Online Games: Starting From Killing The Ultimate Boss

Chapter 379 The double attack exceeds 50 billion, and the new apostle mission appears!

Equipped with [Ring of Domination], Jiao Yuan’s current panel has become——

[ID: Qianye]

[Level: Lv301 (1.16 billion / 79.9 billion)]

[Race: Human Race/Void]

[Occupation: Senior Dungeon Lord! 】

[HP: 2.969 billion]

[MP: 1.79 billion]

[Physical attack: 41.814 billion ~ 62.921 billion! 】

[Magic attack: 33.266 billion ~ 50.012 billion! 】

[Physical defense: 4.799 billion]

[Magic defense: 4.601 billion]

[Four-dimensional attributes: 2.314 billion power / 1.806 billion agility / 1.851 billion physical strength / 169 billion intelligence! 】

[Unassigned free attributes: 0! 】

[Universal legend: 234 points! 】

[Active skills: Lv59 Wushuang Sword Dance, Lv59 Twilight of the Gods, Lv59 Ultimate Bomb...Lv1 Forbidden Curse • Dharma God Coming, Lv1 Profound Righteousness• Tiger Fist! 】

[Equipment: +13 Sword of Domination (quality of ancient mythology), +13 Chigo Lord Luke (quality of ancient mythology)... +12 Death Necklace (quality of ancient mythology)! 】

[Fashion: Shadow Cloak (Dark Gold), Rare Set! 】

[Pet: Lv200 Long-legged Rotes (Ancient Mythology)...]

[Mount: Lv200 Xiaohei (Ancient Mythology)...]


After reading his panel properties, Jiao Yuan felt scared himself!

The upper limit of physical and magic double attacks has exceeded the 50 billion mark!

HP, MP, four-dimensional attributes, and defense have all improved quite well!

"This is a dominance series equipment ring that has unsealed four layers of seals. Does it bring me an improvement?"

"If you unblock at most one layer, then do you still have it?"

"If you collect ten pieces of equipment, and unblock them all... Hey! I finally understand why the [Master of the Universe] profession is the only strongest in the universe!"

Jiao Yuan thought about it for a moment, and he was extremely excited.

Inferring from his experience, every time a seal of the Dominator series equipment is unlocked, the attributes will skyrocket approximately ten times.

But the reality is that when the equipment changes from 3/5 to 4/5, this period of attributes directly increases by about a hundred times!

Based on this speculation, if the ring is completely unblocked... Wouldn't it become a double attack of 60 billion?


Rao is a big guy like Jiao Yuan, who can't help but take a breath when he thinks of this!

The desire for other dominating equipment is even more urgent!

He thought of the Lv499-level mysterious enemy indicated in the mission [Master of the Universe], and guessed at what level did the three dominator equipment on the opponent's body reach?

If you are at the same level of unblocking as your own ring, it will be difficult!

I need more time to develop.


After getting the [Ring of Domination], Jiao Yuan, in accordance with the initial agreement, gave all the 52 professions in the dungeon except for the thinker profession the authority to teach in the 112 star domain.

His move once again ushered in the respect of the NPC, and representatives of various sub-civilizations frantically slapped Jiao Yuan's rainbow fart.

However, Jiao Yuan has encountered too many similar things, and his mentality is very ordinary.

After asking the star master and others to continue searching, they were ready to go to the barren land to level up.

But just as he was about to leave, suddenly, another task appeared on the system panel——

[System prompt: You trigger a new task "Kill or conquer the second apostle, Weeping Eye Herder"! 】

[Quest content: As the recovery process of Arad continent accelerates, the crying eye Herd will be resurrected in the Demon Realm area in the dungeon soon. She is an ambitious apostle. As the lord of the dungeon, you need Stop her threat to Arad continent! 】

[Task conditions: kill or conquer Herder! 】

【Duration of the mission: 30 days! 】

[Task completion reward: 360E experience, the effect of the title of "Enemy of the Apostles" has been improved! 】

[Punishment for mission failure: Helder’s combat effectiveness increased by 30%! 】

[Note: Weeping Eye Herder will randomly resurrect in the Demon Realm area of ​​the dungeon in seven days, please go in time! 】


"Herder is going to be resurrected?"

Jiao Yuan was taken aback for a moment, and then frowned slightly.

As we all know, except for the 13th Apostle Elf Princess Celia, who has little combat effectiveness, the Arad continent is basically a fighting madman.

The second apostle Herder and the first apostle Kahn are undisputed top combat power.

Even the Lv300-level ancient mythical BOSS Antuen was a subordinate of Herder's enslavement in history.

The horror of Herder can be seen.

Although Helder is an apostle of the "wisdom" type in historical records, Jiao Yuan didn't believe it. Just using his brain can make so many apostles feel jealous.

Herder's combat effectiveness must be quite good.

It's just that if he didn't leave Seablue Star, Jiao Yuan might be a little worried about his mission and failure, but now... there shouldn't be much pressure, right? !

"Is it resurrected in seven days?"

"Forget it, I just go back to the dungeon to rest for a while!"

Jiao Yuan thought about it and made a decision.

Upgrades are important, but Daguai upgrades are not the only thing in "Original".

People are social animals, no matter how close Jiao Yuan and NPC are, there is no way to talk about everything.

Stay with the player to be completely unrestrained.

And Jiao Yuan hasn't returned to the dungeon for a long time, so he took the opportunity to go back and see how everyone is developing.

Thinking of this, Jiao Yuan suddenly had a bad taste in his mind——

"The current players are estimated to be around Lv100 at most, right? Mainstream players should be around Lv80."

"How would they feel if they were to see my panel?"

"Hey, that must be fun!"

When he exposed his attribute panel last time, Jiao Yuan still remembered that all players on the server continued to talk about it.

This time, his attributes have exploded dozens of times. After seeing this, the players must have a mentality that will collapse, right?

Jiao Yuan was looking forward to it.

Immediately afterwards, he informed the star master and other NPCs, lest they panic, and he teleported back to the dungeon through the secondary dimension world!


On the other side, the Juetian Emperor, who felt the great change in Jiao Yuan's position, exploded.

"This guy, why did he suddenly go to the true north position?"

"Does it just do whatever you want with the ultra-long-distance teleportation ability? Damn it!"

The Emperor Jue Tian cursed secretly.

Then ordered the Wan Mie troops to turn their heads and drive towards the north where Jiao Yuan is located!

At the same time, he suddenly noticed something again, his eyes closed tightly, and his eyes widened in shock after a long time.

"This guy, suddenly there is an extra piece of equipment on his body?!"

"Is he the fabled Son of Heaven?"

The Emperor Jue Tian was stunned!

Because in his perception just now, Jiao Yuan's body's dominating equipment had changed from two pieces to three pieces in an instant.

Imagine that I have fought several star civilizations for millions of years, but I still can't find the fourth master equipment.

And the other party only appeared in one's own perception for less than half a month, and one more one appeared. How could this make the Emperor Jue Tian not feel shocked?

But after the shock, Emperor Jue Tian Jiao Yuan's must-kill mood became firmer again!

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