yuan didn't know his behavior, which brought huge pressure on Jue Tian Emperor.

The reason why he changed positions twice was actually to temporarily bid farewell to the star master and other NPCs, and began to check and accept his previous results.

According to the five coordinates left in the secondary dimension world-the 130 and 112 star fields, the outer seablue star underground city, the doomsday civilization Urso, and a primitive world civilization that has been exposed.

Jiao Yuan started a continuous shuttle journey!

Before that, he first reached a deal with Jenos to "find the dominating equipment", and then went non-stop to the Doomsday Civilization and the Primitive World Civilization to see how his original layout was developed.

The result made Jiao Yuan very satisfied.

In the apocalyptic civilization of Uso, City A has been under the suppression of sisters such as Lei and Hugo, and its development is in full swing. There have been a large number of survivors in the city, and almost all of them have been transferred to dungeon jobs.

There were not many survivors in the doomsday civilization. I think it won’t take a few months. If 50% of the planet’s population required by the promotion mission is transferred to a dungeon career, it should be completed!

In the primitive world civilization, the tribes of NPCs that Jiao Yuan originally laid out have developed into the most powerful tribal civilization around and are spreading to the outside world at an extremely fast speed.

However, one thing embarrassing Jiao Yuan is that... the primitive world civilization is in a state of ignorance and uncivilized. It believes above the gods, and usually each tribe has its own god totem.

However, Jiao Yuan has become the totem of the tribe he supports, and a sculpture is built out of clay and worshipped by people every day...

Jiao Yuan can only say that this is the NPCs' own choice.

They are not irritable, and of course they don't care!

After inspecting the results, Jiao Yuan didn't stop much.

"Now that the NPC is on the right track, I don't need to spend any more work for the time being, what should I do next?"

Jiao Yuan began to think.

Before, he could not wait to leave Seablue Star because he wanted to lift the curse of Hyperion, and at the same time, he also wanted to see the splendor of various civilizations in the universe.

But as the strength now grows to the point where a single player can kill the Lv400 top BOSS, and as he travels through the wormhole in the universe, he steps into the soil of various civilizations... Suddenly Jiao Yuan discovered that many things are all right to him. Lost interest.

Fortunately, there are still three important mission goals.

The first is the dungeon promotion task.

The second main quest in the universe, dealing with wild beasts.

The third is to kill Lv499 mysterious enemies and collect and dominate a series of equipment tasks.

The existence of these three tasks motivates Jiao Yuan to continue to improve his strength.

"The promotion task is already being laid out, just wait."

"And the main mission of the universe, you also need to wait for the second ring to be activated before you can turn your attention to this."

"As for the third task...L;v499 level enemy I am still a lot worse after all, I have to raise my level first!"

Jiao Yuan analyzed for a moment and thought that he should perform what every player should do.

That's an upgrade!

At present, Jiao Yuan's level is Lv289. According to the talent of the void life race, he only needs to upgrade one level to obtain a new skill.

And as you continue to improve, your attributes and skills will also improve even higher.

Although it is not as good as using the authority of the dungeon lord to cut leeks, it is also a very important aspect.

After making up his mind, Jiao Yuan passed through the cosmic wormhole and reached the barren land outside the universe.

Start spawning and leveling!

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