Online Games: Starting From Killing The Ultimate Boss

Chapter 382 Continue to upgrade, Herder is resurrected!

Shuang Aoxue and others instinctively wanted to say that they would also participate in the battle against Herder.

But after seeing Jiao Yuan's post on the forum, this idea was dispelled.

Just kidding, the attack power calculated in tens of billions, still need us to help share the pressure?

If we intervene horizontally, it will actually be a hindrance, right?

Therefore, everyone immediately said that they would not disturb Jiao Yuan's plan.

And this time everyone's conversation also ends here.

Next, Jiao Yuan developed according to the original plan. ,

While taking the time to bring a copy of the small partners in the guild, as a benefit.

On the one hand, I also took the time to go to the 130, 112 Star Territory and other leek fields to see if there are any extra surprises-such as picking up a piece of equipment that dominates the series for nothing.

Unfortunately, his plan fell through after all.

Although the NPC has been working hard to collect mysterious items, there is almost no equipment and materials that are far effective in focusing.

Xinxinnian's master series equipment has never appeared again.

"But it's normal, right? It's actually lucky to pick up a piece of dominating equipment for nothing. You can't force too much, otherwise you will lose your happiness..."

Jiao Yuan comforted himself silently.

There are only ten pieces of the master series equipment, and it is clear that the whereabouts of six of them are on his own body and the other mysterious Lv499-level enemy.

There are countless civilizations in the vast universe. I want to rely on NPCs in a few star regions to find the other four scattered pieces of equipment. Hope is too slim.

It's normal if you can't find it. If you find it, it will make Jiao Yuan suspect that he is the chosen son of the universe.

——Otherwise, how could it be possible for the master equipment to be delivered to the door?

However, Jiao Yuan did not completely give up his expectations.

After all, the time for NPC collection is still very short, maybe it will be there in the future?

And after he has killed this mysterious enemy of Lv499 and obtained the three pieces of equipment on his body, it may trigger the clues to the remaining four pieces of equipment to dominate.

This possibility should be quite large.

Otherwise, if there are no new clues, trying to collect a complete set of master equipment in the vast universe is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.

It should be impossible for the "Original" system to release a completely hopeless mission to the player.

So after Jiao Yuan guessed the result, he was not in a hurry.

On the other hand, he took advantage of the period of Herder's resurrection, and once again according to the plan, he entered the land of nothingness to level up the wild beasts.


[Combat information: You have killed the Lv269-level wild beast "Reckless Jiao" and gained 3.6E experience! 】

[Combat information: You killed the Lv271-level wild beast "Colorful Toad" and gained 4.1E experience! 】

[Combat information: You have killed the Lv331-level barren beast "The Strange Four Not Like" and gained 13.1E experience! 】

In the map of the badlands outside the universe.

As Jiao Yuan once again killed a wave of wild beasts that came forward, the system prompts continued to sound in his ears.

And then, the upgraded light flashed on him.

"Unknowingly, seven days are going to pass!"

Jiao Yuan relaxed for a moment, feeling that time passed too fast, as if seven days had passed in the blink of an eye.

During these seven days, most of his energy was devoted to levelling the wild beasts.

I don't know how many wild beasts died under his attack.

The level also went from Lv301 to Lv309 successfully.

Although he has only risen to a mere 8 level, the experience he needs for each upgrade is now calculated in hundreds of billions. This speed is enough to make other players look up to them for a lifetime.

During the seven-day leveling process, what Jiao Yuan did not expect was that he did not encounter the Lv414-level Desolate Beast Emperor, the bloody demon pupil.

This made Jiao Yuan a little grateful.

No encounter, it means that the upgrade process is very smooth.

But at the same time Jiao Yuan was a little lost.

"I wanted to verify my true combat effectiveness, to what extent!"

"Unexpectedly, this guy wouldn't show up directly, Damn it..."

Jiao Yuan murmured twice and shook his head helplessly.

As I said earlier, the level is basically of little use in front of him.

Leapfrog killing this kind of thing, focusing is far from commonplace, generally easy.

But with the newly acquired two pieces of Domination series equipment, his attributes exploded, and he was missing a suitable opponent to make himself guess at what level his combat power was in the universe.

And if an accurate result is obtained, then Jiao Yuan will initially understand how far he is from the mysterious enemy of Lv499.

Then, according to the actual situation, decide when to take the initiative to find the other party!

But this thought, as the [Blood Demon Eyes] did not appear, it temporarily became a bubble!

"When I want to avoid you, you often show up. When I take the initiative to find you and fight for a result, you don't know where to hide..."

Jiao Yuan shook his head helplessly.

It feels uncomfortable that the plan has failed.

But after all, the Void Land is the land of the wild beasts, and others can't help it if they don't find themselves.

In fact, Jiao Yuan is willing to continue to wait here.

Because he didn't believe that as he killed a large number of desolate beasts, no desolate beast king appeared.

He is very patient.

Only seven days passed, Jiao Yuan had to make time to leave—Herder was resurrected today as prompted by the apostle mission.

"After Held is dealt with, I will come and play with you again!"

After Jiao Yuan muttered a word in his heart, he quickly hurried back to the dungeon.


After experiencing the battle of various powerful creatures in the universe, Jiao Yuan didn't care much about the existence of the apostle.

In his opinion, he was able to crush the third to twelfth apostles a few months ago. No matter how strong your Helder is, how much can you surpass the other apostles?

After all, if you really had great abilities, you wouldn't fail to break the rule of "Apostles can't kill each other", and you would turn your head and plan secretly.

Jiao Yuan didn't worry much a few months ago, and now he is more confident.

With your own tens of billions of panels, super skills, and many younger brothers, is it possible that your Helder can turn the sky?

However, although Jiao Yuan is sure to complete the task in a short time, it will not be too big.

Otherwise, if he missed the best time, Helder ran away after learning about his existence, hiding in the dark and making a low-key plan to damage the continent of Arad. It is very possible!

Jiao Yuan didn't want to see his original task, which he had done well, lost the best time because of temporary support.

This is also the most important reason why he temporarily abandoned the upgrade plan and returned to the dungeon!

So, thinking of Jiao Yuan here, he sits in the underground city, waiting for Herder's resurrection!

It didn't take long before the news of the second apostle, the crying eye Herder's resurrection in the Demon Realm area, spread word of mouth through the players, and quickly reached Jiao Yuan's ears!

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