Online Games: Starting From Killing The Ultimate Boss

Chapter 384-Michelle's mouth to persuade him to retreat, Herder failed to escape (fifth)

"Hehe, speaking of Lord Qianye, I am not afraid to scare you to death!"

Michelle laughed at this.

Little old girl, you still don't believe me when I said that the times are different. This will let you understand why!

Immediately afterwards, he talked about everything from Jiao Yuan's identity, the record of dealing with the various ambassadors, to the expedition to the universe!

Following his narration, an invincible figure slowly appeared in Helder's mind.

He disregarded the world, made all the creatures of Arad surrender in the eyes of the heart, and finally fought to the depths of the starry sky, so that the major advanced civilizations were regarded as guests of honor.

Herder's little face became more and more stiff, and his confident smile disappeared completely.

Is it a human being to be able to achieve this level?

No, this has to be a fantasy existence, right? !

"I don't believe that there can be such an expert in Arad!" Helder shook his head and said, "Even if Kahn or Death was once, healing can't be done to this degree!"

"You must be lying to me!"

Michelle snorted with disdain, "I lied to you? Haha, that's the truth, whether you believe it or not, this is a well-known thing!"

Herder: "..."

She was silent and wanted to refute.

But if you really told Michelle, this is a well-known thing, then just ask other people to find out the result.

With Michelle's wisdom, he probably wouldn't say such a lie that can be broken with a single poke!

So the question is, in this kind of big boss's control, can I really be able to play with all sentient beings as I did a hundred thousand years ago?

Held found a voice of suspicion in his heart.

On the other side, the players who found the dialogue between the two ambassadors also surrounded them unconsciously!

Listening to Michelle's all sorts of rainbow farts just now, and hearing Herder's questioning, everyone laughed.

"Hahaha, beauty, I prove that Big Michelle is telling the truth!"

"Papa Qianye's mighty power can be described in one word, that is,'there is no one before, and there is no one afterwards'!"

"Yes, Dad Qianye is invincible, he can crush all enemies wherever he is!"

"Speaking of little beauty, you are so beautiful, why do you want to do bad things when you hear Michelle's meaning?"

"What? Do bad things? Then I don't agree, this is the site of Qianye's father, we have to maintain it!"

"It's true, even if you are a beautiful woman, we won't be merciful, so put away dangerous thoughts!~"

The players first, like Michelle, spared no effort to tout Jiao Yuan.

Then after thinking of why Michelle persuaded the little beauty in the long gown, she started talking righteously.

In the player's mindset, there is a formula-

Dungeon = Dad Qianye's site.

Protect the dungeon = get the favor of Qianye's father = find a chance to hold Qianye's father's thigh!

May I ask any player in the whole server who doesn't want to be the pendant on the legs of Qianye's father?

This kind of opportunity is hard to come by. Who can stand it if you find it?

So some impulsive players on the scene, even their brains, raised their weapons and prepared to attack Herder first!

But at this moment, a guy habitually throws out an investigative technique with Herder.

The result of the feedback made him cry out in shock!

"Oh, this little beauty is the second apostle, Weeping Eye Herder!"

When the voice fell, the atmosphere of the scene instantly solidified.

Those impulsive players who raised their weapons suddenly had a drop of cold sweat on their foreheads!

Who is Crying Eye Herd?

You don't know, after all, they are not like Jiao Yuan. They had played the stand-alone version of "Poisoned Milk Powder and Warrior" before entering "Original".

They don't understand the background legends of Arad, let alone why Herder is called the "Crying Eye" nickname!

But the four characters of "Second Apostle" let the players all understand again, where is the little beauty that they and others are facing, she is clearly the boss of the BOSS, the big devil!

"I, fucking, the second apostle!"

"Oh my god, the second apostle has appeared, go and ask Dad Qianye!"

"Oh oh oh oh, I was going to do something with the apostle just now, am I going to die?"

"Brother, ask for your own blessings. Don't you just lose some experience? We are not afraid!"

The so-called shadow of a person, the name of a tree!

As soon as the four prefixes of the Second Apostle appeared, everyone suddenly realized that this guy who looked like a little beauty was far beyond what ordinary players like themselves could deal with.

The players are in a mess!

Some contact friends to share information about Herder’s appearance,

Some find a way to tell the people of King's Landing World Association, so Jiao Yuan is invited to come over.

Some people were frightened, staggering back like a headless fly!

Hmm...Most of the people in the third category were just hot-headed, ready to attack Herder's silly.

In addition, in the panic, there are also a few people who are curious about what Herder will do!

So the question is, what will Herder do after listening to Michelle's praise and seeing the reactions of the surrounding players?

the answer is--

To be safe, withdraw first!

"Hmph, even if there are strong men guarding this continent, there is no such thing as ‘give up’ in my Herder’s life dictionary! I am determined to rebuild Terra Star!"

"What I said, it's useless when God comes!"

After Herder left two hard words, he was about to leave quietly.

So as not to be left behind by the "Papa Qianye" in the mouths of these people around him.

But while escaping, Herder was also a little puzzled, who is this Qianye?

Why are so many people calling him "Dad?"

Isn't this guy in addition to being super strong in combat, he is also pretty?

That's why there are so many children?


Herder fully understood the attractiveness of his face to men, so Jiao Yuan's fear deepened.

With a wave of the magic wand, he prepared to add a few buffs to himself, and left quickly!

But at this moment, Michelle behind her smiled.

"Herder, who do you think those people are?"


Herder subconsciously looked in the direction Michelle pointed, and saw that several figures of different sizes appeared on the horizon. After recognizing these figures, she suddenly took a breath, and her pupils violently Shrink!

"The Tenth Apostle, Tyrannosaurus King Bakar!"

"The Eighth Apostle Longfoot Rotes!"

"The Sixth Apostle, Black Plague Dirich!"

"The Fourth Apostle, Casillas the Iron Stained with Blood!"

"The third apostle, Tianjiao Isispree!"

"There is also a big dog who is not an apostle, but whose breath is not weaker than that of an apostle!"

Six creatures, of which five apostles were recognized by Herder at a glance!

And although it was the first time I saw the three-headed dog of hell, Xiao Hei, she also gave it enough attention.

At this moment, Herder's heart sank to the bottom!

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