Online Games: Starting From Killing The Ultimate Boss

Chapter 383 Michelle: Times are different!

Dungeon, Demon Realm area.

Bole Valley, south of Brooklyn.

Saint Michel, as usual, wandered around on the street, chatting happily with the players from time to time.

"Good afternoon, Saint Michel!"

"Saint Michel, is there anything we need to help today?"

"I have always been willing to help others. If Saint Michel has anything to order, please don't be polite to me!"

Okay... If the players don't do everything possible to pick up the task from him, Michelle said that he will definitely be very happy.

However, he has been in contact with the players for a long time, and he has become accustomed to it.

"Your strength is too weak, I'm afraid you won't be able to help me, let's talk about it later!"

The expression is faint, very compelling!

After leaving a perfunctory remark, Michelle walked away calmly.

He is quite experienced in dealing with enthusiastic players.

And often after such words are finished, the player will stop pestering him with interest.

Sure enough now.

I saw the players lowered their heads with annoyance, and seemed to feel inferior to their own weakness, and no longer adhered to Michelle like a dog skin plaster.

After getting rid of the entanglement of a group of players, Michelle continued to patrol the devil world with a peaceful and peaceful state of mind.

Soon after, he was walking carelessly in the street, and suddenly an indescribable sense of crisis rose in his heart, causing his heart to shrink suddenly!

"This kind of breath gives me the feeling that... a powerful enemy has appeared?"

Michelle turned her head suddenly, looking in the direction from which her sense of crisis had come from.

Next, the scene that made him stare wide-eyed appeared——

I saw a "thin" figure suddenly appeared out of thin air on the streets where the players came and went.

This man was wearing a black mage robe with dark gold runes carved on it. He was holding a slender wand in his hand, and his face was hidden by long black hair and the brim of his hat, so he could not see his figure.

A mysterious man appeared out of thin air!

Michelle's pupils shrank, because he was so familiar with this scene—

When dealing with various apostle enemies with Jiao Yuan in the past, he witnessed the other apostles appearing out of thin air several times!

So the moment Michelle saw this figure, four words appeared in his mind.

The new apostle!

The problem is that he can be regarded as a senior apostle, and he understands deeply that after the third apostle Tianjiao Isis Prey was accepted as a new pet by Jiao Yuan, all the apostles ranked behind him have been resurrected one by one.

Therefore, this newly-emerged apostle is either the No. 1 Demon King, Fateful Kahn, or the No. 2 Apostle, Weeping Eye Herder!

Neither of these two bosses can be dealt with by him!

Looking at this thin figure, Michelle also realized for the first time who the other party was!

"Crying Eye Held..."

Michelle muttered to herself subconsciously.

Herder, who had just resurrected on the other side, seemed to have realized what had happened to him in a very short period of time, and raised his head and stared at Michelle jokingly.

"Saint Michel, don't be unharmed, you seem to be living well!"

Michelle took a deep breath, and snorted coldly: "I was in a good mood originally, but after seeing you, my good mood is gone!"

"Hahaha, that's really an honor for me!"

Herder laughed softly!

"Hmph, we are all old friends, and I don't say much nonsense!"

Michelle snorted again and didn't dare anymore, because he also remembered that it was impossible for the apostles to kill each other personally. This was one of the apostles' rules.

So after he calmed down his panic, he said:

"We can be resurrected, I don't know how many years of luck we have spent!"

"At present, a full 100,000 years have passed since the destruction and reconstruction of the Arad continent!"

"Now that you are resurrected, do you still want to resuscitate Terra?"

Michelle calmed down and knew what she needed to understand right now.

That is to find a way to inquire about Herder's next purpose!

He was at the same time as Herder, but he deeply understood the horror of this woman.

But in terms of combat effectiveness, this woman has not reached the height of destroying the world, but she is most daunted by having a brain with superior intelligence and a big heart that is always calm.

One hundred thousand years ago, Herder did not hesitate to create a huge conspiracy "mutation phenomenon" in order to rebuild Terra and restore his homeland.

In this way, she killed the fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, original ninth apostle, and ninth apostle. It can be said that she is the root of all disasters!

The resurrection of this terrifying female devil cannot help Michelle being careless.

According to his observation, the underground city has been rebuilt very well under Jiao Yuan's leadership.

The number of adventurers is also increasing day by day.

And he also keenly perceives that in the starry sky outside the planet, there is also an aura belonging to the dungeon profession.

This means that Jiao Yuan has spread the glory of the underground city to the outside world.

Therefore, Michelle cannot accept that this beauty may be broken by Herder!

On the other side, for Michelle's serious questioning, Held smiled lightly without concealing his purpose. .

"If you don't revive Terra Star, what's the point of my resurrection?"

"Hmph, I'm here, don't you think about it!"

Upon hearing this, Michelle suddenly understood that this bad woman was still thinking about a crazy plan, how busy he could bear it, and immediately warned righteously.

"The destruction of Terra Star is the formality of history. If you want to subvert history, I will never agree to it!"

"And you think that after the resurrection, you can turn your hands for the clouds and cover your hands for the rain again, playing with the adventurers of the entire Arad continent in applause? Don't think about it!"

"Herder, the times are different. Those of us who should have been in the cemetery, it is better to obey Lord Qianye's orders honestly!"

"Otherwise, in my opinion, you are killing yourself!"

Michelle said a few words.

When Herder first heard the first two sentences, his brow frowned slightly.

As she said just now, what's the point of resurrecting the Terra Star civilization without reviving it?

This is the ultimate goal of her struggle until she exhausts her life!

But after Michelle finished speaking, she fell silent.

Herder is keenly aware of the other side's dependence!

"Lord Thousand Nights?"

She lightly read the key message and looked at Michelle blankly, "One hundred thousand years ago, I was the last step to complete the goal. How many arrogances blocked me at that time, but did anyone succeed?"

"If the war hadn't been too fierce, leading to the destruction of the Arad continent, my plan would definitely be completed smoothly!"

"Who is this Lord Qianye? Do you think he can stop me?"

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