Online Games: Starting From Killing The Ultimate Boss

Chapter 378 Upgrade, New Skill, Domination Ring

There are a lot of barren beasts in the barren land map outside the universe, and their levels are not bad, and the corresponding contributions to Jiao Yuan are also a lot of experience. Basically, each barren beast is calculated in units of 100 million.

What's more rare is that perhaps because of the opposite relationship with the creatures in the universe, there is no need to go far and far to find monsters. Instead, the wild beasts will come to him in groups.

At present, except that Jiao Yuan is still not sure to deal with the existence of the desolate beasts above the Emperor level, he is very easy to deal with the desolate beasts including the king level.

Looking at the entire desolate camp, the emperor who reached level Lv401 or above should be quite rare.

At least Jiao Yuan spent more than five days in the barren land before finally meeting another barren beast emperor.

And this time, it was still the Lv414-level [Blood Demon Eye].

After Jiao Yuan was sent back to the city for free by him once, he planned to delay it for two days.

"I have killed me in these five days. I don't know how many desolate beasts, no matter how many desolate beasts there are, it can't be endless, right? If you notice the loss, then there should be a desolate beast who is watching the abnormality closely..."

Jiao Yuan thought secretly.

According to his estimation, in a short period of time, if he wanted to spawn monsters like the previous five days, it should not be so easy.

The most appropriate way is to wait a few days, wait until the wild beast boss is not paying attention to monitoring the territory, and then go in and continue to level up.

Taking advantage of the rare relaxation time now, Jiao Yuan also began to check the harvest of the past five days.

In five days, he was crazy to spawn monsters, and his level has been upgraded from Lv289 to Lv301!

I have to say that this efficiency is simply crazy.

And the increase in level, according to the talent of the void life race, also caused two new skills to appear in his skill column.

The first one is called [Nullification], which is automatically rewarded at Lv290.

[Void (active skill): After release, enter the void state that lasts for 60 seconds, immune to all physical/magical attacks. You are in this state and you cannot attack actively, otherwise you will be forced to exit the void state, costing 1621 per second. Point MP, cooldown time is 300 seconds! 】

The second skill is called [Dimensional Shattering], which appears automatically at Lv300.

[Dimensional Shattering (active skill): After release, it will deal a devastating blow to enemies within 100X100 meters, 77000% of the base attack power, 0.5% MP consumption, and 180 seconds of cooling time! (Remarks: In battle, whenever three-dimensional shattering is released, the attack power of the skill will be doubled by 5 times for the fourth attack!)]

Both skills are very good.

Among them, the first [Nullification] originally Jiao Yuan thought it was a chicken rib.

After all, although he can be immune to physical and magical attacks within 60 seconds, he can't make a move, and he takes the initiative to contact the state.

But after I figured it out, I realized that this skill might be a magical skill!

Because in the state of nihilization, you can not only wait for the CD of some skills, restore HP/MP and other states, but more importantly, within the duration, you can actually leave the combat state.

That is to say, if facing some guys that cannot be beaten, Jiao Yuan only needs to vanish out of the combat state, and then he can escape to other safe places through the world of secondary dimensions!

Of course, the prerequisite for this goal is that the opponent has no other special abilities other than conventional offensive methods.

And the second skill [Dimensional Broken] is also a pretty good output skill.

770 times the base attack percentage bonus, the cooling time is very short, the attack power will be doubled by five times every fifth time it is released.

Although Jiao Yuan wanted passive skills that didn't take up the output rhythm, he couldn't help it.

It can be regarded as a kind of reinforcement in terms of output!

And the emergence of the [Dimensional Broken] skill also made Jiao Yuan discover another surprise——

The Void Race not only automatically acquires a skill every time it increases Lv30, but also has extra surprises when it reaches a multiple of Lv100.

This makes Jiao Yuan full of enthusiasm for upgrading.

It's just that, except for the wild beast accident in the Void Land, he hasn't found any other suitable leveling locations.

I can only wait a few days before going to the liver level.


Next, Jiao Yuan spent a few days of salting fish honestly.

Go to sleep when it’s okay, or open a live broadcast to chat with the audience, or draw a cake with the NPC, and let them intensify their efforts to find housing equipment for themselves.

Not to mention, this trick is really useful.

Because on the tenth day, the star master and others, really don’t know where to go, found a new master equipment——

[Item: Ring of Domination (to be activated)]

[Quality: Lv300 special]

[Equipment requirement attribute: Lv300, four-dimensional attribute 600 million]

[Equipment requirements occupation: Warrior/Assassin]

[Physical/Magic Attack Power: 3 billion]

【Strength/Agility: 60,000】

[Physical/Magic Extra Attack Power: 60%]

[Skill 1: The Dominant Mind (halo type)]: After wearing the equipment, all teammates within 1000X1000 meters around the self will reduce the CD of all active skills by 30%.

[Skill 2: Contempt of Domination (Passive Skill)]: After wearing, all enemies whose level is lower than their own within 1000X1000 meters around themselves will reduce their 4D attributes by 30%.

[Skill 3: Master's Sophistication (Passive Skill)]: After wearing, you can lock a target, and the long-range attack will have the effect of "must hit"!

[Skill 4: Warriors of Domination (Passive Skill)]: After wearing, your attack speed/movement speed will increase by 100%.

[Skill 5: Dominator's Fury]: After wearing, all your skills output an additional 50% final damage.

[Skill 6: Forbidden Domain of Domination God (Active Skill)]: After release, all your skill levels will be increased by Lv10, the cooling time will be reduced by 90%, and your four-dimensional attributes will be increased by 500%. The effect lasts for 60 seconds and the cooling time is 7 days!

[Equipment status]: Seal status (4/5 attribute).

[Note 1: This equipment cannot be traded, dropped, synthesized, disassembled, strengthened, forged, or augmented! 】

[Note 2: You can activate when you have two Dominator series equipment! 】


Lv300 ring!

The universe dominates series, unblock 4/5 attributes!

Jiao Yuan looked at the panel, completely stunned!

"This kind of attack, skill... Fuck, it's too abnormal!"

The offensive and defensive attributes are not much to say, after all, compared with the other two dominating equipment, the ring is Lv100 higher.

Jiao Yuan's eyes focused on skills.

"The six abilities that come with the ring, five are passive, and one is active~!"

"The [God Forbidden Domain] with active skills is even more abnormal, so I can't believe it!"

"Horrible, terrible!"

"After equipping the ring, I should have the capital to fight the royal beast head-on, right?"

Jiao Yuan's eyes were extremely excited.

Immediately he put [Chaos Ring] back into his backpack, and put the Domination Ring on his body.

[The Ring of Chaos] is actually the same as the [Sword of Domination], it will explode from the final demon god of Lv200 that will be far away from the first serving.

Its attributes are not enough, and as the level increases, Jiao Yuan doesn't need it at all to reduce the demand for equipment.

Now it's finally updated!

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