Online Games: Starting From Killing The Ultimate Boss

Chapter 380 Jiao Yuan's personal panel is exposed, all players are looking up!

Seablue star.

A corner of the dungeon.

After Jiao Yuan was promoted to the senior dungeon lord at the beginning, as the player level generally rose, and more and more new instances appeared, the entire dungeon area now covers almost the entire human NPC territory.

The original site of Qianye Town has become a gathering place for low-level players.

However, in Qianye Town, there are still the headquarters of King's Landing and Fengming's trade union standing by.

It's just that the elite players of the two unions are basically active outside to level up and rarely come back.

And on this day, just as a group of low-level players were in the wild, screaming hard to brush the BOSS, suddenly, a figure appeared in their sight.

Before these players could react, the figure that appeared instantly killed the silver BOSS that they had worked so hard to beat in half!

This scene made everyone angry!

"Brothers, copy guys, someone is robbing the boss!"

"Huh, how dare you rob us of the reserve boss of the King's Landing Trade Union, so courageous!"

"Don't look at our low level, but if you dare to grab our boss, you must have the consciousness of being turned over!"

"Brothers, let's attack together and kill..."

This group of low-level players thought that their BOSS had been robbed, and they were screaming, but when they saw the full picture of this figure, one by one, they were all dumbfounded!

No player does not know this figure!

"Qian, Qianye Dad?"

A male magician wiped his eyes and whispered.

As soon as he said these words, the faces of everyone present turned pale in an instant.

"I, my God, did I spray Qianye Dad just now?"

"It's over, we have a big deal, it's over!"

"Uuuuu~ Dad Qianye, we didn't mean it, please let us go!"

The big guy didn't have time to think why Jiao Yuan suddenly appeared in the dungeon.

At this time, everyone's head was dizzy, and the thought "We sprayed Qianye Dad" kept coming up.

Who is Jiao Yuan? That is a strong person who is indistinguishable from the gods in the eyes of all server players.

Although it was a misunderstanding, but after spraying the gods, wouldn't it be that the end of his party is coming? !

Thinking of this, the group of people cried in horror, and some even knelt on the ground begging.

In this regard, Jiao Yuan could only: "..."

I'm not a big devil full of evil spirits, I know that it is a misunderstanding, can I still take your group of leeks to blame?

What do you think of me?

Jiao Yuan was a little speechless, and left without saying a word.

As for the equipment exploded by the silver boss that was subconsciously killed just now? He didn't bother to take a look.

After Jiao Yuan's figure was completely invisible, the group of players finally raised their heads.

"Daddy Qianye forgave us?"

A paladin shouted in surprise.

"Dad Qianye has a large number of them, and he deserves to be our role model!"

"That's it, look at what kind of eggs you are scared of? In your heart, is Dad Qianye unreasonable?"

"Stop talking, let's post the matter of Dad Qianye's return to the dungeon on the forum!"

After confirming that Jiao Yuan didn't care about everyone's offense, the group rejoiced again and again, and couldn't help but want to share the joy over and over again, and posted what Jiao Yuan had happened through the game forum.

Soon after, the whole server was a sensation!


[Shocked, after a few months of absence, Qianye Papa King returns to the dungeon! 】

[Let’s guess, how long will Qianye’s father stay in the dungeon this time? 】

[Compared to the upstairs, I want to know why the Great Devil Qianye suddenly returned to the dungeon, and what's the purpose? 】

[Don't talk about the mess, the return of Qianye Dad is the beginning of our players' carnival! 】

[Yes, with the generous degree of Dad Qianye, he will definitely give us benefits! 】

[Report everyone! I am a member of King's Landing World Association, I am looking forward to it now! 】

The forum, which was originally dull as usual, suddenly appeared a lot of posts about Jiao Yuan's sudden return.

Many people think this is false news. After all, Jiao Yuan has stayed in the starry sky well. Why is there any reason to come back suddenly? After all, with his Lv301 level, the highest level in the entire server, the major advanced civilizations in the starry sky are where he can make a big splash!

However, with more and more posts, more and more players saw Jiao Yuan with their own eyes, and after taking screenshots, every player of Full Server finally believed the news.

What followed was a large-scale discussion.

Every piece of information related to Jiao Yuan can make everyone talk about it for a long time.

His sudden return this time obviously made everyone look forward to it.

At this moment, suddenly, a post about Jiao Yuan's personal panel was born, and it was instantly topped by the audience to the top of the forum!

This post was published by Jiao Yuan himself.

The content is a personal panel of his own screenshots!

And every player who saw this panel was all dumbfounded!

"This, is this fake?"

"No one really believes it. The original poster is good enough to cheat and reply!"

"The upper limit of physical attack is 60 billion? Would you please be careful about the P picture?"

Most players didn't believe it at first.

Because this panel is too explosive, far beyond everyone's understanding.

Look at this attack, look at this four-dimensional attribute!

How can anyone reach this level of terror measured in tens of billions?

Owner, you don’t have to think too much about the P picture. If it is a little bit more realistic, we will believe it too!

A discerning person with such a high attribute is fake at first sight!

However, everyone is very curious about the latest panel of Qianye Dad. Your speculation is worthy of praise!

I hope you will get more thoughts next time...Huh? The original poster?

Many people were subconsciously prepared to complain at the beginning, but when they saw the ID of the host, they were shocked again!

Because the poster who posted it is Jiao Yuan himself!

Real-name ID, Qianye!

Everyone who confirmed the identity of Jiao Yuan's original poster suspected that they were blinded.

But after I was sure, my mouth became dry.

"Papa Qianye personally posted...that is to say, this personal panel is indeed real, and the property that started with ten billion units is the real panel of Dad Qianye?"

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!!"

"Why is Dad Qianye doing this? Look at my poor attack that hasn't broken through five figures, I'm crying!"

"Isn't Dad Qianye messing with our mentality? It's too exciting, when will we reach the height of Dad Qianye?!"

"You upstairs, just give up, it's impossible without a thousand children for eight hundred years!"

"Horrible, I can only look up to this panel for the rest of my life!"

"Look up +1 for a lifetime!"

"Look up to +2 for a lifetime!"


Due to Jiao Yuan's wicked taste, the personal panel was suddenly announced, and all players on the server could not calm down!

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